12 research outputs found

    Groundwater residence time estimates obscured by anthropogenic carbonate

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Seltzer, A. M., Bekaert, D. V., Barry, P. H., Durkin, K. E., Mace, E. K., Aalseth, C. E., Zappala, J. C., Mueller, P., Jurgens, B., & Kulongoski, J. T. Groundwater residence time estimates obscured by anthropogenic carbonate. Science Advances, 7(17), (2021): eabf3503, https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abf3503.Groundwater is an important source of drinking and irrigation water. Dating groundwater informs its vulnerability to contamination and aids in calibrating flow models. Here, we report measurements of multiple age tracers (14C, 3H, 39Ar, and 85Kr) and parameters relevant to dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from 17 wells in California’s San Joaquin Valley (SJV), an agricultural region that is heavily reliant on groundwater. We find evidence for a major mid-20th century shift in groundwater DIC input from mostly closed- to mostly open-system carbonate dissolution, which we suggest is driven by input of anthropogenic carbonate soil amendments. Crucially, enhanced open-system dissolution, in which DIC equilibrates with soil CO2, fundamentally affects the initial 14C activity of recently recharged groundwater. Conventional 14C dating of deeper SJV groundwater, assuming an open system, substantially overestimates residence time and thereby underestimates susceptibility to modern contamination. Because carbonate soil amendments are ubiquitous, other groundwater-reliant agricultural regions may be similarly affected.his work was conducted as a part of the USGS National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA) Enhanced Trends Project (https://water.usgs.gov/nawqa/studies/gwtrends/). Measurements at Argonne National Laboratory were supported by Department of Energy, Office of Science under contract DE-AC02-06CH11357. Measurements at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory were part of the Ultra-Sensitive Nuclear Measurements Initiative conducted under the Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program. PNNL is operated by Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830. This work was also partially supported by NSF award OCE-1923915 (to A.M.S. and P.H.B. at WHOI)

    Using 81Kr and Noble Gases to Characterize and Date Groundwater and Brines in the Baltic Artesian Basin on the One-Million-Year Timescale

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    Analyses for 81^{81}Kr and noble gases on groundwater from the deepest aquifer system of the Baltic Artesian Basin (BAB) were performed to determine groundwater ages and uncover the flow dynamics of the system on a timescale of several hundred thousand years. We find that the system is controlled by mixing of three distinct water masses: Interglacial or recent meteoric water (\delta^{18}\text{O} \approx -10.4\unicode{x2030}) with a poorly evolved chemical and noble gas signature, glacial meltwater (\delta^{18}\text{O} \leq -18\unicode{x2030}) with elevated noble gas concentrations, and an old, high-salinity brine component (\delta^{18}\text{O} \geq -4.5\unicode{x2030}, \geq 90 \text{g Cl}^{-}/\text{L}) with strongly depleted atmospheric noble gas concentrations. The 81^{81}Kr measurements are interpreted within this mixing framework to estimate the age of the end-members. Deconvoluted 81^{81}Kr ages range from 300 ka to 1.3 Ma for interglacial or recent meteoric water and glacial meltwater. For the brine component, ages exceed the dating range of the ATTA 3 instrument of 1.3 Ma. The radiogenic noble gas components 4^{4}He* and 40^{40}Ar* are less conclusive but also support an age of > 1 Ma for the brine. Based on the chemical and noble gas concentrations and the dating results, we conclude that the brine originates from evaporated seawater that has been modified by later water-rock interaction. As the obtained tracer ages cover several glacial cycles, we discuss the impact of the glacial cycles on flow patterns in the studied aquifer system.Comment: Accepted for publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Act

    Altersbestimmung an thermalen Tiefenwässern im Oberjura des Molassebeckens mittels Krypton-Isotopen

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    81Kr (half-life 229,000 years) is an ideal tracer for old groundwater. The Upper Jurassic rock in the deep Molasse Basin is an outstanding geothermal groundwater reservoir (with temperatures up to 140 °C). However, due to the complex groundwater evolution (ion and isotope exchange, gas flux, etc.), comprehensive hydrogeological studies completed to date, including 14C‑DIC and He isotopes, could not resolve the recharge dynamics and residence times. Nine geothermal wells were therefore sampled for 81Kr/85Kr employing the laser-based atom trap tracer analysis technique (ATTA). In the western and central basin, the results reveal predominant groundwater recharge during the last glacial period with one sample influenced by infiltration during the earlier glacial period. Recharge signatures and 81Kr-model-ages fit very well to subglacial recharge with cross-formational flow through the sedimentary cover (600 to >3000 m deep). In the eastern basin, the results point to the Cromerian complex, indicating a slower flow system with less influence from recharge during glacial periods.81Kr (T1/2 229.000 a) ist ein idealer Datierungstracer für alte Tiefengrundwässer. Die Oberjura-Formation im tiefen Teil des Molassebeckens stellt ein herausragendes Georeservoir für thermale Tiefenwässer (bis 140 °C) dar. Über die genutzten Thermalwässer mit zumeist kaltzeitlicher Bildungscharakteristik (Na-HCO3-Cl-Typ) ist jedoch im Hinblick auf die Neubildungsprozesse, Herkunftsgebiete und Fließdynamik wenig bekannt. Für die Interpretation der Genese und Entwicklung (Ionen- und Isotopenaustausch, Gasflüsse, etc.) fehlen bislang verlässliche Altersinformationen. Erstmals wurden nun neun thermale Tiefenwässer erfolgreich durch 81Kr/85Kr-ATTA-Untersuchungen datiert. Die abgeleiteten Altersinformationen zeigen im westlichen und zentralen Molassebecken vorherrschend eine Bildung während der letzten Kaltzeit (Würm-Glazial), die sehr gut zur subglazialen Bildungshypothese über alpennahe, sehr mächtige Deckschichten hinweg passt. Im Ostteil des Molassebeckens weisen die Tiefenwässer hingegen einheitlich deutlich höhere Alterscharakteristiken (Günz/Mindel Interglazial) bzw. ein langsameres Strömungssystem auf, das allenfalls durch geringe Neubildungsanteile aus den jüngeren alpinen Vergletscherungen beeinflusst ist

    Recent seawater intrusion into deep aquifer determined by the radioactive noble-gas isotopes 81Kr and 39Ar

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    Radioactive noble-gas isotopes tracers 81Kr and 39Ar are used for the first time to measure the residence times of deep (∼1000 m) saline coastal groundwater, and to determine its connection mode with the sea. The average rate of seawater intrusion into the deep aquifer in Israel, located near the Mediterranean Sea, is estimated. 81Kr-ages of the saline water samples, found to be younger than 40 ka, contradict previously estimated ages of up to several million years based on hydrogeological considerations. The new results imply a stronger and more recent connection between the aquifer and the sea, and indicate that the intrusion occurred during the sea-level rise that began about 20 ka ago. These coastal aquifers need to be managed with caution because lowering of the adjacent fresh water level due to over pumping could accelerate seawater intrusion in a relatively short time. This study demonstrates the suitability of these two noble-gas tracers for the examination of hydrogeological systems in general and for the study of seawater intrusion in particular

    Field Degassing as a New Sampling Method for 14C Analyses in Old Groundwater

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    AbstractRadiocarbon (14C) activity in groundwater can be used to determine subsurface residence time up to ∼40 kyr, providing crucial information on dynamic properties of groundwater and on paleoclimate. However, commonly applied sampling methods for dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC-14C) are prone to low level of modern atmospheric contamination, resulting in underestimation of groundwater ages that cluster around 30–40 kyr. We extract CO2gas from groundwater using a device originally developed for studies of noble gas radionuclides. Carbon is collected in the gas phase, eliminating the possibility of fostering microbial activities and aqueous chemical reactions during sample storage. This method collects CO2-14C and radiokrypton (81Kr and85Kr) samples simultaneously. The presence of any shorter-lived85Kr is used to evaluate the degree of atmospheric contamination during sampling or mixing of young groundwater. Most groundwater samples showed lower CO2-14C activities than those of DIC-14C, presumably due to the absence of atmospheric contamination. Samples with81Kr age exceeding 150 kyr have no detectable CO2-14C except where mixing sources of young groundwater is suspected. These field data serve as confirmations for the reliability of the newly presented sample collection and CO2-14C method, and for the outstanding roles of radiokrypton isotopes in characterizing old groundwater.</jats:p

    New insights into the flow dynamics of a deep freshwater aquifer in the semi-arid and saline Cuvelai-Etosha Basin, Northern Namibia: Results of a multi-environmental tracer study

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    Study region: A paleo-megafan system of the Cubango River in the northern parts of the semi-arid Cuvelai-Etosha Basin, shared by Angola and Namibia. It hosts a deep freshwater aquifer, the so-called Kalahari-Ohangwena 2 (KOH-2), with the potential to resolve the imminent regional water supply shortages. Study focus: Hydrogeochemical and multi-environmental tracer studies incorporating the use of age tracers ¹⁴C, ³⁶Cl, ⁸¹Kr and ⁴He to determine the age of groundwater and provide insights into the flow dynamics of the KOH-2. New hydrological insights for the region: Stable water isotopes and noble gas thermometry show that in a period with higher rainfall and recharge, temperatures were at least 3 – 4 °C lower than today. Several arguments led to the conclusion that younger groundwater, possibly of an age of 35,000 years, is mixed with ancient saline pore water. These include: 1) the correlation of measured ³⁶Cl and ⁸¹Kr ratios, as well as ⁴He concentrations, using a binary mixing model, and 2) the substantial variation in ⁸¹Kr ages, ranging from 40,000 to 170,000 years, over relatively short distances—a phenomenon challenging to explain by advective groundwater flow equations. Consequently, the ages derived from ⁸¹Kr measurements serve as indicators of the extent of freshening and therefore describe mixing ages rather than absolute travel times.ISSN:2214-581

    Identifying recharge processes into a vast "fossil" aquifer based on dynamic groundwater 81Kr age evolution

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    Water in deep aquifers in arid regions is often considered to be “fossil” when modern recharge rates are negligible relative to the reservoir capacity. Over the past five decades, the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer (NSA) in the arid region of the Sinai Peninsula (Egypt) and the Negev Desert (Israel) has been considered to contain fossil water based on 14C dating, which revealed 14C ages of about 30 kyr over most of the aquifer. However, this relatively homogeneous age distribution contradicts the expected increase in groundwater age in the direction of decreasing piezometric head along the flow trajectories. Here, dating results with the longer-lived 81Kr radioisotope (t1/2 = 229 ± 11 kyr) are presented, highlighting a wide age range of 40 kyr to 630 kyr in the confined sections of the aquifer, all with very low 14C activity (<1 pmC). Elevated 81Kr and 14C activities were only observed within or close to the system's recharge areas. These findings support a new perception of groundwater replenishment during different epochs from the early mid-Pleistocene to the Holocene. By tracking the downstream age evolution, rejuvenation was identified in places where the confinement had been breached. At other locations, the existence of an older groundwater body contributing to the aquifer was detected by means of strongly depleted 81Kr activity. High spatial heterogeneity in groundwater ages close to the discharge zone of the system is attributed to pronounced age stratification with depth. Calculated ages in the more isolated sections of the system were used to assess regional flow velocity, hydraulic conductivity, and their agreement with present recharge rates. We conclude that groundwater ages should be reevaluated with 81Kr in regional aquifers where low 14C activities prevail. With an effective age range beyond one million years, this may enable the reconstruction of recharge history well into the Pleistocene and provide crucial information for the management of groundwater resources

    Radiokrypton unveils dual moisture sources of a deep desert aquifer

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    In arid regions, groundwater is a vital resource that can also provide a long-term record of the regional water cycle. However, the use of groundwater as a paleoclimate proxy has been limited by the complex hydrology and the lack of appropriate chronometers to determine the recharge time without complication. Applying 81Kr, a long-lived radioisotope tracer, we investigate the paleohydroclimate and subsurface water storage properties of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer in the Negev Desert, Israel. Based on the spatial distributions of stable isotopes and the abundance of 81Kr, we resolve subsurface mixing and identify two distinct moisture sources of the recharge: one recent (<38 ky ago) from the Mediterranean and the other 361 ± 30 ky ago from the tropical Atlantic, both of which occurred under conditions of low orbital eccentricity comparable to that of the present. The recent recharge provided by the moisture from Mediterranean cyclones can be attributed to the southward shift of the storm track during the Last Glacial Maximum, and the earlier recharge can be attributed to moisture from the Atlantic delivered as tropical plumes under a climate colder than the present. Furthermore, the residence time of the latter reveals that tectonically active terrain can store groundwater for an unexpectedly long period, likely due to strongly attenuated groundwater flow across the fault zones. With this tracer, groundwater can now serve as a direct record of paleoprecipitation over land and of subsurface water storage from the mid-Pleistocene and onward