26 research outputs found


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    The family, the primary core of human society, is a social institution that is more than 4,000 years old. It has evolved from polygamy to monogamy through a great evolutionary path, and in this process, various family types have emerged. Among monogamous family types, patriarchal and neopatriarchal family types are the most widespread. The article examines the specific characteristics of patriarchal (traditional) and neopatriarchal family types, the obstacles related to gender roles in the environment of these family models, the restrictions and sanctions directed at women by society and the family, and the discrimination caused by gender stereotypes are analyzed. The author pointed out that this discrimination is stronger in Muslim-Eastern societies, including in the family environment of Azerbaijan, and that it has a retarding effect on realizing the potential of gender as a social gender, on personal development, and on the social and moral progress of society. &nbsp

    Robustness Study of a Tensile Modulus Prediction Model for Semicrystalline Polymers

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    This work presents a robustness study of a previously developed empirical model that links Young's modulus to two key parameters of crystalline structure; crystallinity and lamellae thickness. The reliability of this modulus prediction model was tested by using different calorimeters and different polypropylene grades as well. Small samples were fabricated from injection-molded bars from different locations of the specimens in order to check the effect of structural inhomogeneity originated by the dynamic processing conditions. In addition, the standard deviation and consequently the accuracy of the prediction was tested by repeated calorimetric measurements. The crystalline structure and melting characteristics were measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The tensile properties of studied specimens were evaluated by standardized tensile tests. Although, the accuracy and reliability of the prediction model is dependent on the instrument used for thermal analysis, reasonably good agreement was found between the predicted and measured values in most cases. However, we may note that only well-calibrated calorimeters are suitable for reliable prediction of the modulus

    Analisis Tipologi Reduplikasiu pada Debat Capres dan Cawapres tahun 2019.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan tipologi reduplikasi pada debat Capres dan Cawapres 2019; dan untuk mengungkapkan (2) fungsi penggunaan reduplikasi pada debat Capres dan Cawapres 2019. Metode yang digunakan penelinian adalah penelitian kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini ialah menggunakan sumber data primer dan sumber data sekunder. Sumber data primer terdiri dari video debat kandidat Capres dan Cawapres 2019. Sementara data sekunder penelitian ini diambil dari jurnal internasional dan jurnalnasional serta penelitian lain yang terkait. Teknik pengumpulan data dalampenelitian ini menggunakan teknik dokumentasi. Teknik dokumentasi ialah jenis pengumpulan data yang meneliti berbagai macam dokumen yang berguna untuk penelitian Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan penahapan, 1) reduksi data; 2) display data; dan 3) verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian yaitu: (1), bentuk kata ulang (reduplikasi) yang ditemukan dalam debat Capres dan Cawapres 2019 yang diteliti adalah; (a) bentuk pengulangan seluruh seperti lembaga-lembaga, godaan-godaan, dann lain-lain; (b) bentuk pengulangan sebagian seperti seolah-olah, berkali-kali dan lain-lain; (c) bentuk pengulangan berkombinasi dengan proses pembubuhan afiks seperti terus-menerus, perundang-undangan dan lain-lain;(d) bentuk pengulangan dengan perubahan fonem seperti grusak-grusuk; putra-putri dan lain-lain. (2), fungsi kata ulang (reduplikasi) yang ditemukan dalam debat Capresdan-Cawapres 2019 yang diteliti adalah reduplikasi yang mengandung makna banyak. Jumlah penggunaan reduplikasi dalam debat Capres-Cawapres RI 2019 dalam wujud pengulangan seluruhnya berjumlah 102 kata, pengulangan sebagian ditemukan sebanyak 11 kata, pengulangan berkombinasi dengna proses afiks ditemukan sebanyak 6 kata, dan pengulangan dengan perubahan fonem ditemukan sebanyak 4 kata. Total reduplikasi yang ditemukan dalam debat Capres-Cawapres RI tahun 2019 adalah sebanyak 123 kata


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    Family has a specific role in social structure of society as a great social discovery of humanity. As a kind of social unity, family consisting of married couple and their children performs the functions of vital importance and it is a source of physical and moral psychological health of human. Intra-family relations, with being a main factor that originated psychological climate of family, have an important role in lifestyle and cultural standards of family. However, a family life is not completely comfort. It is a source of happiness, as well as a source of psychological trauma. Scientific researches prove that, 80-85 percent of families have been encountered conflicts in this or another way. As many other conflicts, family conflicts may be constructive and destructive too. Destructive conflicts impair spiritual foundations of family and lead to intensifying intra-family contradictions, domestic violence and in most cases, divorces. To control conflicting situation, to attain a constructive solve of collusions, family members must have a particular abilities.Family has a specific role in social structure of society as a great social discovery of humanity. As a kind of social unity, family consisting of married couple and their children performs the functions of vital importance and it is a source of physical and moral psychological health of human. Intra-family relations, with being a main factor that originated psychological climate of family, have an important role in lifestyle and cultural standards of family. However, a family life is not completely comfort. It is a source of happiness, as well as a source of psychological trauma. Scientific researches prove that, 80-85 percent of families have been encountered conflicts in this or another way. As many other conflicts, family conflicts may be constructive and destructive too. Destructive conflicts impair spiritual foundations of family and lead to intensifying intra-family contradictions, domestic violence and in most cases, divorces. To control conflicting situation, to attain a constructive solve of collusions, family members must have a particular abilities

    Prediction of tensile modulus based on parameters of crystalline structure in polyethylene terephthalate with cold crystallization ability

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    This work aims to adopt a simple modulus prediction method for the crystalline poly(ethylene-terephthalate) (PET), which has strong cold-crystallization ability. Based on a single melting curve generated by calorimetry, crystallinity and average melting temperature can easily be evaluated and consequently, tensile modulus can be predicted. Nonetheless, in the case of polymers with cold crystallization behavior, such as PET, the melting process is affected by cold crystallization, impeding the simple calculation of the aforementioned important parameters. In this paper, the techniques to eradicate cold crystallization during calorimetry are presented. Accordingly, the results of a tensile modulus prediction model are presented and discussed. The crystallization and melting characteristics of PET were measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The mechanical properties of the specimens were estimated by standardized tensile tests. The specimens, which were used for mechanical tests were fabricated using conventional injection molding. The samples were annealed at different temperatures in order to obtain different crystalline structures. The results clearly indicate that the prediction technique is capable to describe the tensile modulus of PET accurately in the case of very diverse crystalline structures