1,103 research outputs found

    Solar Energy Resource Potential in Alaska

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    Solar energy applications are receiving attention in Alaska as in much of the rest of the country. Solar energy possibilities for Alaska include domestic water heating, hot-water or hot-air collection for space heating, and the use of passive solar heating in residential or commercial buildings. As a first analysis, this study concentrated on applying solar energy to domestic hot-water heating needs (not space heating) in Alaska, and an analysis of solar hot-water heating economics was performed using the F-CHART solar energy simulation computer program. Results indicate that solar energy cannot compete economically with oil-heated domestic hot water at any of the five study locations in Alaska, but that it may be economical in comparison with electrically heated hot water if solar collector systems can be purchased and installed for 20to20 to 25 per square foot.This work was made possible by a grant from the Solar Planning Office, West, 3333 Quebec, Denver, Colorado. It was performed as the Alaskan response to a western regional solar energy planning grant from the U. S. Department of Energy. The authors wish to acknowledge the support and cooperation of the Alaska State Department of Commerce, Division of Energy and Power Development, through whose efforts the grant was made available, especially Clarissa Quinlan, Grant Peterson, and Don Markle

    The GlueX Experiment: Recent Results and Future Plans

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    The GlueX experiment, located in experimental Hall D of Jefferson Lab, seeks to map the spectrum of light mesons in search of exotic hybrid mesons, a predicted class of hadronic states with explicit gluonic degrees of freedom. GlueX is a photoproduction experiment utilizing a linearly polarized photon beam at Eγ=E_\gamma= 8-9 GeV and a large acceptance spectrometer. The experiment has already collected orders of magnitude more data than previous experiments at similar energies. We show results on asymmetry measurements in the production of pseudoscalars mesons, which refine our understanding of production mechanisms in photoproduction at our energies. We also present results on J/ψJ/\psi photoproduction, which provides model constraints on heavy quark photoproduction and the ability to search for s-channel production of pentaquark candidate Pc+P_c^+ states

    Improving the Leadership of P-12 Administrative Teams

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    Traditional individualistic approaches to leadership and learning have failed to create the systems change and continual improvement school districts need. As a result, school districts have increasingly turned to use administrative teams to solve complex systems issues. Unfortunately, many of these groups fail to become a real team. Facilitating a groups transformation into a team that effectively engages learning is not easy. The primary goal of this case study is to assist team leaders in improving their leadership of P-12 administrative teams, primarily by gaining the perspectives of team members. These perspectives have been gathered from ten exceptional P-12 administrative team members (five district directors and five principals). This qualitative case study uses their interviews and follow-up focus groups to delve deeper into their initial insights and perspectives on the guiding research question: What are the insights and suggestions of a team of P-12 principals and district directors that could benefit team leaders who are creating teams to collaborate and learn together? The significant findings and implications outline what leaders should do to increase the likelihood of a group becoming a high performing team, and what may hinder leaders from transforming a group into a team. The most critical finding: The leader makes or breaks the team. Fortunately, leaders can learn to be effective, transformational team leaders

    Circular 64

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    Treatment of Alaska-produced food products by ionizing radiation may benefit the seafood and agricultural industries and the Alaskan consumer. A feasibility study to evaluate the potential social and economic benefits and risks as well as the costs of using the process in Alaska on Alaskan products is being coordinated by the Institute of Northern Engineering. A research and development project to determine effects on the quality o f Alaskan products could be the next phase in the introduction o f a new food-preservation technique to Alaska

    A Thermal Performance Design Optimization Study for Small Alaskan Rural Schools

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    1.0 Summary - 1 2.0 Introduction - 3 2.1 Purpose - 5 2.2 Scope - 5 3.0 A Discussion of Thermal Standards - 7 3.1 Recent Federal Government Studies - 8 3.1.1 The ASHRAE Standard - 8 3.1.2 The United States Department of Energy Standard - 11 3.2 Requirements for Standards in Alaska - 18 4.0 Life Cycle Cost Evaluation Technique - 20 4.1 Purpose - 21 4.2 Prototype Building - 26 4.3 Envelope Design Alternatives - 33 4.4 Mechanical System Design Alternatives - 34 4.4.1 Existing Practice - 34 4.4.2 Modeling of Mechanical Systems - 42 4.4.3 Maintenance and Operations Considerations - 55 4.4.4 Cogeneration Concepts - 57 4.5 Electrical System Design Alternatives - 59 4.6 Cost Estimating - 63 4.6.1 Construction Costs for Thermal Envelopes - 63 4.6.2 Construction Costs for Mechanical and Electrical Systems - 64 4.6.3 Analysis of Maintenance Costs - 69 4.7 Statewide Climate and Costs Regions - 71 4.8 Thermal Modeling Techniques - 77 4.8.1 Fuel Inputs - 78 4.8.2 Domestic Hot Water Heating Energy - 78 4.8.3 Internal and Passive Solar Heat Gain - 81 4.8.4 Building Ventilation Scheduling- 83 4.8.5 Model Output - 83 4.8.6 Model Validation - 83 4.9 Methods of Economic Analysis - 84 4.9.1 Analysis of First Costs and Renovation Costs - 86 4.9.2 Analysis of Maintenance and Operations Costs - 86 4.9.3 Analysis of Annual Energy Consumption - 89 4.10 LCC Computer Model T-Load - 89 4.10.1 Program Description - 89 4.10.2 Data Set Organization - 91 4.10.3 Building Cases Considered - 93 4.10.4 Program Output - 94 5.0 Analysis - 97 5.1 Description of Life Cycle Cost Model Results - 98 5.2 Analysis of Results - 102 5.2.1 Design Concepts - 106 5.2.2 Exterior Envelope - 106 5.2.3 Interior Energy Systems -107 5.3 Sensitivity Analysis - 108 6.0 Conclusions - 112 6.1 Optimum Design Concepts -113 6.2 Sensitivity of Results - 114 6.3 Interior Energy Systems - 115 6.4 Applicability of Results - 115 6.5 Summary - 116 7.0 References - 118 8.0 Appendices Appendix A: T-Load Computer Program Output - A-1 T-Load NES-002 - A-2 T-Load NEE-002 - A-10 T-Load NED-002 - A-18 T-Load HES-002 A-26 T-Load HEE-002 - A-34 T-Load HED-002 - A-42 T-Load NHS-004 - A-50 T-Load NHE-004 - A-60 T-Load NHD-004 - A-70 T-Load HHS-004 - A-80 T-Load HHE-004 - A-90 T-Load HHD-004 - A-100 Appendix B: Total Life Cycle Cost Minimum Plots - B-

    A Thermal Performance Design Optimization Study for Small Alaskan Rural Schools

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    1.0 Summary - 1 2.0 Introduction - 2 2.1 Purpose - 3 2.2 Scope - 4 3.0 A Discussion of Thermal Standards - 5 3.1 Recent Federal Government Studies - 5 3.2 Requirements for Standards in Alaska - 15 4.0 Life Cycle Cost Evaluation Technique - 17 4.1 - Prototype Building - 20 4.2 Envelope Design Alternatives - 27 4.3 Mechanical System Design Alternatives - 32 4.4 Electrical System Design Alternatives - 46 4.5 Cost Estimating - 49 4.5.1 Construction Costs for Thermal Envelopes - 49 4.5.2 Construction Costs for Mechanical and Electrical Systems - 52 4.5.3 Analysis of Maintenance Costs - 57 4.6 Statewide Climate and Costs Regions - 59 4.7 Thermal Modeling Techniques - 62 4.8 Methods of Economic Analysis - 66 4.8.1 Analysis of First Costs and Renovation Costs - 68 4.8.2 - Analysis of Maintenance and Operations Costs - 70 4.8.3 Analysis of Annual Energy Consumption - 72 4.9 LCC Computer Model "MAIN" - 74 5.0 Analysis of Results - 77 5.1 Description of Life Cycle Cost Model Results - 77 5.2 Selection of Least Life Cycle Cost Design Alternatives - 112 6.0 Conclusions and Recommendations - 117 6.1 Conclusions - 117 6.2 Recommendations - 119 7.0 References - 120 8.0 Appendices Appendix 1: Electrical Systems Design Appendix 2: Climate Data Appendix 3: Listing of Analysis Program Appendix 4: Listing of Program Variables Appendix 5: Energy Use Summary Appendix 6: Life Cycle Cost Summar
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