22 research outputs found


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    In this paper, measurements of interior noise in buses that serve Curitiba, Brazil are carried out to evaluate the noise level exposure of bus drivers. Two measurements, the first close to the driver and the second at the back of the bus, were taken inside 25 buses of various types. In 23 buses, the noise exposure of drivers was acceptable according to the definition of the Occupational Health Standard of the Brazilian Ministry of Labor. On the other hand, the normalized exposure levels were over 65 dB(A) in all cases, making the work environment uncomfortable according to the Brazilian Legislation for Ergonomics. Exposure was found to be highest in older buses and when engines are located at the front of the bus

    Research on the Background Noise of Ordinary Classrooms

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    Ambiente urbano e percepção da poluição sonora Urban environment and perception to noise pollution

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    A presente pesquisa avaliou a percepção da população de uma grande cidade em relação à poluição sonora (ruído urbano). Buscou-se identificar quais fontes sonoras são percebidas com maior freqüência pela população e quais reações psico-sociais relacionadas ao ruído urbano são identificados por ela. Foi utilizado um questionário composto de questões fechadas, abrangendo aspectos demográficos e aspectos psico-sociais referentes ao ruído ambiental. Oitocentos e noventa e dois (892) indivíduos participaram da pesquisa. As principais fontes de ruído citadas pelos moradores como causadoras de incômodo foram: 1) o tráfego de veículos (67 %), 2) os vizinhos (33%), 3) o barulho de sirenes (23%), 4) o barulho de animais (21%) e 5) o barulho gerado pela construção civil (21 %). As principais reações psico-sociais foram: 1) irritabilidade (55%), 2) baixa concentração (28%), 3) insônia (20%) e 4) dor de cabeça (19%). Os resultados obtidos coincidem com dados obtidos em pesquisas desenvolvidas na Europa, EUA e no Brasil, de que a poluição sonora ambiental influencia a qualidade de vida da população, gerando reações psico-sociais importantes, como: 1) irritabilidade e 2) insônia. Estes podem estar na base de outras doenças (disfunções cardiovasculares), podendo interferir na saúde e no bem estar dos indivíduos em particular e de uma população urbana como um todo, gerando um problema de saúde pública.<br>The present study investigated the psychosocial complaints related to urban noise among the population of Curitiba. We used a questionnaire of closed-set questions to collect data on demographics and psychosocial reactions to environmental noise when subjects are at home. Eight hundred and ninety-two individuals (892) participated of the study. The main noise sources associated with discomfort or annoyance were traffic noise (67%), neighbors (33%), sirens (23%), animals (21%), and construction (21%). The main psychosocial complaints were annoyance (55%), disrupted concentration (28%), sleep disorders (20%) and headaches (19%). The data confirm that noise pollution has an influence on the quality of life of the population as manifested by several psychosocial complaints that could have a negative impact on the health and well being of populations

    Road traffic noise assessment at Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Bakap, Sungai Bakap, Penang, Malaysia

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    This study is intended on the assessment of traffic noise at Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Bakap where this study area located near the main road (Jalan Sungai Bakap). The objectives of this study are to determine noise levels during school hours, to identify the source of noise and to establish the noise profiling in the Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Bakap environment. With using sound level meter instrument, the noise levels at school were measured where 19 points were selected at school area in order to collect the value of all parameters measured in this study (Leq, Lmax, Lmin, L10, L50, and L90). Each of the noise measurements was taken for 3 minutes in duration and the time taken for all measurements conducted from 8.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. Noise mapping performed using ArcMap and My maps website based on the latitude, longitude and also noise parameters. Manually traffic count was conducted to count the number of vehicles on the road. Traffic composition data in this study was categorized into four types, which passenger car and van, motorcycle, medium lorries and heavy lorries. The result showed that the measured noise levels at school area in term of Leq were between the range of 54.8–72.9 dB(A), where it was found that the highest noise level generated was at road zones. From this study, all noise data collected exceeded the Malaysian noise limit. Apart from that, based on the noise mapping it showed that highest noise levels were located in traffic zones area