4 research outputs found

    Context-Dependent Information Elements in the Car: Explorative Analysis of Static and Dynamic Head-Up-Displays

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    Head-up-displays (HUDs) illustrate a particular static number of information elements in the driver’s primary field of view. Since the display can obscure the reality, a dynamic HUD presents context-dependent information elements. To become familiar with a user-optimal number of information elements and its essential information elements, we conducted a user study with n = 183 participants. We focused the context on an urban, a rural and a highway trip. Afterwards, a within-subject experiment using a high-fidelity driving simulator (n = 27) reveals the following: Dynamic HUDs significantly lower the average over speeding by 3.45 km/h compared to static HUDs. This speed above the speed limit equals 15.33% of the average speed in urban areas. Steering angle and speed can capture the context. Practitioners can use these findings to decrease the number of information elements in HUDs, thereby possibly increasing traffic safety

    Towards Digital Twins of Multimodal Supply Chains

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    Both modern multi- and intermodal supply chains pose a significant challenge to control and maintain while offering numerous optimization potential. Digital Twins have been proposed to improve supply chains. However, as of today, they are only used for certain parts of the entire supply chain. This paper presents an initial framework for a holistic Digital Supply Chain Twin (DSCT) capable of including an entire multimodal supply chain. Such a DSCT promises to enable several improvements all across the supply chain while also be capable of simulating and evaluate several different scenarios for the supply chain. Therefore, the DSCT will not only be able to optimize multi- and intermodal supply chains but also makes them potentially more robust by identifying possible issues early on. This paper discusses the major requirements that such a DSCT must fulfil to be useful and how several information technologies that matured in recent years or are about the mature are the key enablers to fulfil these requirements. Finally, a suggested high-level architecture for such a DSCT is presented as a first step towards the realization of a DSCT, as presented in this wor

    HBOC-301 in Porcine Kidney Normothermic Machine Perfusion and the Effect of Vitamin C on Methemoglobin Formation

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    Normothermic machine perfusion (NMP) of kidneys in combination with an optimized perfusate composition may increase donor organ preservation quality, especially in the case of marginal donor grafts. Optimization of currently employed perfusates is still a subject of present research. Due to the advantages of being cell-free, easy to store, and having minimal antigenicity, hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers, such as HBOC-301 (Oxyglobin®, Hemoglobin Oxygen Therapeutics LLC, Souderton, PA, USA), offer an alternative to the commonly used perfusates based on packed red blood cells (pRBC). As previously described, using HBOC results in formation of methemoglobin (metHb) as an adverse effect, inducing hypoxic conditions during the perfusion. As a potential counterpart to metHb formation, the application of the antioxidant ascorbic acid (VitC) is of high interest. Therefore, this study was conducted in four experimental groups, to compare the effect of NMP with (1) HBOC or (3) pRBC, and additionally examine a beneficial effect of VitC in both groups (2) HBOC + VitC and (4) pRBC + VitC. All groups were subjected to NMP for 6 h at a pressure of 75 mmHg. Kidneys in the HBOC groups had a significantly lower renal blood flow and increasing intrarenal resistance, with reduced renal function in comparison to the pRBC groups, as demonstrated by significantly lower creatinine clearance and higher fractional sodium excretion rates. Clinical chemistry markers for tissue damage (LDH, lactate) were higher in the HBOC groups, whereas no significant histological differences were observed. Although the application of VitC decreased oxidative stress levels, it was not able to significantly increase the outcome parameters mentioned above in either group. This study demonstrated that HBOC-301 is inferior to pRBCs in our porcine kidney NMP model, independent of additional VitC administration. Oxidative stress and fragmentation of the hemoglobin polymers could be detected as a possible reason for these results, hence further research, focusing on the use of cell-free oxygen carriers that do not exhibit this complex of issues, is required

    Curriculare Lehre neu gestalten: Chancen und Hindernisse : Empfehlung des Runden Tisches Ingenieurwissenschaften des Projekts nexus der HRK

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    Für wirksame Innovationen in der Lehre bietet sich eine Reihe von methodisch-didaktischen Szenarien an. In dieser Publikation werden Leitgedanken formuliert, die vielen dieser Methoden zugrunde liegen und sich für deren gezielte Auswahl heranziehen lassen. Die Veränderung und Weiterentwicklung der Lehre ist eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe, deren Erfolg durch vielfältige potenzielle Hindernisse erschwert wird. In der Publikation werden die gravierendsten Hemmnisse benannt. Ergänzend dazu befinden sich im Anhang Beispiele wirksamer curricularer Maßnahmen.Bundesministerium für Bildung und ForschungNonPeerReviewe