99 research outputs found

    Scalable FastMDP for Pre-departure Airspace Reservation and Strategic De-conflict

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    Pre-departure flight plan scheduling for Urban Air Mobility (UAM) and cargo delivery drones will require on-demand scheduling of large numbers of aircraft. We examine the scalability of an algorithm known as FastMDP which was shown to perform well in deconflicting many dozens of aircraft in a dense airspace environment with terrain. We show that the algorithm can adapted to perform first-come-first-served pre-departure flight plan scheduling where conflict free flight plans are generated on demand. We demonstrate a parallelized implementation of the algorithm on a Graphics Processor Unit (GPU) which we term FastMDP-GPU and show the level of performance and scaling that can be achieved. Our results show that on commodity GPU hardware we can perform flight plan scheduling against 2000-3000 known flight plans and with server-class hardware the performance can be higher. We believe the results show promise for implementing a large scale UAM scheduler capable of performing on-demand flight scheduling that would be suitable for both a centralized or distributed flight planning syste

    Survey of Automotive Controller Area Network Intrusion Detection Systems

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    Novel attacks continue to appear against in-vehicle networks due to the increasing complexity of heterogeneous software and hardware components used in vehicles. These new components introduce challenges when developing efficient and adaptable security mechanisms. Several intrusion detection systems (IDS) have been proposed to identify and protect in-vehicle networks against malicious activities. We describe the state-of-the-art intrusion detection methods for securing automotive networks, with special focus on the Controller Area Network (CAN). We provide a description of vulnerabilities, highlight threat models, identify known attack vectors present in CAN, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of suggested solutions

    Automotive Intrusion Detection Based on Constant CAN Message Frequencies Across Vehicle Driving Modes

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    The modern automobile relies on numerous electronic control units communicating over the de facto standard of the controller area network (CAN) bus. This communication network was not developed with cybersecurity in mind. Many methods based on constant time intervals between messages have been proposed to address this lack of security issue with the CAN bus. However, these existing methods may struggle to handle variable time intervals between messages during transitions of vehicle driving modes. This paper proposes a simple and cost-effective method to ensure the security of the CAN bus that is based on constant message frequencies across vehicle driving modes. This proposed method does not require any modifications on the existing CAN bus and it is designed with the intent for efficient execution in platforms with very limited computational resources. Test results with the proposed method against two different vehicles and a frequency domain analysis are also presented in the paper

    Summer Engagement in Cyber Undergraduate Research Experiences (SECURE)

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    Background: This virtual initiative, called Summer Engagement in Cyber Undergraduate Research Experiences (SECURE), was established as a response to support students who may have lost summer internships and/or have financial hardships due to COVID-19. Several students in the program were NSF S-STEM scholars, a mix of computer engineering, cyber security engineering, electrical engineering and software engineering students.Purpose/Hypothesis: The main question addressed by this initiative was whether we could build a virtual undergraduate research experience that enabled students to apply their studies and knowledge similarly as they would in a traditional summer internship. Goals for the experience included providing small-group mentoring as well as broader opportunities for students to learn about design and research skills and to collaborate across projects.Design/Method: Sixteen paid students were assigned to one of ten projects. Several students were classified as sophomores, and others were more advanced. Projects were proposed by faculty mentors with an emphasis on the development of educational experiences using research and/or design approaches. Several projects revolved around cyber security. We introduced students to the research process, while adapting to the limitations of a virtual program. While our main goal was to support students and provide summer work, we also made progress on projects that were established before the program.Results: The SECURE program operated from May 18 through July 31, 2020. The program was funded using funds remaining in an NSF grant with the approval of the program manager. It was successfully implemented through the concerted efforts of faculty, staff and graduate students to rapidly set up program operations. The goals for the program were met, and the feedback from the students and mentors were very positive.Conclusions: We demonstrated it is possible to rapidly build a virtual internship program to meet student needs, and we are working to obtain funding to continue the project next summer. The future goal will be to offer a hybrid model where students can be virtual or a combination of virtual and on-campus

    A Scalable Unsegmented Multiport Memory for FPGA-Based Systems

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    On-chip multiport memory cores are crucial primitives for many modern high-performance reconfigurable architectures and multicore systems. Previous approaches for scaling memory cores come at the cost of operating frequency, communication overhead, and logic resources without increasing the storage capacity of the memory. In this paper, we present two approaches for designing multiport memory cores that are suitable for reconfigurable accelerators with substantial on-chip memory or complex communication. Our design approaches tackle these challenges by banking RAM blocks and utilizing interconnect networks which allows scaling without sacrificing logic resources. With banking, memory congestion is unavoidable and we evaluate our multiport memory cores under different memory access patterns to gain insights about different design trade-offs. We demonstrate our implementation with up to 256 memory ports using a Xilinx Virtex-7 FPGA. Our experimental results report high throughput memories with resource usage that scales with the number of ports

    Comparing Energy Efficiency of CPU, GPU and FPGA Implementations for Vision Kernels

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    Developing high performance embedded vision applications requires balancing run-time performance with energy constraints. Given the mix of hardware accelerators that exist for embedded computer vision (e.g. multi-core CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs), and their associated vendor optimized vision libraries, it becomes a challenge for developers to navigate this fragmented solution space. To aid with determining which embedded platform is most suitable for their application, we conduct a comprehensive benchmark of the run-time performance and energy efficiency of a wide range of vision kernels. We discuss rationales for why a given underlying hardware architecture innately performs well or poorly based on the characteristics of a range of vision kernel categories. Specifically, our study is performed for three commonly used HW accelerators for embedded vision applications: ARM57 CPU, Jetson TX2 GPU and ZCU102 FPGA, using their vendor optimized vision libraries: OpenCV, VisionWorks and xfOpenCV. Our results show that the GPU achieves an energy/frame reduction ratio of 1.1–3.2× compared to the others for simple kernels. While for more complicated kernels and complete vision pipelines, the FPGA outperforms the others with energy/frame reduction ratios of 1.2–22.3×. It is also observed that the FPGA performs increasingly better as a vision application’s pipeline complexity grows

    Real-time Simulation of Dynamic Vehicle Models using a High-performance Reconfigurable Platform

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    A purely software-based approach for Real-Time Simulation (RTS) may have difficulties in meeting real-time constraints for complex physical model simulations. In this paper, we present a methodology for the design and im-plementationofRTS algorithms,basedontheuseof Field-ProgrammableGateArray(FPGA) technologytoimprove the response time of these models. Our methodology utilizes traditional hardware/software co-design approaches to generate a heterogeneous architecture for an FPGA-based simulator. The hardware design was optimized such that it efficiently utilizes the parallel nature of FPGAs and pipelines the independent operations. Further enhancement is obtained through the use of custom accelerators for common non-linear functions. Since the systems we examined had relatively low response time requirements, our approach greatly simplifies the software components by porting the computationally complexregionsto hardware.We illustratethe partitioningofa hardware-based simulator design across dual FPGAs, initiateRTS usinga system input froma Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) framework, and use these simulation results from our FPGA-based platform to perform response analysis. The total simulation time, which includes the time required to receive the system input over a socket (without HIL), software initialization, hardware computation, and transferof simulation results backovera socket, showsa speedup of 2× as compared to a simi-lar setup with no hardware acceleration. The correctness of the simulation output from the hardware has also been validated with the simulated results from the software-only design

    Anomaly Detection Approach Using Adaptive Cumulative Sum Algorithm for Controller Area Network

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    The modern vehicle has transformed from a purely mechanical system to a system that embeds several electronic devices. These devices communicate through the in-vehicle network for enhanced safety and comfort but are vulnerable to cyber-physical risks and attacks. A well-known technique of detecting these attacks and unusual events is by using intrusion detection systems. Anomalies in the network occur at unknown points and produce abrupt changes in the statistical features of the message stream. In this paper, we propose an anomaly-based intrusion detection approach using the cumulative sum (CUSUM) change-point detection algorithm to detect data injection attacks on the controller area network (CAN) bus. We leverage the parameters required for the change-point algorithm to reduce false alarm rate and detection delay. Using real dataset generated from a car in normal operation, we evaluate our detection approach on three different kinds of attack scenarios

    Towards Reverse Engineering Controller Area Network Messages Using Machine Learning

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    The automotive Controller Area Network (CAN) allows Electronic Control Units (ECUs) to communicate with each other and control various vehicular functions such as engine and braking control. Consequently CAN and ECUs are high priority targets for hackers. As CAN implementation details are held as proprietary information by vehicle manufacturers, it can be challenging to decode and correlate CAN messages to specific vehicle operations. To understand the precise meanings of CAN messages, reverse engineering techniques that are time-consuming, manually intensive, and require a physical vehicle are typically used. This work aims to address the process of reverse engineering CAN messages for their functionality by creating a machine learning classifier that analyzes messages and determines their relationship to other messages and vehicular functions. Our work examines CAN traffic of different vehicles and standards to show that it can be applied to a wide arrangement of vehicles. The results show that the function of CAN messages can be determined without the need to manually reverse engineer a physical vehicle