38 research outputs found

    Stanovení nebezpečných koncentrací rizikových látek v textiliích

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    Tato disertační práce posuzuje míru rizika založeného na procesech s účelem rozhodnout, zda je riziko nízké a přijatelné ze zdravotního hlediska. Není možné stanovit a vyčíslit všechny zbytky pesticidů všech typů bavlny v rámci dostupných zdrojů. Takže pro porovnání vzorků z obou zemědělských oblastí byla zvolena analýza jejich toxických účinků. V úvahu byly vzaty všechny důležité faktory, jako je výběr řádných vzorků, manipulace, předprava (kryogenní homogenizace), extrakce a analýza. Tato práce je kombinací studia výsledků kvalitativních a kvantitativních analytických měření. Pro kvalitativní analýzu byla použita metoda přístupu biosenzorů a také interakce se zelenými řasami. To bylo zkoumáno měřením bioelektrických signálů způsobených inhibicí enzymatické acetyl-cholinesterázy (AChE) s použitím Analyzátoru biosensorové toxicity (BTA) a Mini Termostatu (MT-1) a sledováním změn signálů způsobených interakcí biologických látek a reziduí. Všechny veličiny podílející se na aktivitě AChE inhibici byly studovány a optimalizovány, jako enzymy a koncentrace substrátu, pufr, pH a doba inkubace. Metoda se používá na vzorky pravé bavlny extrahované různými rozpouštědly. Nejenže jsme schopni odhadnout % inhibice každého jednotlivého vzorku, ale také můžeme porovnávat tuto inhibici se standardními kontrolními body. Zvláštností této metody je, že všechny vzorky spolu s kontrolními body mohou být testovány v jednom běhu. Celkový čas jednoho kompletního testu byl přibližně 50 - 55 minut. Je to metoda, která nám nabízí snadný způsob, jak zjistit přítomnost organofosforových a karbamátových pesticidů. Byla provedena další metoda založená na biotestu k identifikaci rizik. Tato metoda studuje interakce zbytkových analytů a zelených řas pro stanovení působících predátorů, kteří ovlivňují jejich běžný životní cyklus měřením inhibice kyslíku vznikajícím fotosyntézou. V této studii jsme viděli změnu chování extraktů z bavlněných vzorků z různých regionů, jež souvisela s variací druhů řas a jejich reakci na toxické látky.The dissertation is a study of risk assessment based on processes in order to decide if the risk is low and acceptable in scientific terms. It is not possible to identify and quantify all residues of these pesticides on all the types of cotton within available resources. So a comparison of selected cotton samples of both modes of agriculture from the field has been analyzed in terms of their toxic effects. All the important factors for analytical process like proper sampling, handling, pre-treatment (cryogenic homogenization), extraction and analysis have been taken into account. The thesis is a combination of study of qualitative and quantitative analytical measurements. For qualitative analysis, Biosensor approach and Interaction with algae have been implemented. Measurements of bio-electrical signals caused by enzymatic inhibition of acetyl cholinesterase (AChE) with the use of Biosensor Toxicity Analyzer (BTA) and Mini Thermostat (MT-1) have been studied and the monitoring of changes in signals caused by the interaction of biological substances and residues were evaluated. All the variables involved in AChE inhibition activity have been studied and optimized such as enzyme & substrate concentrations, buffer, pH and incubation time. The method is utilized for real cotton samples extracted with different solvents. We are not only able to estimate the inhibition % of each individual sample but also we can compare this inhibition with the standard control points. The speciality of this method is that all the samples along with the control points can be tested in one run, The total time utilized for one complete test was approximately 50 55 minutes. It is a method that offers to different investigators an easy way to detect the presence of organophosphorous and carbamate pesticides. Another method based on the bioassay for hazard identification has been implemented. The interaction of residual analytes and the green algae has been studied for the determination of intervening predators affecting their normal life cycle by measuring the photosynthetic inhibition of oxygen. In this study a variation in the behaviour of extracts from the cotton samples of different regions has been observed which was related to the variation of algal species in their response to toxic chemicals

    Analysis of fabric defect

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    Air-jet texturing is a well-established filament yarn processing technology that has been around for more than half a century. This project analyzed a serious warp streak problem in a woven fabric produced for car seats composed of 100 % Polyester air textured yarn. Yarn variability regarding stress-strain properties, force elongation relation, yarn diameter variations, thermal shrinkage and the structural behavior of two samples of yarn is being investigated. One of the yarn samples was producing these defects in the fabric and the other not producing this defect. Moreover the comparison of the influence of these parameters on both the samples is also being monitored. Variation in the behavior of these samples is observed

    Leptospirosis: An Emerging Zoonosis in Pakistan

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    Abstract.-Leptospirosis is an important zoonotic disease caused by Leptospira species. Many domestic and wild animals act as reservoirs and ultimate source of contamination to human population. Since it is an emerging infectious disease that is under reported in developing countries, this report would provide baseline study for clinicians and researchers. To study the serosurveillance of human leptospirosis, 100 human (78 males; 22 females) blood samples were collected from Lahore city and its peri-urban areas and processed by cELISA Serion ELISA classic microtiter plate. The results of this study revealed 44% prevalence of human leptospirosis. Among 78 males and 22 females, 38 males (49%) and 06 females (27%) were found positive. Age wise serosurveillance demonstrate 47% prevalence in adults and 35% in young ones. Season wise 42%, 40%, 26% and 47% were observed in Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring, respectively. It is concluded that highest prevalence was in male adults while spring and summer were more susceptible seasons having leptospirosis infection. This is the first report of serosurveillance of leptospirosis in humans in Pakistan

    Workability and Flexural Strength of Recycled Aggregate Concrete with Steel Fibers

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    This study examined how concrete workability and flexural strength are affected by steel fibers and recycled aggregates. Steel fibers were used in doses between 1-5%, with an increment of 0.5%, and 50% of the natural coarse aggregates were replaced by recycled. Two mixes of conventional and recycled aggregate concrete without steel fibers were used as control mixes. Concrete mixes were prepared using 1:2:4 and 0.45 water-to-cement ratios. Workability was determined using the slump cone. Three prism specimens sized 500×100×100mm were prepared for each batch and cured for 28 days in potable water. After curing, the specimens were air-dried in the laboratory and tested to evaluate their flexural strength under two-point loading. The load and deflection were monitored at regular intervals until failure. A comparison of results with control mixes showed that as the percentage of steel fiber increased, flexural strength increased by 69% and deflection decreased by 66%. The use of steel fibers improved the flexural strength of the recycled aggregate concrete by 59%

    Role of anti-inflammatory interleukin 10 in asymptomatic heartworm infection (Dirofilariasis) in dogs

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    Background: Dirofilaria immitis causes heartworm disease (HWD), a vector-borne zoonotic disease that primarily affects dogs and cats. Occasionally, human beings were reported to be infected as well. The current study aims to discover the asymptomatic dirofilariasis infection in dogs. In addition, to determine the prevalence of heartworm disease and the role of anti-inflammatory interleukin 10 (IL10) in developing the disease. Household dogs were selected from 10 veterinary clinics throughout Basrah, south of Iraq.Methods: The study included 117 dogs older than 12 months, none of them had received heartworm vaccinations, and all of them lived in their owners’ houses for at least 9 months. Animal ethics instructions were followed after the owner’s consent was obtained.  Physical and biochemical examinations were conducted including the examination of circulating antigens of microfilaria. The levels of anti-inflammatory IL10 and pro-inflammatory IL17, IL4, and IFN-γ were measured using ELISA tests. Descriptive statistics were used to evaluate the prevalence and the clinical and immunological results of the study.Results: Canine heartworm disease prevalence was 29.05% (34 out of 117). The physical examination showed normal vital signs for both infected and non-infected dogs. A significant elevation in the total WBC count was noticed in the infected group.  On the other hand, a significant decrease in RBCs count and hemoglobin was found in the infected group. There were neither changes in the platelet count nor the liver enzymes concentration between infected and non-infected groups.  A significant increase in anti-inflammatory interleukin 10 level and a significant decrease in pro-inflammatory IL17, IL4, and IFN-γ were noticed in the infected dogs. Conclusion: It is concluded that dirofilariasis infection is considered to be a serious life-threatening disease for dogs in Iraq. Therefore, a periodic test for heartworm infection every six months is recommended to eradicate heartworm infestations. The infected animals must be treated according to the American Heartworm Association recommendations

    Belt & Road Initiative and India: Policy & Concerns

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    This research article is about the Indian stance on "The New Silk Road initiative". In this paper, opinions of India towards the "One Road and One Belt Initiative "is viewed in the framework of China -India ties. Managing India's ties with China is the primary concern of the Indian policymakers. A rich literature on the Indian concerns and China BRI exists; some authors consider it to create alternative regional institutions by expanding its influence to the neighbourhood. Some researchers see it as more sceptical and some as optimistic. This research article sheds light on the different concerns like Indian strategic Concerns in Asia, CPEC story, String of pearls strategy, India BRI concerns and policy, presence of China in Indian ocean, India political-economic and strategic explanation

    Harmonizing smart city tech and anthropocentrism for climate resilience and Nature's benefit

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    The study argues that integrating smart technology within a society embracing anthropocentrism and a deep connection with nature can significantly impact climate change and mitigate its extreme risk factors. This approach is invaluable for advancing environmentalism and aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Anthropocentrism, or human-centeredness, traditionally posits that humans have intrinsic value based on their unique capacities in epistemology and behaviourism. However, this study advocates for a more nuanced ethical stance, suggesting that other beings also possess value, particularly in their capacity to contribute to human welfare. To this end, there is a pressing need for further research into strategies and interventions that leverage environmentalism to foster a society where smart technology and nature's intrinsic value are integrated harmoniously for effective climate change management and mitigation. By addressing this research gap, the study aims to examine the current landscape of smart technology applications in human-nature integrated climate actions. It provides targeted recommendations for policymakers, urban planners, and other critical stakeholders on effectively synergizing with nature's inherent sustainability principles in combating climate change and addressing the global environmental crisis

    The balance between work and life for subjective well-being: A moderated mediation model

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the association among work-life balance, intrinsic motivation, subjective well-being and job satisfaction among the healthcare professionals of Pakistan. Utilizing a sample of 301 Health Care Professionals, the authors tested the proposed relationships. Findings were constant with the hypothesized theoretical scheme, and mediated association between work-life balance and subjective well-being through job satisfaction was stronger when intrinsic motivation was high rather than low. Based on the findings, we suggest that the association between work-life balance and subjective well-being in Health Care Professionals is more complicated than was previously believed—thus yielding a pattern of moderated mediation. In brief, it was found that work-life balance enhances subjective well-being through job satisfaction when intrinsic motivation is low. We also discuss the theoretical contributions and practical implications of the research and directions for future studies

    The Balance between Work and Life for Subjective Well-Being: A Moderated Mediation Model

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the association among work-life balance, intrinsic motivation, subjective well-being and job satisfaction among the healthcare professionals of Pakistan. Utilizing a sample of 301 Health Care Professionals, the authors tested the proposed relationships. Findings were constant with the hypothesized theoretical scheme, and mediated association between work-life balance and subjective well-being through job satisfaction was stronger when intrinsic motivation was low rather than high. Based on the findings, we suggest that the association between work-life balance and subjective well-being in Health Care Professionals is more complicated than was previously believed—thus yielding a pattern of moderated mediation. In brief, it was found that work-life balance enhances subjective well-being through job satisfaction when intrinsic motivation is low. We also discuss the theoretical contributions and practical implications of the research and directions for future studies

    Overload and exhaustion: Classifying SNS discontinuance intentions

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    Social networking sites (SNS) have transformed the communication systems; along with its positive effects, maladaptive usage of SNS brings some adverse outcomes too. The current study investigates the adverse impact of SNS usage. It focuses on social overload, information overload, and SNS exhaustion resultants of maladaptive usage causing dissatisfaction and regrets influencing the customer continuation intentions. Stressor-Strain-Outcome (SSO) framework is adopted in this study to investigate the antecedents of user intentions to discontinue the SNS usage. In the proposed research model, stressors, strains, and outcome are empirically examined with data collected from 505 SNS users. Findings based on statistical analysis show that psychological and behavioral alterations caused by maladaptive usage force users to discontinue the SNS usage due to dissatisfaction and regret caused by SNS usage. The excessive usage cause social overload, information overload, and SNS exhaustion source to dissatisfaction and consequent regret that push the user to decide to discontinue SNS. This research work develops theoretical implication for future SNS-based work and put forward a practical suggestion for organizations using SNS, SNS user, and SNS service providers