11 research outputs found

    Aplication of IDW and RBF methods to develop models of temperature distribution within a spoil tip located in Wojkowice, Poland

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    This article describes two methods of showing the distribution of temperature on the surface and inside a spoil tip (coal mine waste dump) located in Wojkowice (in the Silesian Voivodeship). Two deterministic estimation methods were tested, i.e., Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) and Radial Basis Functions (RBF). According to isotherm maps the highest temperature on the surface of the "Wojkowice" spoil tip was in the NE area, while inside the heap the highest temperature noted was in the SW area. Better results were obtained from the application of the RBF method. A three-dimensional model (3D model) was generated by the method, which visualized the temperature distribution within the "Wojkowice" spoil tip. According to the 3D model of the temperature distribution the greatest heat centre inside the heap in Wojkowice was located in the SW part with a temperature of around 300°C. As a result, it can be concluded that the material of the "Wojkowice" spoil tip is burning out in a NW direction. On the basis of the model obtained it is possible to determine the location of potentially dangerous places which are exposed to possible deformations caused by the material burning under the surface. The results of the research presented make it possible to assess the thermal state of the spoil heap located in Wojkowice, Poland

    Progress in the Reconstruction of Terrain Relief Before Extraction of Rock Materials—The Case of Liban Quarry, Poland

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    Open pit mining leads to irreversible changes in topographical relief, which makes a return to the original morphology virtually impossible. This is important for quarries that were part of former mining areas. This research presents an innovative approach to the reconstruction of the relief of anthropogenically transformed land on the example of Liban Quarry in Cracow, where operations began before 1873 to 1986. The basis for the reconstructed area was a Topographic Map of Poland with a scale 1:10,000 from 1997, from which a set of data was obtained to perform spatial analyses. The estimation was conducted using the ordinary kriging method, enabling a reconstruction of the morphology of the studied area and presenting it in the form of a hypsometric map and a digital elevation model. The correctness of the modelling was verified by cross-validation and a kriging standard deviation map (SDOK). These revealed low values of estimation errors in the places without contour lines on the base map. The comparison of the obtained maps and model with a Tactical Map of Poland with a scale 1:100,000 from 1934 indicated great similarities. The highest interpolation error value was recorded in the part of the pit where the di erence between the actual and reconstructed elevation was about 30mon average. In the exploited part, the SDOK did not exceed 0.52 m, and in the entire studied area, it reached a maximum of 0.56 m. The proposed approach fulfilled the assumptions of reconstruction, as the analysis revealed elements matching the historic relief in both forms of presentation of the topography of the quarry, on the obtained hypsometric map and on the tactical map. Our study is among the very few in the world concerning the application of geostatistics in the restoration of the relief of land transformed by open pit mining activities

    The IDW usage for visualization of temperature distribution inside a mine waste dump located in Wojkowice

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    tekst w j. pol. i ang.Celem niniejszego opracowania jest określenie miejsc najgorętszych wewnątrz zwałowiska aktywnego termicznie zlokalizowanego w granicach miasta Wojkowice, przy użyciu jednej z efektywnych metod interpolacji deterministycznej – IDW (Inverse Distance Weighting), czyli metody odwrotnych odległości

    The validity of cross-validation usage in generating digital relief model of an anthropogenically transformed area

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    Digital relief models deliver a valuable information about the morphology of a particular area. They are useful in structural geomorphology analysis. However, their correct generation requires knowledge of geostatistic methods, including cross-validation. This article presents the importance of cross-validation, using the example of the Grodziec area (Silesian Upland, southern Poland). The choice of the test area was determined by its geomorphology – high altitude differences (140 meters maximum) and the co-occurence of landforms of different rank, genesis and size. This area includes some towering hills – monadnocks, which are Middle-Triassic cuesta remainders. These forms clearly dominate in the surrounding area incised by river valleys. Besides the large forms sculptured by erosion and denudation processes, there are also anthropogenic landforms – stone pits – of much smaller size. We asked the question whether and to what extent they will be “visible” on digital relief models depending on the variogram model setup. Two digital relief models were generated (one with a deliberately incorrect and one with the correct variogram setup) and verified using the cross-validation method. The results of this experiment show that correct digital model carries only slight overestimation of mean squared standardized error while the incorrect model shows substantial underestimation of sampling points values. The correct model is more vivid – it clearly shows most of the relief details while the DTM (digital terrain model) generated by the incorrect setup is misrepresented and blurred. This indicates that conclusions based on incorrect relief models may be subject to high errors

    Ecogeomorphological Transformations of Aeolian Form - The Case of a Parabolic Dune, Poland

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    The range of natural environmental degradation caused by anthropogenic activity may include geomorphological forms such as dunes resulting from the build-up activity of the wind. In effect, such environmental transformation affects changes connected not only with their relief, but also with the presence and health of diverse plant and animal inhabitants. The subject of the survey was a parabolic dune with asymmetric shape, the sand of which was subjected to exploitation over many years. Terrain data acquired by means of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) served to elaborate the present relief of the surveyed dune and to reconstruct its primary relief. These were mainly places where the impacts of human activities were recorded. For this purpose, ordinary kriging (OK) estimation was performed. Simultaneously, satellite data and UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) imaging were acquired, and subjected to image fusion in order to acquire near infrared bands (NIR), red, green, blue in high spatial resolution. These in turn were applied so as to estimate the condition of the vegetation overplanting the dune and surrounding terrain. The correctness of the modelling was verified by cross-validation (CV), which disclosed low error values. Such values in present and primary relief were, respectively, mean error (ME) at 0.009 and 0.014, root mean square error (RMSE) at 0.564 and 0.304 and root mean square standardised error (RMSSE) at 0.999 and 1.077. Image fusion, with use of pansharpening allowed a colour-infrared composition (CIR) and a Modified Chlorophyll Absorption in Reflectance Index 1 (MCARI1) to be obtained. Their analysis disclosed that vegetation on the dune is characterised by worse health condition as compared with the surrounding area thereof. The proposed approach enabled the environmental condition of the surveyed dune to be analysed, and thereby it allows for a determination of the consequences of further uncontrolled sand recovery without taking into account the historical cartographic materials customarily considered to be the main source of information

    Environmental Transformation and the Current State of Hydrogeological Condition in the Wojkowice Area-Southern Poland

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    Based on the analysis and interpretation of maps, remote sensing data published in the literature, and environmental reconnaissance, this article discusses environmental transformations in the Wojkowice area in southern Poland (up to the year 2020). A comprehensive analysis was carried out concerning spatial development, mining activity, hydrogeological conditions and the biotic environment. The current state of the hydrogeological conditions was also characterized. Mining activity in the vicinity of the studied town caused significant changes in its relief, which contributed to its area dropping by about 5 m. In fact, these terrain forms are overgrown by various forms of vegetation that colonized these areas both naturally and as a result of forest reclamation. The contemporary vegetation of Wojkowice differs from the potential natural vegetation, which is an indicator of the complete anthropogenization of the natural environment. Over 100 years of industrial activity in Wojkowice has also contributed to a strong transformation of the groundwater. There has been a quantitative depletion of usable groundwater in the Triassic and Carboniferous formations. With inflows to the ore mines of up to 17 m3/min, the groundwater table has dropped by more than 60 m. The aquifer of Muschelkalk has been practically drained. At present, wells extract the waters from the Röth aquifer. There has been a major transformation of groundwater chemistry. The waters of the Triassic carbonate complex are anthropogenically transformated and are characterized by increased mineralization, multi-ionic types and usually with a quality class III and IV, and, therefore, they require some treatment

    The post-mining landscape of the Liban quarry in Cracow

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    The paper concerns the Liban quarry in Cracow, which is located in the Podgórze district of Cracow. It shows the outline of the geological structure and history of quarrying, while the current topography and dominant elements of the relief of this object are discussed in more detail. Anthropogenic changes in the natural environment of the quarry have revealed its geodiversity and enhanced its biodiversity. It contains vertical rocky walls, debris cones, waste-heaps, a vast undulated surface of the quarry bottom, as well as diverse flora and fauna. Within the borders of the Liban quarry, the remains of industrial buildings and the staging for the film entitled "Schindler's List” have survived. Despite the fact that the extraction has already finished a long time ago, the quarry has not been systematically reclaimed or developed

    Changes in the topography of Krakow city centre, Poland, during the last millennium

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    The aim of the paper is to reconstruct differences between the paleotopography and contemporary topography of the historic centre of Krakow city, Poland, during the last millennium. The paleotopography was reconstructed using published contour-line maps based on archaeological and geoengineering investigations and showing the roof of in situ fossil soil. The preliminary contour-line map represented a digital elevation model (DEM) base map. A DEM from aerial laser scanning (ALS DEM) shows the contemporary topography of Krakow city centre. The application of selected morphometric indices makes it possible to quantitatively describe changes in the spatial dimension with regard to altitude, relative heights, slope, and aspect classes. The analysis of the changes in the values of the elements of topography studied shows that, at the scale of the whole study area, a trend to flattening occurs, however this trend is locally balanced or overridden by an increase of surface unevenness

    Technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne a kształcenie geograficzne... w zreformowanej szkole

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    The subject of this article is information and communication technologies (ICT) in geographic education according to the new core curriculum from 2017 (Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej …, 2017). For the purposes of analysis of the possibilities of using ICT in the school, five models have been developed regarding the inclusion of ICT in the teaching program. From the simplest models, which involve searching for didactic materials for online geography lessons on the Internet by the teacher, to the most advanced ones – related to the presence of ICT throughout education process. Each subsequent model is characterized by a greater involvement of teachers and students in the use of ICT in school practice. The analysis of the new core curriculum for geography shows that in both primary and post-primary school, selected content should be implemented using information and communication technologies. The examples of free ICT tools presented in the study (“Worldometers”, “Geographic Games, Play and Explore the World”, “Kineticcity”, “Ventusky”, “LearningApps” and “Scholaris”) are an excellent teaching aids. They help the student to better understand different, sometimes complex geographic issues.Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu są technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne (TIK) w kształceniu geograficznym według nowej podstawy programowej z 2017 roku (Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej…, 2017). Na potrzeby analizy możliwości wykorzystania technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych w szkole, opracowano pięć modeli dotyczących włączania TIK do praktyki szkolnej. Od najprostszych modeli, które polegają na wyszukiwaniu materiałów dydaktycznych na lekcje geografii w Internecie przez nauczyciela, po najbardziej zaawansowane – związane z obecnością TIK podczas całego procesu kształcenia. Każdy kolejny model charakteryzuje się coraz większym zaangażowaniem nauczycieli i uczniów w wykorzystywaniu TIK w praktyce szkolnej. Z analizy nowej podstawy programowej do geografii wynika, że zarówno w szkole podstawowej, jak i ponadpodstawowej wybrane treści powinny być realizowane z wykorzystaniem technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych. Przedstawione w opracowaniu przykłady darmowych narzędzi TIK („Worldometers”, „Gry geograficzne. Graj i poznawaj świat”, „Kineticcity”, „Ventusky”, „LearningApps” oraz „Scholaris”) stanowią doskonałe środki dydaktyczne. Ułatwiają uczniowi lepiej zrozumieć różne, czasami złożone zagadnienia geograficzne

    The Influence of Cell Source and Donor Age on the Tenogenic Potential and Chemokine Secretion of Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells

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    Background. Cellular therapy is proposed for tendinopathy treatment. Bone marrow- (BM-MSC) and adipose tissue- (ASC) derived mesenchymal stromal cells are candidate populations for such a therapy. The first aim of the study was to compare human BM-MSCs and ASCs for their basal expression of factors associated with tenogenesis as well as chemotaxis. The additional aim was to evaluate if the donor age influences these features. Methods. Cells were isolated from 24 human donors, 8 for each group: hASC, hBM-MSC Y (age≤45), and hBM-MSC A (age>45). The microarray analysis was performed on RNA isolated from hASC and hBM-MSC A cells. Based on microarray results, 8 factors were chosen for further evaluation. Two genes were additionally included in the analysis: SCLERAXIS and PPARγ. All these 10 factors were tested for gene expression by the qRT-PCR method, and all except of RUNX2 were additionally evaluated for protein expression or secretion. Results. Microarray analysis showed over 1,400 genes with a significantly different expression between hASC and hBM-MSC groups. Eight of these genes were selected for further analysis: CXCL6, CXCL12, CXCL16, TGF-β2, SMAD3, COLLAGEN 14A1, MOHAWK, and RUNX2. In the subsequent qRT-PCR analysis, hBM-MSCs showed a significantly higher expression than did hASCs in following genes: CXCL12, CXCL16, TGF-β2, SMAD3, COLLAGEN 14A1, and SCLERAXIS (p<0.05, regardless of BM donor age). In the case of CXCL12, the difference between hASC and hBM-MSC was significant only for younger BM donors, whereas for COLLAGEN 14A1—only for elder BM donors. PPARγ displayed a higher expression in hASCs compared to hBM-MSCs. In regard to CXCL6, MOHAWK, and RUNX2 gene expression, no statistically significant differences between groups were observed. Conclusions. In the context of cell-based therapy for tendinopathies, bone marrow appears to be a more attractive source of MSCs than does adipose tissue. The age of cell donors seems to be less important than cell source, although cells from elder donors show slightly higher basal tenogenic potential than do cells from younger donors