33 research outputs found

    Current Status of Simulations

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    As the title suggests, the purpose of this chapter is to review the current status of numerical simulations of black hole accretion disks. This chapter focuses exclusively on global simulations of the accretion process within a few tens of gravitational radii of the black hole. Most of the simulations discussed are performed using general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) schemes, although some mention is made of Newtonian radiation MHD simulations and smoothed particle hydrodynamics. The goal is to convey some of the exciting work that has been going on in the past few years and provide some speculation on future directions.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the ISSI-Bern workshop on "The Physics of Accretion onto Black Holes" (8-12 October 2012

    Un ventennio di ricerche fenologiche sulla flora spontanea del territorio bolognese

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    Nel territorio della provincia di Bologna il nostro gruppo di ricerca ha raccolto dati fenologici con una certa regolarit\ue0 a partire dal 1977 fino ad oggi. Dagli anni \u201980 in particolare, \ue8 stata svolta una intensa attivit\ue0 di rilevamento in campo su piante della flora spontanea, indirizzata soprattutto al monitoraggio fenologico territoriale, che ha portato alla produzione di mappe fenologiche e fenoclimatiche a varia scala. Recentemente la serie storica dei dati fenologici \ue8 stata inserita in una banca dati, che ha permesso di analizzare trends pluriennali in relazione alle variazioni climatiche in atto

    Old phenological data on wild plants in Italy (XIX and early XX century)

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    An overview of the oldest phenological data collected in Italy, for scientific purposes, with scientific criteria and methods, is presented. Following the example of Linnaeus, in the 19th century various Italian botanists such as Ottaviano Targioni, Teodoro Caruel, Alessandro Serpieri and Giuseppe Bertoloni, went on to create phenological calendars, with notes on the local climate and agricultural work. Besides, the earliest phenological network on both cultivated and wild plants was organized by Almerico Da Schio and Domenico Lampertico at the end of XIX century (1876-1884) in 16 localities of the Veneto and Emilia regions. The European Phenological Network founded by Hoffman and Ihne (1882) was joined by botanists working in the Italian Alps, like Wilhelm Pfaff, who was responsible for a very long series (1886-1933) of phenological records at Bolzano

    Corylus avellana flowering in Bologna: trend and interannual variation over the last 30 years

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    We report the results of the processing of a long-term series of phenological data regarding the anthesic phenophases of Corylus avellana (Hazel): the data were recorded in the city centre (University Botanical Garden) of Bologna (Italy) over a period of approximately 3 decades (from 1981 to 2008

    Comparison of phytophenological data: a proposal for converting between GFI and BBCH scales.

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    Phenological scales used in the past were not standardized: in different countries different methods were followed and these are often still in use today: for example Italian Botanists usually make the phenological observations by means of the GFI key, adopted in 1993 by the Italian Phenological Gardens, or by Marcello’s Key. The comparability of data collected with different methods is a serious problem, so, in the last 20 years the scientific community has directed significant efforts toward the standardization of sampling methods and phenological scales: in Europe, the BBCH scale (Meier, 1997) has been generally adopted. Although the BBCH and GFI scales have different structures, several stages are corresponding. We present a method for the conversion between BBCH and GFI scales, based on the numerical relationship between the codes of the respective stages: in the reproductive cycle the relation is well approximated by a sigmoid function, while in the leaf development, by a linear function. The presented method also allows the fractional values of the stages to be converted (e.g. the average value of a population). Keywords: Phenological scales, BBCH, GFI, growth stages, flowering, leafin

    Mappe fenologiche a media scala

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    La ricerca riguarda la caratterizzazione bioclimatica di un territorio orograficamente complesso, realizzata in base al comportamento fenologico della flora spontanea. Viene presentato un esempio relativo al territorio bolognese, basato sul confronto tra mappe fenologiche realizzate mediante un modello feno-topografico e mappe climatiche costrite in base al modello delle sommatorie termiche

    Anomalie fenologiche dell'inverno 2006/7 a Bologna

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    L\u2019oggetto del presente contributo riguarda l\u2019analisi del comportamento fenologico di alcune specie indicatrici erbacee e legnose, nell\u2019inverno 2006/7, che ha avuto un andamento termo-pluviometrico anomalo con alte temperature e bassa piovosit\ue0. Sono state confrontate le date di comparsa della piena fioritura delle specie guida in due parchi di Bologna di cui erano disponibili lunghe serie di dati fenologici pregressi