75 research outputs found

    Towards quantum frequency combs: boosting the generation of highly nonclassical light states by cavity-enhanced parametric down-conversion at high repetition rates

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    We demonstrate the generation of multi-photon quantum states of light by cavity-enhanced parametric down-conversion in the high-repetition-rate pulsed regime. An external enhancement cavity resonant with the spectral comb of modes of a mode-locked pump laser provides a coherent build-up of the pump intensity and greatly enhances the parametric gain without sacrificing its high repetition rate and comb structure. We probe the parametric gain enhancement by the conditional generation and tomographic analysis of two-photon Fock states. Besides its potential impact to efficiently generate highly-nonclassical or entangled multi-photon states in many existing experimental setups, this scheme opens new and exciting perspectives towards the combination of quantum and comb technologies for enhanced measurements and advanced quantum computation protocols.Comment: 5 pages 3 figures; updated with major additions, added references, and changed title. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Zero-area photons: a brief but intense interaction between light and matter

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    Facendoli interagire con gli atomi di un gas è possibile modificare profondamente la forma temporale di singoli fotoni e questo potrebbe presto consentire di utilizzarli per trasmettere e memorizzare informazioni in modo molto più sicuro ed efficiente.The temporal shape of single photons can be profoundly altered by making them interact with the atoms of a gas. This could very soon make it possible to use them to transmit and store information in a much more secure and efficient way

    Generating Discorrelated States for Quantum Information Protocols by Coherent Multimode Photon Addition

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    AbstractIt is demonstrated that the recently developed technique of delocalized single photon addition may generate discorrelation, a new joint statistical property of multimode quantum light states, whereby the number of photons in each mode can take any value individually, but two modes together never exhibit the same. By coherently adding a single photon to two identical coherent states of light in different temporal modes, the first experimental observation of discorrelation is provided. The capability of manipulating this statistical property has applications in scenarios involving the secure distribution of information among untrusted parties, like in the so‐called "mental poker" games

    Quantum Key Distribution With an Integrated Photonic Receiver

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    Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) are key in advancing quantum technologies for secure communications. They offer inherent stability, low losses and compactness compared to standard fiber-based and free-space systems. Our reasearch demonstrates PIC's effectivness in enhancing quantum communications, implementing a three-state BB84 protocol with decoy-state method. We employ an integrated receiver and superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPDs) to achieve technological advancements. One of the most notable results is the extraction of a secret key over a record-breaking 45 dB channel attenuation. Our results demonstrate a remarkable 220% boost in key rate compared to our prototype fiber-based receiver over a 10 dB channel attenuation. This improvement in the secret key rate (SKR) signifies the potential of integrated photonics to advance the field of quantum communication

    Entangling quantum and classical states of light

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    Entanglement between quantum and classical objects is of special interest in the context of fundamental studies of quantum mechanics and potential applications to quantum information processing. In quantum optics, single photons are treated as light quanta while coherent states are considered the most classical among all pure states. Recently, entanglement between a single photon and a coherent state in a free-traveling field was identified to be a useful resource for optical quantum information processing. However, it was pointed out to be extremely difficult to generate such states since it requires a clean cross-Kerr nonlinear interaction. Here, we devise and experimentally demonstrate a scheme to generate such hybrid entanglement by implementing a coherent superposition of two distinct quantum operations. The generated states clearly show entanglement between the two different types of states. Our work opens a way to generate hybrid entanglement of a larger size and to develop efficient quantum information processing using such a new type of qubits.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure