10 research outputs found

    Software for Remote Parallel Simulation

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    This paper describes distributed/parallel simulation system Triad.Net and software, which allows geographical distributed users to participate collaboratively and remotely in simulation experiments and to observe simulation model behavior via Internet

    Teaching Literature to Foreign Audience at the Stage of Pre-University Training

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    AbstractThe paper considers the problems of applying the Russian as a foreign language teaching technique for teaching literature at pre-university department. In spite of the reduced scope of additional educational program in literature as provided for by the new requirements, in this audience, studying the Russian writers’ works corps is coupled with difficulties of both linguistic and mental nature. The teaching starts in groups having A1 mastery level of Russian, and, alongside with the non-mother tongue, the attendees have to master a course of Russian literature ranging from folklore and Old Russian literature to that of the 20th century within an incomplete academic year. The specific character of students’ audience and program requirements prescribe the necessary use of the main principles of RFL teaching – communicative, linguistic, didactic and psychological ones. The authors of the paper pay a special attention to practical application of the said principles giving numerous examples of study assignments and exercises of various types. The paper can be targeted to RFL teachers, students of philology and to everyone interested in problems of techniques of teaching literature in a non-mother tongues

    Estimation of social network user's influence in a given area of expertise

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    Nowadays social networks are frequently used to express personal opinion on a topic of interest. Some users' opinion has more informational influence than others do. These users are called influential users. There are services that allow evaluating how popular and influential users are; however, any information on evaluation methods is proprietary and represents know-how of such software services. Furthermore, most services could not provide extensive data on the influential users within the specified area of knowledge. This article proposes the method of evaluating a user influence index within a social network in a given area of expertise

    Situational Communication in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language to Beginner Learners

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    The paper presents the results of a study that explores the real teaching experience designing different kinds of speech situations during lessons of Russian as a Foreign Language for beginner learners. The study was carried out at National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University in the 2014-2015 academic year. The primary concern was to discover the most productive set of expressions and speaking turns for situational communication. The outcome is an algorithm of designing speech situations and a typology of speech situations. The paper may be of interest to practising teachers of Russian as a foreign language, students from teacher training colleges and to anyone who is interested in the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language

    Program mechanisms for the automation of the imitation modelling of computer systems

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    Generalized algorithms of the information transformation during the imitation, methods for the imitation model investigation are considered in the paper aiming at the development of the methodology and automation means for various stages of the imitation modelling at the use of it as the tool for the design of computer systems (CS) (with the autonomous and joint development of the equipment and control programs). As a result the algorithm of the information transformation during the imitation process, making it possible to vary the set of the model characteristics investigated without the model modification at the work with the model, has been developed as well as the algorithm of the extension of a definition of the model. The mathematical body of information procedures and conditions of the modelling, supporting the algorithm of the CS model investigation, has been realized. The package of built-in information procedures for the solution of standard problems of the CS design has been developed as well as the subsystem of the automatic extension of a definition of CS models, described partially by a designer. The software for the CS model investigation has been developed. The paper results may find their field of application in the automation of the computer system design, the creation of imitation systemsAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Increasing the energy efficiency of an enterprise by point compensating of power quality distortions

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    The cost of any product includes the cost of electrical energy in its production. Enterprises use various methods to reduce the cost of electric energy. One of the most common methods is to reduce the loss of active power in the distribution network of an enterprise. This is achieved by compensating for distortions in the power quality of electrical energy using compensating devices. The method presented in the article offers point compensation of distortions in the power quality indicators of electric energy. Point connection of compensating devices allows their small number to be used. But, at the same time, a greater effect is achieved. The connection points of compensating devices are determined by the developed method. The method includes three stages: collecting data on consumers of electric energy at an enterprise and on the topology of the distribution electric network, analyzing the results obtained using the developed algorithm, and determining connection points using the Pareto method. Also, the developed method was compared with the classical ones according to the criterion of the ratio of implementation costs to the effect of its application

    Simulation Model Validation based on Ontological Engineering Methods

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    International audienceA task of the simulation models examination (verification and validation, V&V) is considered. At the V&V process the correspondence degree of the simulation model created by developers to the simulated object, that description is presented in the form of a conceptual model built by customers, is determined. An ontological approach is proposed to determine the semantic proximity of the simulation model and the conceptual model, whose descriptions are presented in the form of ontologies. Matching rules can also be defined with ontology based on the metrics chosen by the customer. The approach has been tested using the simulation system Triads. The results of the matching algorithm execution are illustrated by an example. The article provides description of the simulation model ontology created in TriadNS and conceptual model ontology, developed with MASK method. The metrics used for proximity assessment are described

    The Russian Arctic by 2050: Developing Integrated Scenarios

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    Scenarios of future development pathways in the Arctic created by groups of experts and stakeholders are an effective way to identify and illustrate possible alternatives and options for this region based on anticipated environmental and socioeconomic changes. Although scenarios that assess development trajectories for the Arctic are becoming increasingly popular, there is a relative lack of regional perspective in foresight exercises devoted to the Russian Arctic. This article presents and discusses development scenarios for the Russian Arctic until 2050 that were built by a diverse group of academics, local officials, Indigenous leaders, and business representatives at a scenario workshop in Naryan-Mar, Russia. The scenarios focus on Russia’s Arctic zone and incorporate future visioning of economic development, international cooperation with the West and China, shipping, human and social capital, and Indigenous peoples’ livelihoods in the context of climate change. We apply a novel circular-axial technique to synthesize and combine the 12 initially created thematic scenarios into four final cross-cutting integrated scenarios that describe alternative futures for the Russian Arctic by 2050: Harmonious Arctic, Self-Reliant Arctic, Resource-Dependent Arctic, and Forgotten Arctic. Les scénarios de trajectoires de développement futur dans l’Arctique créés par des groupes d’experts et de parties prenantes constituent une manière efficace de déterminer et d’illustrer des solutions de rechange et des options possibles pour cette région, en fonction des changements environnementaux et socioéconomiques attendus. Même si les scénarios évaluant les trajectoires de développement dans l’Arctique gagnent en popularité, les exercices de prévision sont caractérisés par le manque relatif de perspective régionale axée sur l’Arctique russe. Cet article présente et aborde des scénarios de développement pour l’Arctique russe. Ces scénarios s’étendent jusqu’en 2050 et sont le fruit du travail de divers groupes d’universitaires, d’autorités locales, de chefs autochtones et de représentants du monde des affaires ayant participé à un atelier de scénarios qui s’est déroulé à Naryan-Mar, en Russie. Les scénarios se concentrent sur la zone arctique russe et intègrent la vision future du développement économique, de la coopération internationale avec l’Ouest et la Chine, du transport, du capital humain et social et de la subsistance des peuples autochtones dans le contexte du changement climatique. Nous appliquons une technique circulaire-axiale nouvelle pour synthétiser et combiner les 12 scénarios thématiques initialement créés afin d’aboutir à quatre scénarios intersectoriels intégrés décrivant les solutions de rechange futures pour l’Arctique russe d’ici 2050, soit un Arctique harmonieux, un Arctique autonome, un Arctique dépendant des ressources, et un Arctique oublié.&nbsp