15 research outputs found

    Consideraciones generales sobre el mercurio, el timerosal, y su uso en vacunas pediátricas

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    El timerosal, derivado del mercurio, ha sido utilizado en medicina por sus propiedades antisépticas. Desde hace más de 60 años ha sido usado como conservante en vacunas para evitar el sobrecrecimiento bacteriano, especialmente en frascos multidosis. Sin embargo, desde fines de la década de 1990 su uso ha sido cuestionado en Estados Unidos y Europa por el riesgo teórico de exposición en niños pequeños, con sus potenciales efectos en el desarrollo neurológico. Este cuestionamiento motivó a organizaciones internacionales, gubernamentales y no gubernamentales, entre ellas a grupos de asesores de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, desde el año 2001, a revisar la información disponible hasta la fecha. Estos grupos de expertos concluyeron que actualmente no existe evidencia del daño por exposición al mercurio en niños y adultos que reciben vacunas con timerosal y, en consecuencia, no existe razón para cambiar las actuales prácticas de inmunización con vacunas que contienen timerosal

    Estado actual de las vacunas contra el Dengue: perspectivas

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    Antibody persistence in pre-school children after hexavalent vaccine infant primary and booster administration

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    Objective: Antibody persistence evaluation for all antigens of a fully liquid DTaP-IPV-HB-PRP~T vaccine at 3.5 and 4.5 y of age following different primary series and booster schedules in South Africa and Latin America. Methods: Participants had completed one of two previous studies (Study 1-South Africa; Study 2-Latin America). In Study 1, participants who had not received HB vaccine at birth received a 6–10-14 week primary series of DTaP-IPV-HB-PRP~T or DTwP/PRP~T-Hib+HB+OPV and a third group who had received HB vaccine at birth received a 6–10-14 week primary series of DTaP-IPV-HB-PRP~T; all received a booster (15–18 months) of the primary series vaccine(s) except for HB in the DTwP/PRP~T-Hib group. In Study 2, participants received HB vaccine at birth, a 2–4-6 month primary series of DTaP-IPV-HB-PRP~T or DTaP-HB-IPV//PRP~T, and a DTaP-IPV-HB-PRP~T or DTaP-HB-IPV//PRP~T booster (12–24 months). Participants were followed up at 3.5 and 4.5 y of age for antibody persistence. Results: Approximately 80% of eligible participants were assessed. In Study 1, a birth dose of HB increased anti-HBs persistence (≥10 mIU/mL) following DTaP-IPV-HB-PRP~T primary and booster vaccination from 76.3% to 96.1% at 3.5 y of age and from 73.3% to 96.1% at 4.5 y of age; in Study 2, anti-HBs persistence was high and similar in each group. For the other antigens, there were no differences between groups or studies at 3.5 or 4.5 y. Conclusion: Good persistence of antibodies to each antigen in the DTaP-IPV-HB-PRP~T vaccine up to pre-school age, irrespective of the vaccination schedule during the first 2 y of life

    Epidemiology of Clostridium difficile: a hospital-based descriptive study in Argentina and Mexico

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    A prospective study was conducted in four tertiary hospitals in Argentina and Mexico in order to describe the occurrence of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in these settings. The objective was to evaluate the incidence of CDI in at-risk populations in Argentina (one center) and Mexico (three centers) and to further explore potential study sites for vaccine development in this region. A prospective, descriptive, CDI surveillance study was conducted among hospitalized patients aged ≥40 years who had received ≥48 h of antibiotic treatment. Stool samples were collected from those with diarrhea within 30 days after starting antibiotics and analyzed for toxins A and B by ELISA, and positive samples were further tested by toxinogenic culture and restriction endonuclease analysis type assay. Overall, 466 patients were enrolled (193 in Argentina and 273 in Mexico) of whom 414 completed the follow-up. Of these, 15/414 (3.6%) experienced CDI episodes occurring on average 18.1 days after admission to hospital and 15.9 days after the end of antibiotics treatment. The incidence rate of CDI was 3.1 (95% CI 1.7–5.2) per 1000 patient-days during hospitalization, and 1.1 (95% CI 0.6–1.8) per 1000 patient-days during the 30-day follow-up period. This study highlighted the need for further evaluation of the burden of CDI in both countries, including the cases occurring after discharge from hospital. Keywords: Clostridium infections, Epidemiology, Latin America, Incidenc

    03. Immunogenicity and Safety of a Quadrivalent Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (MenACYW-TT) Administered as a Booster Dose in Adults and Adolescents Vaccinated Against Meningococcal Disease 3 - 6 Years Earlier

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    BACKGROUND: Booster doses of meningococcal conjugate vaccines may induce long-term protection against invasive meningococcal disease. MenACYW-TT [MenQuadfi®] is a quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine, licensed for use in ages 2 years and older in USA. The vaccine is also licensed in ages 12 months and older in EU and other countries. METHODS: A phase IIIb study (NCT04084769) was conducted to evaluate the persistence of immune response in adults and adolescents primed 3-6 years earlier with either MenACYW-TT or MCV4-CRM (Menveo®) and, safety and immunogenicity of MenACYW-TT when administered as a booster dose with or without concomitant administration with MenB vaccines (Bexsero® and Trumenba®). Serum bactericidal assays with human complement (hSBA) and baby rabbit complement (rSBA) were used to measure antibodies against vaccine serogroups at baseline (Day 0 [D0]), D06 (in a subset) and 30 days post-vaccination (D30). Safety data were collected up to 6 months post-vaccination. RESULTS: At D0, the GMTs were higher in subjects primed with MenACYW-TT vs MCV4-CRM for serogroups C, Y and W, and were comparable for serogroup A. At D0, all hSBA GMTs were higher than those observed pre-priming dose, suggesting persistence of immunity. Sufficiency of hSBA seroresponse ( >75%) was demonstrated following administration of MenACYW-TT booster dose regardless of the priming vaccine administered 3-6 years earlier. Vaccine seroresponse in a subset of participants at D06 ranged from 77.8% (95%CI 62.9%; 88.8%) for serogroup A to 97.8% (88.5%; 99.9%) for serogroup W suggesting a quick onset of immune response post-booster. Post-vaccination (D30) hSBA GMTs were comparable for serogroups A, Y and W regardless of the nature of the priming vaccine and were higher for serogroup C in subjects primed with MenACYW-TT vaccine. The MenACYW-TT booster dose was well-tolerated and had similar safety profiles regardless of the priming vaccine. The safety profiles were comparable regardless of the MenB vaccine co-administered with MenACYW-TT vaccine. CONCLUSION: MenACYW-TT used as priming vaccine was able to demonstrate persistence of immune response 3-6 years later. MenACYW-TT elicits robust booster responses in adults and adolescents primed with MenACYW-TT or MCV4-CRM DISCLOSURES: Betzana Zambrano, MD, Sanofi Pasteur (Employee) Germán Áñez, MD, Sanofi Pasteur (Other Financial or Material Support, Former employee) Sue Jiayuan, MSc, Sanofi Pasteur (Independent Contractor) Judy Pan, PhD, Sanofi Pasteur (Employee) Habiba Arroum, MD, Sanofi Pasteur (Employee) Kucku Varghese, PhD, Sanofi Pasteur (Employee) Emilia Jordanov, MD, Sanofi Pasteur (Employee, Shareholder) Mandeep S. Dhingra, MD, Sanofi Pasteur (Employee, Shareholder

    Seroprevalence of dengue virus antibodies in asymptomatic Costa Rican children, 2002-2003: a pilot study La seroprevalencia de anticuerpos contra el virus del dengue en niños costarricenses asintomáticos, 2002-2003: estudio piloto

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    OBJECTIVES: Since 1993 dengue has become more frequent in Costa Rica. Adults have been the most affected population, while children have remained virtually unharmed. So far no studies have investigated how many asymptomatic children have been affected by this virus. This pilot study documents the seroprevalence, measured as the presence of IgG antibodies, of dengue virus in asymptomatic children from two different geographical areas. METHODS: This descriptive, prospective epidemiologic study compared the presence of antibodies in children who live in a coastal region of a tropical country where dengue is endemic, and an inland area where dengue is not endemic. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to test the serum for dengue virus IgG antibodies. None of the children had a prior history of dengue, fever, immunosuppressive therapy or underlying disease. RESULTS: During the period from July 2002 to July 2003, 103 children were recruited from each area. In the costal region we found a seroprevalence of 36.9%. In the inland area seroprevalence was 2.9% CONCLUSIONS: We found a substantial number of asymptomatic infections in Costa Rican children. This greatly increases the risk of dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome in these children, in whom previous dengue infection had gone undetected. Preventive efforts should be targeted at the costal region due to the higher prevalence in this area.OBJETIVOS: Desde 1993, la frecuencia de dengue en Costa Rica ha venido aumentando. La población de adultos ha sido la más afectada, mientras que en los niños apenas se han presentado casos. Hasta el momento no se han realizado estudios para determinar cuántos niños asintomáticos se han visto afectados por el virus de la enfermedad. Este estudio piloto documenta la seroprevalencia de anticuerpos de tipo IgG contra el virus del dengue en niños asintomáticos procedentes de dos zonas geográficas distintas. MÉTODOS: En este estudio epidemiológico descriptivo y prospectivo se comparó la presencia de anticuerpos en niños que vivían en la zona costera de un país tropical donde el dengue es endémico, y en una zona del interior donde no lo es. Se usó inmunoadsorción enzimática para detectar IgG en el suero. Ninguno de los niños tenía antecedentes de dengue, enfermedad febril, tratamiento inmunosupresor o enfermedad subyacente. RESULTADOS: Durante el período transcurrido desde julio de 2003 hasta julio de 2003, se reunió a 103 niños de cada área. En la zona costera encontramos una seroprevalencia de IgG de 36,9%; en el interior, de 2,9%. CONCLUSIONES: Encontramos muchos casos de infección asintomática por el virus del dengue en niños costarricenses. Esto conlleva un riesgo elevado de fiebre hemorrágica del dengue o de síndrome de choque por dengue en estos niños en quienes la infección había pasado inadvertida. Es necesario tomar medidas preventivas en la región del litoral debido a la mayor prevalencia de la enfermedad en ella

    “Direct and indirect impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on operational conduct of pediatric vaccine clinical trials”

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    ABSTRACTThe coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, as well as the resulting public health measures, impacted many aspects of society. The conduct of important pediatric vaccine trials was among these. Analyzing data from six ongoing non-COVID-19 pediatric vaccine trials we aimed to assess the operational impact of the COVID-19 pandemic using descriptive analyses. We identified multiple operational disruptions in trial conduct. Additionally, we identified higher percentages of missed routine vaccinations than investigational vaccines throughout the observation period. Overall, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was most apparent early in the pandemic period while adaptations to the pandemic were developed; however, some disruptions persisted throughout the observation period. Pediatric vaccine clinical trials are critical to developing new and/or improved vaccines for the pediatric population. Continued evaluation of the impacts of COVID-19 on pediatric vaccine clinical trials is warranted