1 research outputs found
Microbiota-dependent histone butyrylation in the mammalian intestine
This dataset includes supporting data for figure generation in the associated manuscript. The dataset contents include images and excel files. The image files were generated from immunoblotting (related to Figs. 1B, 2, 3E, and Extended Data Fig. 2) and immunofluorescence experiments (related to Fig. 1E). Each immunoblotting image has two files associated with each figure panel: the file name lists the figure, primary antibody, and either "ECL" = chemiluminescence only, or "full image" = chemiluminescence plus color image of entire gel, which may also include notations (such as protein ladder position or other information to orient the viewer). The excel files include quantification for figures (related to Figs. 2, 3D, Extended Data Fig. 3A), summaries of 16S sequencing results (related to Extended Data Fig. 3B), gene ontology analysis of RNA-seq data (related to Extended Data Fig. 4E) and ChIP-seq data (related to Extended Data Fig. 6), and summaries of metabolomics mass spectrometry data (related to Extended Data Fig. 5)