6 research outputs found

    Oceny ryzyka oraz działania zmierzające do obniżania ryzyka w środowisku zagrożonym wybuchem

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    This article deals with assessment and risk reduction measures in explosive atmospheres, respectively of natural gas filling station CNG for cars, lorries and buses. The filling station was monitored for two years and FMEA have been applied to define and evaluate deficiencies, suggest corrective measures to reduce the number of failures in the system. Application of the method FMEA helped by identifying and minimizing the likelihood of failures in the system, which is of great importance from the viewpoint of preventing the occurrence of adverse events.Artykuł zajmuje się oceną ryzyka i środków redukcji w przestrzeniach zagrożonych wybuchem, dla gazu ziemnego CNG na stacjach przy napełnianiu samochodów osobowych, ciężarówek i autobusów.Stacja paliw była monitorowana przez dwa lata gdzie zastosowano metodę FMEA do zdefiniowania i oceny braków, sugerując środki zaradcze w celu zmniejszenia liczby awarii w systemie. Zastosowanie metody FMEA pomaga poprzez identyfikację i minimalizację prawdopodobieństwa wystąpienia awarii w systemie, co ma ogromne znaczenie z punktu widzenia zapobiegania występowaniu działań niepożądanych

    Pulmonary Vein, Dorsal Atrial Wall and Atrial Septum Abnormalities in Podoplanin Knockout Mice With Disturbed Posterior Heart Field Contribution

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    The developing sinus venosus myocardium, derived from the posterior heart field, contributes to the atrial septum, the posterior atrial wall, the sino-atrial node, and myocardium lining the pulmonary and cardinal veins, all expressing podoplanin, a coelomic and myocardial marker. . We compared development and differentiation of the myocardium and vascular Wall of the pulmonary veins (PV), left atrial dorsal wall, and atrial septum in wild type with podoplanin knockout mouse embryos (E10.5-E18.5) by 3D reconstruction and immunohistochemistry. Expression of Nkx2.5 in the pulmonary venous myocardium changes from mosaic to positive during development pointing Out a high proliferative rate compared with Nkx2.5 negative myocardium of the sino-atrial node and cardinal veins. In Mutants, myocardium of the PVs, dorsal atrial wall and atrial septum was hypoplastic. The atrial septum and right-sided wall of the PV almost lacked interposed mesenchyme. Extension of smooth muscle cells into the left atrial body was diminished. We conclude that myocardium of the PVs, dorsal atrial wall, and atrial septum, as well as the smooth Muscle cells, are derived from the posterior heart field regulated by podoplanin. (Pediatr Res 65: 27-32, 2009