5 research outputs found

    Influence of process parameters and initial microstructure on the oxidation resistance of Ti48Al2Cr2Nb coating obtained by laser metal deposition

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    [EN] Ti6Al4V have been the most important and versatile titanium alloys currently used, due to their excellent combination of low density and good mechanical properties, despite their application temperature being limited to up to 300 掳C. In this work, a Ti6Al4V sheet was coated with a Ti48Al2Cr2Nb alloy by laser cladding process, with the process parameters resulting in laser-specific energy densities of 70, 80, 90 and 180 J/mm2, laser power between 600 and 900W and scanning speed of 100 to 300 mm/min. In order to analyze the oxidation resistance at elevated temperature, isothermal oxidation tests were carried out at 800 掳C for 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 150 h in static air. The oxidized samples were characterized by optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), field emission microscopy (FESEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. Two groups of coatings with similar microstructures were obtained, and their influence on the formation of thermally oxidized growth layers was studied. From the isothermal oxidation tests, it was observed that the Ti48Al2Cr2Nb coatings have good resistance to oxidation in air at 800 掳C in comparison with the Ti6Al4V substrate by obtaining layers of oxides up to 12 驴m thick after 150 h of oxidation. The structure of the oxide layers is complex and comprises the growth of successive layers from the outer surface of the coating. The effect of the microstructure of the coating on the density of the oxide layer formed was evaluated.The authors would like to thank the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion of the Spanish Government for their financial support through research project MAT2011-28492-C03 and the Generalitat Valenciana through grant ACOMP/2014/151.Zambrano Carrullo, JC.; Pereira Falc贸n, JC.; Amig贸, V. (2019). Influence of process parameters and initial microstructure on the oxidation resistance of Ti48Al2Cr2Nb coating obtained by laser metal deposition. Surface and Coatings Technology. 358:114-124. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2018.11.015S11412435

    Desarrollo y caracterizaci贸n de recubrimientos TiAl mediante procesado l谩ser coaxial sobre Ti6Al4V

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    [EN] TiAl intermetallic have demonstrated excellent behavior at high temperature, however, the processing for producing coatings is not easy due to its high melting point, otherwise the coaxial laser cladding process promise to be an excellent tool for obtaining extensive overlapping coatings, achieving complete fusion and deposition of alloys with high melting point on surfaces with complex shape. In this work we study the parameters of coaxial laser process and preheating the substrate to achieve Ti48Al2Cr2Nb intermetallic coatings on Ti6Al4V sheet 3 mm thick, in order to improve the tribological, oxidation and corrosion behavior of the Ti6Al4V alloy. The geometrical and chemical dilution analysis of the single tracks obtained at different levels in the laser processing variables were able to identify combinations that minimize defects such as cracks, high dilution and inadequate aspect ratio. It found a direct relation between the cooling rate and the coaxial laser process parameters such as the powder feeding rate and scanning velocity. Thus the process was optimized by minimizing the cooling rate with decreasing the velocity. After this was selected as appropriate preheating temperature 350 潞C and were obtained coatings with 40% overlap, using process parameters which generate laser specific energy of 70, 80, 90 and 180 J/mm2, then they have been evaluated by optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Vickers micro-hardness (HV) and nanoindentation. The microstructure of the coatings consists gamma-TiAl phase and alfa2-Ti3Al. Preheating the substrate has allowed obtaining coatings with good metallurgical bond, although cracks and pores are observed for some conditions. It is noted that the expected variation in chemical composition from coating surface to the substrate was found, with low dilution of vanadium. The hardness of the TiAl laser coatings is higher than the substrate and the bending tests results shown that the coatings have good adhesion but with limited ductility. The tribological properties of the coatings shows that in the wear tests at room temperature a lower wear rate is obtained compared to the substrate. In the case of high temperature, the coatings have a lower coefficient of friction; however, a higher wear rate is obtained when compared with the substrate. The coatings have good resistance to oxidation evaluated by isothermal oxidation tests in air at 800 潞C, when compared with the substrate, the thermal growth oxide up to 12 microns thick for 150 hours were obtained. The structure of the oxide layers is complex and comprises the growth of successive layers from the outer surface of the coating. We also studied the electrochemical corrosion behavior of the coatings obtained. The results indicate that the coaxial laser cladding can be a good alternative to obtain extensive TiAl intermetallic coatings, dense coatings with good substrate bonding and minimal defects were obtained, that improve the oxidation and wear behavior of Ti6Al4V alloy.[ES] Los intermet谩licos TiAl han demostrado tener un excelente comportamiento a alta temperatura, sin embargo, su procesado para la obtenci贸n de recubrimientos no es sencillo debido a su alto punto de fusi贸n, por otra parte el plaqueado l谩ser coaxial promete ser una excelente herramienta para la obtenci贸n de recubrimientos por solape de cordones, logrando la completa fusi贸n y deposici贸n de aleaciones con elevado punto de fusi贸n sobre superficies con forma complejas. En esta tesis se ha estudiado los par谩metros de procesado l谩ser coaxial y el precalentamiento del sustrato para lograr recubrimientos con intermet谩lico Ti48Al2Cr2Nb sobre l谩minas de Ti6Al4V de 3 mm de espesor, con la finalidad de mejorar el comportamiento tribol贸gico, de oxidaci贸n y de corrosi贸n de la aleaci贸n Ti6Al4V. Del an谩lisis geom茅trico y de diluci贸n qu铆mica de los cordones obtenidos con diversos niveles en las variables de procesado l谩ser se logr贸 identificar combinaciones que minimizan defectos como grietas, alta diluci贸n y relaci贸n de aspecto inadecuadas. Se ha encontrado una relaci贸n directa entre la velocidad de enfriamiento y los par谩metros del proceso l谩ser coaxial, tal como la cantidad de polvo aportado y la velocidad de pasada. De esta manera el proceso ha sido optimizado minimizando la velocidad de enfriamiento con la disminuci贸n de la velocidad de pasada. De este an谩lisis se ha seleccionado como temperatura adecuada de precalentamiento 350潞C y se han obtenido recubrimientos con un 40% de solape, utilizando par谩metros de proceso que generan energ铆as especificas aportadas por el l谩ser de 70, 80, 90 y 180 J/mm2, los cuales han sido evaluados mediante microscopia 贸ptica (MO), microscopia electr贸nica de barrido (MEB), difracci贸n de rayos X (DRX), microdureza Vickers (HV) y nanoindentaci贸n. La microestructura de los recubrimientos se compone de fases gamma-TiAl y alfa2-Ti3Al. El precalentamiento del sustrato ha permitido la obtenci贸n de recubrimientos con buena uni贸n metal煤rgica, aunque se observan para algunas condiciones grietas y poros. Se observa que la variaci贸n en la composici贸n qu铆mica de la superficie del recubrimiento al sustrato es la esperada, con baja diluci贸n del vanadio. La dureza de los recubrimientos obtenidos es m谩s alta que la del sustrato, y en los ensayos de flexi贸n se observ贸 que los recubrimientos tienen buena adherencia pero limitada ductilidad. El comportamiento tribol贸gico de los recubrimientos muestra que en los ensayos de desgaste a temperatura ambiente se obtiene una tasa de desgaste menor por parte de los recubrimientos comparados con el sustrato. Para el caso de alta temperatura los recubrimientos presentan un menor coeficiente de fricci贸n, sin embargo, se obtiene una mayor tasa de desgaste cuando se compara con el sustrato. De los ensayos de oxidaci贸n isot茅rmica se observ贸 que los recubrimientos tienen buena resistencia a la oxidaci贸n en aire a 800潞C, al compararlos con el sustrato, llegando a obtener capas de 贸xidos de hasta 12 碌m de espesor a 150 horas de oxidaci贸n. La estructura de las capas de 贸xidos es compleja y comprende el crecimiento de capas sucesivas a partir de la superficie externa del recubrimiento. Tambi茅n se ha estudiado el comportamiento a corrosi贸n electroqu铆mica de los recubrimientos obtenidos. Los resultados indican que el plaqueado l谩ser coaxial puede ser una buena alternativa para la obtenci贸n de recubrimientos con intermet谩licos TiAl, obteniendo recubrimientos densos, con buena uni贸n al sustrato y m铆nimos defectos, que mejoran el comportamiento ante la oxidaci贸n y el desgaste de la aleaci贸n Ti6Al4V.[CA] Els intermet脿l路lics TiAl han demostrat tindre un excel路lent comportament a alta temperatura, per貌, el seu processat per a l'obtenci贸 de recobriments no 茅s senzill degut al seu alt punt de fusi贸, d'altra banda el plaquejat l脿ser coaxial promet ser una excel路lent eina per a l'obtenci贸 de recobriments per solapament de cordons, aconseguint la completa fusi贸 i deposici贸 de aliatges amb elevat punt de fusi贸 sobre superf铆cies amb forma complexes. En aquesta tesi s'ha estudiat els par脿metres de processament l脿ser coaxial i el preescalfament del substrat per aconseguir recobriments amb intermet脿l路lic Ti48Al2Cr2Nb sobre l脿mines de Ti6Al4V de 3 mm de espessor, amb la finalitat de millorar el comportament tribol貌gic, d'oxidaci贸 i de corrosi贸 de l'aliatge Ti6Al4V. De l'an脿lisi geom猫tric i de diluci贸 qu铆mica dels cordons obtinguts amb diversos nivells en les variables de processat l脿ser es va aconseguir identificar combinacions que minimitzen defectes com esquerdes, alta diluci贸 i relaci贸 d'aspecte inadequades. S'ha trobat una relaci贸 directa entre la velocitat de refredament i els par脿metres del proc茅s l脿ser coaxial, tal com la quantitat de pols aportat i la velocitat de passada. D'aquesta manera el proc茅s ha estat optimitzat minimitzant la velocitat de refredament amb la disminuci贸 de la velocitat de passada. D'aquesta an脿lisi s'ha seleccionat com a temperatura adequada de preescalfament 350 潞C i s'han obtingut recobriments amb un 40% de solapament, utilitzant par脿metres de proc茅s que generen energies especifiques aportades pel l脿ser de 70, 80, 90 i 180 J/mm2, els quals han estat avaluats mitjan莽ant microsc貌pia 貌ptica (MO), microsc貌pia electr貌nica de rastreig (MER), difracci贸 de raigs X (DRX), microduresa Vickers (HV) i nanoindentaci贸. La microestructura dels recobriments es compon de fases gamma-TiAl i alfa2-Ti3Al. El preescalfament del substrat ha perm猫s l'obtenci贸 de recobriments amb bona uni贸 metal路l煤rgica, tot i que s'observen per a algunes condicions esquerdes i porus. S'observa que la variaci贸 en la composici贸 qu铆mica de la superf铆cie del recobriment al substrat 茅s l'esperada, amb baixa diluci贸 del vanadi. La duresa dels recobriments obtinguts 茅s m茅s alta que la del substrat, i en els assajos de flexi贸 es va observar que els recobriments tenen bona adher猫ncia per貌 limitada ductilitat. El comportament tribol貌gic dels recobriments mostra que en els assajos de desgast a temperatura ambient s'obt茅 una taxa de desgast menor per part dels recobriments comparats amb el substrat. Per al cas d'alta temperatura, els recobriments presenten un menor coeficient de fricci贸, per貌, s'obt茅 una major taxa de desgast quan es compara amb el substrat. Dels assajos d'oxidaci贸 isot猫rmica es va observar que els recobriments tenen bona resist猫ncia a l'oxidaci贸 en aire a 800潞C, al comparar-los amb el substrat, arribant a obtenir capes d'貌xids de fins a 12 micres de gruix a 150 hores d'oxidaci贸. L'estructura de les capes d'貌xids 茅s complexa i compr猫n el creixement de capes successives a partir de la superf铆cie externa del recobriment. Tamb茅 s'ha estudiat el comportament a corrosi贸 electroqu铆mica dels recobriments obtinguts. Els resultats indiquen que el plaquejat l脿ser coaxial pot ser una bona alternativa per a l'obtenci贸 de recobriments amb intermet脿l路lic TiAl, obtenint recobriments densos, amb bona uni贸 al substrat i m铆nims defectes, que milloren el comportament davant l'oxidaci贸 i el desgast de l'aliatge Ti6Al4V.Zambrano Carrullo, JC. (2015). Desarrollo y caracterizaci贸n de recubrimientos TiAl mediante procesado l谩ser coaxial sobre Ti6Al4V [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/56148TESI

    TiAl laser cladding coatings on Ti6Al4V: Tribological characterization

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    [EN] The Ti6Al4V has proven an important engineering alloy due to its good properties such as the excellent strength, weight ratio, high corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. However, the alloy is susceptible to mechanical degradation in applications involving sliding wear or abrasion. In order to improve wear resistance has been deposited by laser cladding on Ti6Al4V alloy a titanium-aluminum intermetallic alloy. For the realization of coatings different process parameters, such as laser power, scanning speed, powder feeding rate and the preheating temperature were optimized. The microstructure of the coatings was evaluated using optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Furthermore tribological properties were obtained, using a ball on disk tribometer, with Al2O3 ball, constant speed of 0.1 m/s, 10 N load at temperature 24 掳C and 500 掳C. We evaluated 3D surface topography obtained by the wear scar with an inductive contact profilometer and calculating from it the volume removed and the wear rate. The microstructure of the coatings consists of 驴-TiAl phase and 驴2-Ti3Al. The wear test results at room temperature show a lower wear rate for the coatings compared to the substrate. At high temperature the coatings have a higher friction coefficient and a higher rate of wear is obtained when compared with the substrate. The coatings have good metallurgical bond, although the presence of cracks and the different wear mechanisms have an influence on the wear resistance at elevated temperatures.[ES] El Ti6Al4V ha demostrado ser una importante aleaci贸n de ingenier铆a debido a sus buenas propiedades tales como la excelente relaci贸n resistencia/peso, alta resistencia a la corrosi贸n y biocompatibilidad. Sin embargo, la aleaci贸n es propensa a la degradaci贸n mec谩nica en aplicaciones que implican desgaste por deslizamiento o abrasi贸n. Con la finalidad de mejorar su resistencia al desgaste, se ha desarrollado recubrimientos por laser cladding coaxial sobre l谩minas de Ti6Al4V, con una aleaci贸n de titanio aluminio Ti48Al2Cr2Nb. Para la realizaci贸n de los recubrimientos se optimizaron diferentes par谩metros de proceso, tales como potencia, velocidad de pasada, caudal de polvo suministrado y temperatura de calentamiento del sustrato. Se determin贸 la microestructura de los recubrimientos obtenidos mediante microscop铆a 贸ptica (MO), microscop铆a electr贸nica de barrido (MEB) y difracci贸n de rayos X (DRX). Por otro lado se obtuvieron propiedades tribol贸gicas mediante ensayos de desgaste utilizando un trib贸metro en configuraci贸n del tipo bola sobre disco, con bola de Al2O3, velocidad de 0.1 m/s, carga de 10 N, a temperaturas de ensayo de 24 潞C y 500 潞C. La topograf铆a 3D de la huella de desgaste fue obtenida con un perfil贸metro inductivo de contacto, a partir de ella el volumen removido y la tasa de desgaste. La microestructura de los recubrimientos se compone de fases 驴-TiAl y 驴2-Ti3Al. En los ensayos de desgaste a temperatura ambiente los resultados muestran una tasa de desgaste menor por parte de los recubrimientos comparados con el sustrato. A elevada temperatura los recubrimientos presentan un mayor coeficiente de fricci贸n, y adem谩s, se obtiene una mayor tasa de desgaste cuando se compara con el sustrato. Los recubrimientos presentan buena adherencia en general, observ谩ndose que la presencia de grietas influye en la resistencia al desgaste a elevadas temperaturas, as铆 como en los diferentes mecanismos de desgaste observados.Los autores agradecen el apoyo financiero del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci贸n del Gobierno de Espa帽a a trav茅s del proyecto de investigaci贸n MAT2011-28492-C03 y a la Generalitat Valenciana a trav茅s del apoyo ACOMP/2014/151. Se agradece adem谩s al Dr. Jos茅 Luis Jord谩 del Instituto de Tecnolog铆a Qu铆mica de la UPV, por los an谩lisis de difracci贸n de rayos X realizados.Zambrano-Carrullo, JC.; C谩rcel Gonz谩lez, B.; Pereira-Falcon, JC.; Amig贸, V. (2016). Recubrimientos laser cladding de TiAl sobre Ti6Al4V: Caracterizaci贸n tribol贸gica. Revista Latinoamericana de Metalurgia y Materiales. 36(1):45-53. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/93306S455336

    Evaluaci贸n de la anisotrop铆a en las propiedades mec谩nicas del acero inoxidable AISI 304 laminado en fr铆o

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    [EN] The anisotropy is the term used in metallic materials to describe the difference between the mechanical properties according to the direction in which they were evaluated. In this study we determined the variation of the mechanical properties of AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel in annealing state and cold rolled in several passes. Three orientations in the rolling plane with respect to the rolling direction (parallel, diagonal and perpendicular) were evaluated. For each study condition anisotropy in the mechanical properties was observed. The bigger tensile strength and yield strength, and the lower total elongation were obtained for the transverse orientation. For the material in annealing state, a slight anisotropy was observed, and it increases by cold rolling deformation. The anisotropy being greater in magnitude, for the greatest percentage of cold deformation reached. The crystallographic texture of cold rolled material, evaluated by EBSD revealed a predominant fiber texture parallel to the transverse direction, and parallel to the rolling direction, with mayor evolution and intensity in the transverse direction[ES] La anisotrop驴驴a es el t驴ermino usado en los materiales met驴alicos para describir la diferencia que existe entre las propiedades mec驴anicas de acuerdo a la direcci驴on en las cuales fueron evaluadas. En este trabajo se analiz驴o la anisotrop驴驴a del acero inoxidable austen驴驴tico AISI 304 en estado de entrega y laminado en fr驴驴o, tomando en cuenta tres orientaciones en el plano de laminaci驴on con respecto al sentido de laminaci驴on (paralela, diagonal y perpendicular). Para cada condici驴on, se observ驴o anisotrop驴驴a en las propiedades mec驴anicas, obteniendo la mayor magnitud para la resistencia a tracci驴on y resistencia a fluencia, as驴驴 como, el menor alargamiento en la orientaci驴on transversal. Para el material en estado de entrega se observ驴o una ligera anisotrop驴驴a, y 驴esta se incrementa al deformarlo en fr驴驴o, siendo mayor para el mayor porcentaje de deformaci驴on alcanzado. La textura cristalogr驴afica del material laminado en fr驴驴o, evaluada mediante EBSD revel驴o, una textura de fibra predominante en paralela a la direcci驴on transversal, y en paralela al sentido de laminaci驴on, siendo de mayor evoluci驴on e intensidad en sentido transversal.Pereira Falc贸n, JC.; Torres, M.; Amig贸 Borr谩s, V.; Zambrano Carrullo, JC. (2012). Evaluaci贸n de la anisotrop铆a en las propiedades mec谩nicas del acero inoxidable AISI 304 laminado en fr铆o. Ingenier铆a - Universidad de Carabobo, Facultad de Ingenier铆a. 19(1):7-15. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/91882S71519

    Microstructure and mechanical properties of NiCoCrAlYTa alloy processed by press and sintering route

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    Nickel-based superalloys such as NiCoCrAlY are widely used in high-temperature applications, such as gas turbine components in the energy and aerospace industries, due to their strength, high elastic modulus, and high-temperature oxidation resistance. However, the processing of these alloys is complex and costly, and the alloys are currently used as a bond coat in thermal barrier coatings. In this work, the effect of cold press and sintering processing parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties of NiCoCrAlY alloy were studied using the powder metallurgy route as a new way to obtain NiCoCrAlYTa samples from a gas atomized prealloyed powder feedstock. High mechanical strength and adequate densification up to 98% was achieved. The most suitable compaction pressure and sintering temperature were determined for NiCoCrAlYTa alloy through microstructure characterization. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and energy dispersive spectroscopy microanalysis (EDS) were performed to confirm the expected γ-Ni matrix and β-NiAl phase distribution. Additionally, the results demonstrated the unexpected presence of carbides and Ni-Y-rich zones in the microstructure due to the powder metallurgy processing parameters used. Thus, microhardness, nanoindentation and uniaxial compression tests were conducted to correlate the microstructure of the alloy samples with their mechanical properties under the different studied conditions. The results show that the compaction pressure did not significantly affect the mechanical properties of the alloy samples. In this work, the compaction pressures of 400, 700 and 1000 MPa were used. The sintering temperature of 1200 掳C for NiCoCrAlYTa alloy was preferred; above this temperature, the improvement in mechanical properties is not significant due to grain coarsening, whereas a lower temperature produces a decrease in mechanical properties due to high porosity and poor solid-state diffusion.The authors would like to acknowledge the economic support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain through research project MAT2011-28492-C03 and the Generalitat Valenciana (ACOMP/2013/114). Furthermore, the authors thank Dr. Jose Luis Jorda for the XRD analysis.Pereira Falc贸n, JC.; Zambrano Carrullo, JC.; Afonso, CRM.; Amig贸 Borr谩s, V. (2015). Microstructure and mechanical properties of NiCoCrAlYTa alloy processed by press and sintering route. Materials Characterization. 101:159-165. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2015.02.001S15916510