186 research outputs found

    Environmental Impact of Surgical Masks Consumption in Italy Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic suddenly changed the lifestyle of billions of people. Face masks became indispensable to protect from the contagion providing a significant environmental impact. The aim of this work is to propose possible solutions to decrease masks’ impact on the environment. For this reason, different masks (surgical and fabric) were considered, and the CO2 emissions associated with the mask materials production were calculated. Carbon Footprint (CF) for each material composing the masks was evaluated through the database Ces Selector 2019. The software Qgis (version 2.18.20) allows us to elaborate the CO2 emissions maps for each Italian region. Finally, for surgical masks, which are often imported from abroad, the CF related to transport was considered. It results that fabric masks are a sustainable solution to prevent contagion. The total CO2 emission associated with the use of fabric masks from the beginning of the pandemic (March 2020) to December 2021 resulted in about 7 kton compared to 350 kton for surgical masks

    Deletion of Crtc1 leads to hippocampal neuroenergetic impairments associated with depressive-like behavior.

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    Mood disorders (MD) are a major burden on society as their biology remains poorly understood, challenging both diagnosis and therapy. Among many observed biological dysfunctions, homeostatic dysregulation, such as metabolic syndrome (MeS), shows considerable comorbidity with MD. Recently, CREB-regulated transcription coactivator 1 (CRTC1), a regulator of brain metabolism, was proposed as a promising factor to understand this relationship. Searching for imaging biomarkers and associating them with pathophysiological mechanisms using preclinical models can provide significant insight into these complex psychiatric diseases and help the development of personalized healthcare. Here, we used neuroimaging technologies to show that deletion of Crtc1 in mice leads to an imaging fingerprint of hippocampal metabolic impairment related to depressive-like behavior. By identifying a deficiency in hippocampal glucose metabolism as the underlying molecular/physiological origin of the markers, we could assign an energy-boosting mood-stabilizing treatment, ebselen, which rescued behavior and neuroimaging markers. Finally, our results point toward the GABAergic system as a potential therapeutic target for behavioral dysfunctions related to metabolic disorders. This study provides new insights on Crtc1's and MeS's relationship to MD and establishes depression-related markers with clinical potential

    New trends in rehabilitation of children with ENT disorders

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    Negli ultimi 20 anni il miglioramento dellassistenza neonatale ha determinato un progressivo aumento dei bambini che sopravvivono in presenza di gravi malformazioni o patologie congenite. Questi bambini richiedono una riabilitazione prolungata, talora multidisciplinare e complessa. Purtroppo, unorganizzazione adeguata alla riabilitazione della disfagia, dei disturbi della comunicazione e della respirazione non è sempre disponibile, non è sempre coordinata in equipe multidisciplinari che operino sia negli ospedali che sul territorio e non è facile mantenere tutte le figure professionali coinvolte al passo con le sempre più rapide innovazioni. Scopo del presente lavoro è presentare un aggiornamento su alcuni aspetti tuttora controversi della riabilitazione in età pediatrica

    Mitochondrial function in the brain links anxiety with social subordination

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    Dominance hierarchies are integral aspects of social groups, yet whether personality traits may predispose individuals to a particular rank remains unclear. Here we show that trait anxiety directly influences social dominance in male outbred rats and identify an important mediating role for mitochondrial function in the nucleus accumbens. High-anxious animals that are prone to become subordinate during a social encounter with a low-anxious rat exhibit reduced mitochondrial complex I and II proteins and respiratory capacity as well as decreased ATP and increased ROS production in the nucleus accumbens. A causal link for these findings is indicated by pharmacological approaches. In a dyadic contest between anxiety-matched animals, microinfusion of specific mitochondrial complex I or II inhibitors into the nucleus accumbens reduced social rank, mimicking the low probability to become dominant observed in high-anxious animals. Conversely, intraaccumbal infusion of nicotinamide, an amide form of vitamin B3 known to enhance brain energy metabolism, prevented the development of a subordinate status in high-anxious individuals. We conclude that mitochondrial function in the nucleus accumbens is crucial for social hierarchy establishment and is critically involved in the low social competitiveness associated with high anxiety. Our findings highlight a key role for brain energy metabolism in social behavior and point to mitochondrial function in the nucleus accumbens as a potential marker and avenue of treatment for anxiety-related social disorder

    Current trends on subtotal petrosectomy with cochlear implantation in recalcitrant chronic middle ear disorders

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    Objective. To establish the safety and effectiveness of subtotal petrosectomy with cochlear implantation in patients affected by chronic middle ear disorders to refractory to previous surgical treatments. Methods. A multicentre, retrospective study was conducted on patients affected by recalcitrant chronic middle ear disorders who underwent cochlear implantation in combi-nation with subtotal petrosectomy. Patients’ details were collected from databases of 11 Italian tertiary referral centres. Additionally, a review of the most updated literature was carried out. Results. 55 patients were included with a mean follow-up time of 44 months. Cholestea-toma was the most common middle ear recurrent pathology and 50.9% of patients had an open cavity. 80% of patients underwent a single stage surgery. One case of explantation for device failure was reported among the 7 patients with post-operative complications. Conclusions. Subtotal petrosectomy with cochlear implantation is a benchmark for management of patients with recalcitrant chronic middle ear disorders. A single stage procedure is the most recommended strategy. Optimal follow-up is still debated. Further studies are required to investigate the role of this surgery in paediatric patients

    Assessment of power spectral density of microvascular hemodynamics in skeletal muscles at very low and low-frequency via near-infrared diffuse optical spectroscopies

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    In this work, we used a hybrid time domain near-infrared spectroscopy (TD-NIRS) and diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DCS) device to retrieve hemoglobin and blood flow oscillations of skeletal muscle microvasculature. We focused on very low (VLF) and low-frequency (LF) oscillations (i.e., frequency lower than 0.145 Hz), that are related to myogenic, neurogenic and endothelial activities. We measured power spectral density (PSD) of blood flow and hemoglobin concentration in four muscles (thenar eminence, plantar fascia, sternocleidomastoid and forearm) of 14 healthy volunteers to highlight possible differences in microvascular hemodynamic oscillations. We observed larger PSDs for blood flow compared to hemoglobin concentration, in particular in case of distal muscles (i.e., thenar eminence and plantar fascia). Finally, we compared the PSDs measured on the thenar eminence of healthy subjects with the ones measured on a septic patient in the intensive care unit: lower power in the endothelial-dependent frequency band, and larger power in the myogenic ones were observed in the septic patient, in accordance with previous works based on laser doppler flowmetry