198 research outputs found

    Ancient glass alteration and advancement in active conservation strategies

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    Glass finds application in multiple domains, from the technological field to the artistic one. The study of its durability is central to determining its potential as a recyclable and sustainable material capable of replacing several dangerous and polluting constituents such as plastics, particularly in the upcoming era of circular economy. Because of the thermodynamic properties of this material and its high variety of compositions, the evaluation of glass durability and alteration mechanisms remains a challenge. In this work we propose a complete strategy to approach the problem of glass corrosion and stabilization. Combining the results of the macroscopic characterization of archaeological glass samples and artificially aged mock-ups, we define a novel silica-based formulation for the consolidation and protection of ancient glass

    Caterina Di Pasquale, Antropologia della memoria: Il ricordo come fatto culturale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018, pp. 257

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    Book review of Caterina Di Pasquale, Antropologia della memoria. Il ricordo come fatto culturale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018, pp. 257.Recensione del libro di Caterina Di Pasquale, Antropologia della memoria. Il ricordo come fatto culturale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018, pp. 257

    “È importante essere bravo”: Riflessioni antropologiche su dinamiche linguistiche e accoglienza

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    This article proposes an ethnographic and anthropological reflection conducted in the context of a sociolinguistic investigation of the linguistic dynamics between locals and asylum seekers in the Aosta Valley. The analysis of language practices involving migrants and local actors offers a series of elements that prove useful, in addition to those deriving from ethnographic observation, in clarifying the relationship between practices and rhetorics of hospitality. Investigating the linguistic dynamics, in fact, allowed to bring out opaqueness, ambiguity and contradictory and ambivalent rhetoric in the narratives of those involved, with varied positions and roles, in the hospitality process. On the one hand, we will highlight a paternalistic language based on an asymmetrical logic of expectations that structures the relationship between different figures, even in a positive context of widespread hospitality. Furthermore, we will focus on how the hospitality system, that structurally relies on voluntary activities, acts through rhetoric and practices of discharging of responsibilities on the individual level, being it represented by a migrant who must demonstrate autonomy, or a volunteer, to whom it is often delegated the difficult task of accompanying the path of integration.Questo articolo intende proporre alcune riflessioni di carattere etnografico e antropologico condotte nell’ambito di una indagine sociolinguistica sulle dinamiche linguistiche fra locali e richiedenti asilo in Valle d’Aosta. L’indagine sulle pratiche linguistiche che coinvolgono migranti e attori locali offre un corpus di elementi che possiamo utilizzare, in aggiunta a quelli derivanti dall’osservazione etnografica, per mettere in chiaro gli intrecci fra le pratiche e le retoriche dell’accoglienza. Indagare le dinamiche linguistiche, infatti, ha consentito di far emergere opacità, ambiguità e retoriche contradditorie e ambivalenti nelle narrazioni di chi è coinvolto, con posizionamenti e ruoli variegati, nel processo di accoglienza. Da un lato si metterà in evidenza come, anche in un contesto complessivamente positivo di accoglienza diffusa, un linguaggio paternalistico e basato su una logica asimmetrica di aspettative strutturi la relazione fra differenti figure. Inoltre, si vedrà come il sistema dell’accoglienza, nell’appoggiarsi strutturalmente su attività di tipo volontario, agisca attraverso retoriche e pratiche di scarico delle responsabilità sul singolo individuo, sia esso un migrante che deve dimostrare autonomia o un volontario, a cui è spesso demandato il non facile compito di accompagnare il percorso di integrazione

    Mestieri del rischio a Macugnaga

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    A review of glass corrosion: the unique contribution of studying ancient glass to validate glass alteration models

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    Glass has been used in widespread applications within several sectors since ancient times and it has been systematically studied under different perspectives. However, its thermodynamic properties and the variety of its compositions, several aspects related to its durability and its alteration mechanisms remain still open to debate. This literature review presents an overview of the most relevant studies on glass corrosion and the interaction between glass and the environment. The review aims to achieve two objectives. On one hand, it aims to highlight how far research on glass corrosion has come by studying model systems created in the laboratory to simulate different alteration conditions and glass compositions. On the other, it seeks to point out what are the critical aspects that still need to be investigated and how the study of ancient, altered glass can add to the results obtained in laboratory models. The review intends also to demonstrate how advanced analytical techniques commonly used to study modern and technical glass can be applied to investigate corrosion marks on ancient samples

    La pragmatica alla scuola primaria: tra ricerca e insegnamento. Un'osservazione longitudinale delle ricadute didattiche di una sperimentazione educativa.

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    The present paper describes a longitudinal study conducted as part of the educational research action plan Oggi facciamo pragmatica aiming at introducing pragmatics in the language education curriculum in primary school. Data were collected in one classroom in grade 3 and grade 4, in two teaching modules focusing on requests in spoken interaction. The study was set up in order to investigate requesting by 8-9 years old children in oral production, children’s ability to reflect on language use, and the effects over time of the two teaching modules. Results confirm the importance of teaching pragmatics already at prima-ry school. Through explicit pragmatic instruction children have the opportunity to improve their linguistic skills while refining their meta-pragmatic ability to reflect on language, thus promoting the connection between theory and language use