6 research outputs found

    A recent contribution to the black scavenger flies (Diptera: Sepsidae) in Iran

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    Abstract. In order to study the family Sepsidae in Iran, a survey was conducted in East Azerbaijan province during [2009][2010][2011][2012]. Two genera and six species of the family are recognized. Three species, Nemopoda nitidula (Fallén, 1820), Sepsis biflexuosa Strobl, 1893, S. punctum (Fabricius 1794) are recorded for the first time from Iran. An identification key to the Iranian sepsids is prepared as well the localities and photos of identified species in this study are given

    Tephritis sahandi Mohamadzade, Korneyev & Khaghaninia, new species

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    Tephritis sahandi Mohamadzade, Korneyev & Khaghaninia new species (Figs. 1 –2, 4– 17) Type material. Holotype. Ƥ, Iran: East Azerbaijan Province, Sahand ski resort, 30 km of Tabriz, 37 ° 45.850 ' N 46 ° 30.754 ' E, 2900 m; swept from Cirsium (?) sp., 30.viii. 2010 (S. Mohamadzade) (JAZM). Paratypes. 1 3, 2 Ƥ, Iran: East Azerbaijan Province, Kendovan valley [located on the mountainside of Sultan Mount (one of the Sahand’s summits)], 34.4 km to Tabriz, 37 ° 46 ' N 46 ° 15 ' E, 2341 m, swept from Galactites sp., 27.v. 2010 and 5.vii. 2010, (S. Khaghaninia) (IMUT). 8 33, 10 Ƥ, Iran: East Azerbaijan Province, Kendovan valley, 37 ° 46.370 ' N 46 ° 16.323 ' E, 2401 m, and 37 ° 46.371 ' N 46 ° 16.325 ' E, 2338 m, reared ex flower heads of Achillea clypeolata, collected 15.vii. 2011, exit 23–27.vii. 2011, (S. Khaghaninia) (IMUT; SIZK); 1 Ƥ, Iran: Mazandaran Province, Rineh, southern mountainside of Damavand, 35 ° 52.168 ' N 52 °06.329' E, 2500 m, 3.vi. 2011 (S. Mohamadzade); 1 3, same collection data as in the holotype, 25.vii. 2011 (S. Mohamadzade) (SMN personal collection). Etymology. Nameđ after Sahanđ (دنھ Řł) mÎżuntain massive lÎżcateđ in sÎżuth Îżf East AzerbaiĎłan (نا جيابرذآ یقر Ř´) in nÎżrthwestern Iran 3 O km sÎżuthwest Îżf Τabriz• It is the highest anđ largest chain mÎżuntains in AzerbaiĎłan Province of Iran, in addition to being an important dormant volcano in the country. It has several summits, of which the highest one is Kamal 3,707 m high. Diagnosis. This species is similar to T. volkovitshi (Richter) from northern Tadjikistan, sharing with it the small size (wing shorter than 4 mm), crossvein r-m situated conspicuously distally of the apex of the vein R 1 and closer to the crossvein dm-cu, and a banded wing pattern with an oblique dark crossband from pterostigma through r-m and dm-cu. It can be readily differentiated from T. volkovitshi by the abdominal tergites shining or subshining black (grey microtrichose in T. volkovitshi), with the setulae on tergites 3–6 black (white setulose in T. volkovitshi) and the pattern in basal half of the wing with entirely brown base of the cell r 2 + 3 (with a hyaline spot in the cell r 2 + 3 at the level of subcostal vein apex in T. volkovitshi), costal cell entirely hyaline and the vein CuA 1 with longitudinal brown vitta along its basal half, but neither a subbasal crossband from anterior to posterior margin, nor short posterior crossband in the cell cua 1 (entire brown crossband from the apical half of the costal cell through radial fork and the veins bm-cu and CuA 2 to posterior margin of the anal lobe and a short posterior crossband from the middle of the vein CuA 1 to apex of the vein CuA 2 +A 1 in T. volkovitshi). Description. 3. Head. Mainly yellow. Ocellar spot, upper part of occiput and slender part of arista black, middle part of frons yellow, scape dark brown and first flagellomere of antenna yellow. Frons as wide as eye. Eye 1.2 as high as long. First flagellomere of antennae 1.5 times as long as wide. Gena 0.46 times as high as length of first flagellomere. Ocellar, medial vertical, anterior orbital, frontal and genal setae black; other setae, including posterior orbital and lateral vertical, white to yellowish white. Postocular and genal setulae yellowish and setulae on distal part of palpus and on pedicel black. Thorax: Ground colour black, sparsely silvery microtrichose; median part of postpronotum, narrow areas on dorsal part of anepisternum, dorsal half of greater ampulla and small adjacent sclerites and postscutellum yellow. Scutellum entirely black, silvery microtrichose and with several whitish setulae. Dorsocentral setae inserted on transverse suture. Most setae black and acuminate; posterior notopleural seta whitish and lanceolate; posterior anepisternal seta and anepimeral seta yellowish. Apical scutellar setae half as long as basals. Calypters white, with whitish fringe; upper one conspicuously lobate, almost as long as wide, lower one narrow. Halter yellow. Legs. Coxae black, with yellowish brown and white setae. Femora black except knees yellow, sparsely grey microtrichose and black setulose, but forefemur with row of white posterodorsal setae in both sexes and basal half of dorsal row in male with white setae. Fore- and midtibiae yellow, hindtibia with medial two-thirds (in male) or entirely (in female) black. Tarsi yellow. Wing. Pattern not reticulated, consisting of 3 transverse and 1 longitudinal dark brown bands. Base of wing and costal cell hyaline. Base of cell br, basal half of cell r 2 + 3 almost whole cell bm, apex of cell bcu and area along vein CuA 1 in basal halves of cells dm and cua with irregular brown spot, rarely narrowly fused with the remaining dark pattern (as on Fig. 2). Pterostigma (apical portion of subcostal cell) brown without hyaline spots. Oblique brown stigmal crossband crossing wing from pterostigma through r-m and dm-cu to posterior margin and joined with basal spot through basal portions of cells r 1 and r 2 + 3. Subapical band crossing wing from apex of cell r 1 to middle of posterior margin of cell m. Apical band crossing wing between middle of R 2 + 3 to R 4 + 5 distance to apical quarter of cell m, with proximal margin arcuate or almost straight; one male paratype with two spots on apices of R 4 + 5 and M veins separated by hyaline or pale gray area instead of entire band. In addition, cell r 1 with brown triangular indentation at the level of dm-cu as long as or shorter than cell width and proximal of subapical crossband, isolated or partly fused to it. Distance between crossveins r-m and dm-cu as long as r-m. Abdomen. Ground colour black, tergites 1–4 of male and female very sparsely greyish microtrichose, subshining, tergites 5 of male and 5–6 of female shining black. Abdominal tergites black setulose and setose, except syntergite 1 + 2 entirely white setulose in 3 and only tergite 1 white setulose in Ƥ. Sternites (Figs. 4, 9) black, setae and setulae brown and moderately wide. Male sternite 5 posteriorly incised. Female sternite 6 (Figs. 9-10) with anteromedial apodeme. Abdominal pleura matt black or grey. Genital segments. Male. Epandrium (Figs. 5–6) of oval shape common to other Tephritis species. Phallus without spines, glans (Fig. 7) moderately short, mostly membranous. Ejaculatory apodeme as on Fig. 8. Female. Oviscape shining black, entirely black setulose and setose, shorter than 2 last abdominal tergites. Eversible membrane with two pairs of taeniae 0.35–0.4 times as long as membrane itself; membrane with dentate scales, conspicuously larger on medioventral surface (Figs. 11–12). Aculeus moderately short, 0.7 mm long, 4.2 times as long as wide, with evenly acute apex bearing neither steps, nor lateral projections (Figs. 13–14). Two short, papillose spermathecae 2.2–2.3 times as long as wide (Fig. 15). Vagina with morula-like ventral receptacle (Fig. 16). Egg (Fig. 17) broadly oval. Measurements. Length of wing, 2.7 mm (3), 2.9 mm (Ƥ); cell c length 0.55 mm. Aculeus length 0.7 mm. Body length, 2.9 mm (3), 3.0 mm (Ƥ). Host plant. Larvae feed in flower heads of Achillea clypeolata Sibth. et Sm. (Fig. 18). Discussion. T. sahandi new species fits the diagnosis of Tephritis in the following items: frons with 2 frontal and 2 orbital setae (posterior seta white), proboscis capitate, posterior notopleural seta white, scutellum with 2 pairs of setae, phallus glans membranous, without sclerotized structures. It differs from most species by a banded type of wing pattern, which is uncommon in this genus, but not unique, occurring in Tephritis angulatofasciata, T. admissa and T. sinica, and also in some undescribed species of Tephritis with partly banded wing pattern recognized in collections (V. Korneyev, unpublished data). T. sahandi new species infests flower heads of Achillea, whereas the larvae of other band-winged Tephritis species feed in flower heads of Alfredia, Cirsium, Cousinia and other Cardueae asteraceous host plants (S. V. Korneyev & V. A. Korneyev, unpublished data). All these species of Tephritis differ from T. sahandi new species not only by details of wing pattern (middle of wing with straight crossbands), larger size (length of wing 4–7 mm), but also by conspicuously longer spermathecae 4–10 times as long as wide and apparently are not closely related to it. The only species that has similar wing pattern is Tephritis volkovitshi (V. Richter 1995) redescribed below.Published as part of Khaghaninia, Samad, Zarghani, Ebrahim, Namin, Saeed Mohamadzade & Korneyev, Valery A., 2011, A new species of Te ph rit is Latreille (Diptera: Tephritidae) with an unusual wing pattern from Iran and its taxonomic implications, pp. 54-62 in Zootaxa 3047 on pages 56-60, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.20198

    Tephritis Latreille

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    <i>Tephritis</i> Latreille <p> <i>Tephritis</i> Latreille 1804 (type species <i>Musca arnicae</i> Linnaeus 1758 by subsequent designation of Cresson 1914) <i>Acrorellia</i> Wang 1990 (type species <i>Acrorellia sinica</i> Wang 1990, by original designation). Synonymized by Merz & Freidberg 1994.</p> <p> <i>Pangasella</i> Richter 1995 (type species <i>Pangasella volkovitshi</i> Richter 1995, by original designation). <b>New synonymy</b>.</p> <p> The genus <i>Tephritis</i> belongs to the so-called <i>Tephritis</i> group of genera along with <i>Acanthiophilus</i> Rondani, <i>Trupanea</i> Scrank, and many other genera distributed mainly in the Palaearctic and Afrotropical Regions, with some genera occurring also in other zoogeographic regions (Merz 2000). It can be recognized from a reticulate wing pattern with the hyaline spots on brown or grey background, with 2–3 large hyaline spots in the cell r1 and a large apical hyaline spot at apex of the cell r4+5 separating a pair of dark rays bifurcating towards apices of the veins R4+5 and M (see Merz 1994: Figs. 51–53, Merz 2000: Fig. 24.7A, and Korneyev & Ovchinnikova 2004: Figs. 304–306); additional characters important for recognition of this genus from other Tephritini genera, are usually white posterior notopleural seta (black in the type species of the genus, <i>T. arnicae</i> (Linnaeus 1758) and a few other species), capitate proboscis, 2 frontal setae, 4 scutellar setae, a poorly sclerotized or entirely membranous glans of the phallus (without tubular structures of acrophallus of spinulose internal structures), and two moderately or strongly elongate spermathecae turned at 25–35º angle to their non-scerotized ducts and with their apices directed posteriorly.</p> <p> A few species of <i>Tephritis</i> are already known to have the wing pattern without apical fork and with tendency to fusion of hyaline and dark elements forming more or less conspicuous crossbands, e.g., <i>T. angulatofasciata</i> Portschinsky 1892, <i>T. admissa</i> Hering 1961 and <i>T. sinica</i> (Wang 1990), see Wang (1998). The latter species was described in the genus <i>Acrorellia</i> Wang, 1990, which has been later synonymized with <i>Tephritis</i> by Merz & Freidberg (1994).</p>Published as part of <i>Khaghaninia, Samad, Zarghani, Ebrahim, Namin, Saeed Mohamadzade & Korneyev, Valery A., 2011, A new species of Te ph rit is Latreille (Diptera: Tephritidae) with an unusual wing pattern from Iran and its taxonomic implications, pp. 54-62 in Zootaxa 3047</i> on page 55, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/201981">10.5281/zenodo.201981</a&gt

    Tephritis volkovitshi V. Richter 1995, new combination

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    Tephritis volkovitshi (V. Richter 1995), new combination (Fig. 3) Pangasella volkovitshi Richter 1995: 225. Type material. Holotype 3, Tadjikistan: Khudjand Region, Ferghana [valley], Pangaz River 10 km above Pangaz village, 1800 m, slope with mountain xerophilic vegetation, 27–28.v. 1989 (M. Volkovitsh leg.), “ Holotype / Pangasella / volkovitshi / V. Richter” (ZISP). Paratype Ƥ, same geographic label as in the holotype, and “ Paratype / Pangasella / volkovitshi / V. Richter” label (ZISP) (examined by VAK in 1994). Redescription. 3. Head. Mostly yellow. Frons 1.2 times as long as wide at anterior margin, as long as wide at posterior margin. Eye 1.5 times as high as long. First flagellomere of antennae 1.5 times as long as wide. Gena 0.3 times as high as eye height and 0.8 times as long as first flagellomere. Ocellar, medial vertical, anterior orbital, frontal and genal setae black; other setae, including posterior orbital and lateral vertical, white. Postocular, genal setulae whitish and setulae on distal part of palpus and on pedicel black. Thorax: Ground colour black, only postpronotal lobes and apex of scutellum yellow, cuticle coloration hidden by entirely densely grey microtrichosity. Scutellum with several whitish setulae. Dorsocentral setae at transverse suture. Most setae black and acuminate, posterior anepisternal seta brown to black posterior notopleural seta and anepimeral seta whitish and lanceolate. Apical scutellar seta 0.4 times as long as basal. Calypters white, with whitish fringe; upper one conspicuously lobate, almost as long as wide, lower one narrow. Halter yellow. Legs. Yellow. Femora sparsely microtrichose, mainly black setulose. Wing. With pattern, consisting of 4 entire and 1 short posterior dark brown crossbands. Base of wing and costal cell pale infuscated on humeral crossvein and and at base of cell br. Subbasal crossband straight, reaching from apical half of costal cell through radial fork and basal crossveins to anal lobe at posterior margin; short intermediate crossband reaching from centre of dm cell to posterior wing margin just distal to CuA 2 +A 1 apex; pterostigma (apical portion of subcostal cell) without hyaline spots; stigmal crossband oblique arcuate, crossing wing from ptrostigma through both r-m and dm-cu crossbands alightly widened to posterior margin. Apical half of cell r 1 widely brown, fused with much narrower subapical band crossing wing from r 1 apex to middle of posterior margin of cell m. Apical band crossing wing between middle of R 2 + 3 to R 4 + 5 distance to apical quarter of cell m, with proximal margin almost straight. Distance between crossveins r-m and dm-cu as long as r-m or slightly shorter. Abdomen. Ground colour black, densely grey microtrichose. Abdominal tergites white setulose, male 5 th tergite and female 6 th tergite with black marginal setae. Female oviscape shining black, partly white setulose on dorsal surface, 1.1 times as long as 2 last abdominal tergites. Genital segments. Not dissected. Measurements. Length of wing, 3.5 mm (3), 3.6 mm (Ƥ); cell c length 0.85 mm. Aculeus not measured. Body length, 3.2 mm (3), 3.5 mm (Ƥ). Discussion. This species possesses characters of the genus Tephritis as follows: frons with 2 frontal and 2 orbital setae (posterior seta white), proboscis capitate, posterior notopleural seta white, scutellum with 2 pairs of setae. It differs from most species by a banded type of wing pattern, similar to that in Tephritis sahandi new species, differing by the details of wing pattern and abdomen setulae and microtrichia as noted in the key. Identification. In the only existing key to all Tephritis species by Hering (1944) as well as in any other keys to local faunas, T. volkovitshi and T. sahandi new species should be placed in the very beginning as follows. The angulatofasciata-admissa group, which includes three described (T. angulatofasciata Portschinsky 1892, T. admissa Hering 1961 and T. tatarica Portschinsky 1892) and several undescribed species, should be revised in a separate paper (S. V. Korneyev, in preparation). 1. Wing apex with one large hyaline spot between veins R 4 + 5 and M, dark pattern here represented by 2 rays, forming apical fork joined basally to remaining dark pattern, or as pair of separated dark spots on apices of R 4 + 5 and M.... Other Tephritis species - Wing apex without hyaline spot between veins R 4 + 5 and M (or at most with small hyaline dot), so dark pattern here represented either by mushroom-like apical spot joined basally to remaining dark pattern, or by separated apical crossband covering R 4 + 5 and M apices........................................................................................ 2. 2. Wing either with 1–3 irregular dark crossbands with angulate margins separated by hyaline intervals broken into separate hyaline spots or with reticulate pattern and one apical crossband joined to remaining pattern (as „mushroom-like spot on peduncle“) or separated........................................................ angulatofasciata-admissa group - Wing with at least three regular dark crossbands with smooth margins separated by entire hyaline intervals not broken into hyaline spots............................................................................................ 3. 3. Wing with 3–4 crossbands: pterostigma and approximated crossveins r-m and dm-cu covered with one oblique and slightly arcuate dark brown crossband. Oviscape black. Smaller flies: wing 2.8–3.5 mm. Middle East........................... 4. - Wing with 5 brownish–yellow, more or less parallel-sided crossbands: of them, apical, subapical and stigmal crossbands isolated, straight, crossing wing from anterior to posterior margin, and two crossbands through r-m and dm-cu crossveins fused in dm cell and forming a Y-like mark (Wang, 1998, Figs. 376-377) Oviscape reddish-yellow. Larger flies: wing 5.0– 6.1 mm. NE China......................................................................................... T. sinica 4. Wing with straight subbasal crossband crossing wing from apical half of costal cell through radial fork and crossveins bm and CuA 2 to anal lobe (Fig. 3). Thorax and abdomen densely grey microtrichose, abdominal tergites 3–5 (6) and oviscape white setulose. Tadjikistan............................................................................ T. volkovitshi - Wing with irregular subbasal spot broadly joined to stigmal crossband but leaving costal cell and anal lobe hyaline (Fig. 2). Thorax and abdominal tergites 1–4 sparsely microtrichose, subshining, tergite 5 of male and tergites 5–6 of female mostly shining, abdominal tergites 3–5 (6) and dorsal surface of oviscape black setulose. NW Iran............. T. sahandi new speciesPublished as part of Khaghaninia, Samad, Zarghani, Ebrahim, Namin, Saeed Mohamadzade & Korneyev, Valery A., 2011, A new species of Te ph rit is Latreille (Diptera: Tephritidae) with an unusual wing pattern from Iran and its taxonomic implications, pp. 54-62 in Zootaxa 3047 on pages 60-61, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.20198

    Palearctic species of the genus Tephritis (Diptera, Tephritidae) associated with plants of the tribe Senecioneae (Asteraceae)

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    Korneyev, Severyn V., Khaghaninia, Samad, Namin, Saeed Mohamadzade, Zarghani, Ebrahim (2015): Palearctic species of the genus Tephritis (Diptera, Tephritidae) associated with plants of the tribe Senecioneae (Asteraceae). Zootaxa 4007 (2): 207-216, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4007.2.

    FIGURES 22–30 in Revision of Terellia amberboae group of species (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    FIGURES 22–30. Terellia barughii new species, postabdomen (22–26— ♂, 27–30—♀): 22, epandrium, posterior; 23, epandrium and hypandrium, right view; 24, surstyli and cerci posterior, enlarged (arrows indicates papillose structures); 25, 26, phallus glans, right and ventrally; 27, spermathecae; 28, apex of oviscape and anterior portion of eversible membrane; 29, aculeus; 30, same, apex, enlarged (arrow indicates campaniform sensilla)