9 research outputs found

    A Computational Vision on Human Emotion

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    Late 20th century Artificial Intelligence research treated emotion and cognition as antithetical entities. Recent neurological studies, however, suggest that the two are closely related. Emotion plays a critical role in decision making. Studies also have established that neurological deficits in emotion processing lead to deficiency in decision making. These findings have invoked a new interest in the modeling of emotion in artificially intelligent systems. The Dependable Computing and Networking Lab (DCNL) at ISU, led by Dr. Arun Somani, is researching human emotion modeling using Computer Vision. The study will engender novel ideas to adapt the existing emotion-modeling framework in the research realm to the needs of the Human and Object Detection project in the DCNL group. We believe that this study could also lead to new and innovative models of human emotion. Computational tools such as OpenCV and MATLAB will be used to test and validate new models and adaptations. Using machine learning methods, the reliability and efficacy of the new methods will also be evaluated

    Scalable Communication Endpoints for MPI+Threads Applications

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    A Computational Vision on Human Emotion

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    Late 20th century Artificial Intelligence research treated emotion and cognition as antithetical entities. Recent neurological studies, however, suggest that the two are closely related. Emotion plays a critical role in decision making. Studies also have established that neurological deficits in emotion processing lead to deficiency in decision making. These findings have invoked a new interest in the modeling of emotion in artificially intelligent systems. The Dependable Computing and Networking Lab (DCNL) at ISU, led by Dr. Arun Somani, is researching human emotion modeling using Computer Vision. The study will engender novel ideas to adapt the existing emotion-modeling framework in the research realm to the needs of the Human and Object Detection project in the DCNL group. We believe that this study could also lead to new and innovative models of human emotion. Computational tools such as OpenCV and MATLAB will be used to test and validate new models and adaptations. Using machine learning methods, the reliability and efficacy of the new methods will also be evaluated.</p

    Adaptive Parallelism in Browsers

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    Mozilla Research is developing Servo, a parallel web browser engine, to exploit the benetsof parallelism and concurrency in the web rendering pipeline. Parallelization results inimproved performance for pinterest.com but not for google.com. This is because the workload of a browser is dependent on the web page it is rendering. In many cases, the overhead of creating, deleting, and coordinating parallel work outweighs any of its benets. In this work, I model the relationship between web page primitives and a web browser's parallelperformance and energy usage using both regression and classication learning algorithms.I propose a feature space that is representative of the parallelism available in a web pageand characterize it using seven key features. After training the models to minimize custom-dened loss functions, such a model can be used to predict the degree of parallelism availablein a web page and decide the optimal thread conguration to use to render a web page. Suchmodeling is critical for improving the browser's performance and minimizing its energy usage.As a case study, I evaluate the models on Servo's styling stage. Experiments on a quad-coreIntel Ivy Bridge (i7-3615QM) laptop show that we can improve performance and energyusage by up to 94.52% and 46.32% respectively on the 535 web pages considered in thisstudy. Looking forward, we identify opportunities to tackle this problem with an online-learningapproach to realize a practical and portable adaptive parallel browser on variousperformance- and energy-critical devices

    Scalable Communication Endpoints for MPI+Threads Applications

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    Hybrid MPI+threads programming is gaining prominence as an alternative to the traditional "MPI everywhere'" model to better handle the disproportionate increase in the number of cores compared with other on-node resources. Current implementations of these two models represent the two extreme cases of communication resource sharing in modern MPI implementations. In the MPI-everywhere model, each MPI process has a dedicated set of communication resources (also known as endpoints), which is ideal for performance but is resource wasteful. With MPI+threads, current MPI implementations share a single communication endpoint for all threads, which is ideal for resource usage but is hurtful for performance. In this paper, we explore the tradeoff space between performance and communication resource usage in MPI+threads environments. We first demonstrate the two extreme cases---one where all threads share a single communication endpoint and another where each thread gets its own dedicated communication endpoint (similar to the MPI-everywhere model) and showcase the inefficiencies in both these cases. Next, we perform a thorough analysis of the different levels of resource sharing in the context of Mellanox InfiniBand. Using the lessons learned from this analysis, we design an improved resource-sharing model to produce \emph{scalable communication endpoints} that can achieve the same performance as with dedicated communication resources per thread but using just a third of the resources