10 research outputs found

    Socio-Economic Processes in Volyn Region During 1915–1916

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    Проаналізовано соціально-економічну ситуацію на Волині, яка склалася в результаті наступу австро-угорських і німецьких військ під час Першої світової війни, охарактеризовано основні напрями та механізм евакуації, яку проводили органи влади. З’ясовано роль земств у наданні допомоги біженцям. Охарактеризовано протидію органів влади, військового командування та місцевого самоврядування зростанню цін.The paper analyzes socio-economic situation in Volyn province that resulted from the military offensive of the Austro-Hungarian and German troops during World War I. The study shows that local authorities and the Russian military command had been preparing ahead of time to move the state and educational institutions, as well as a number of enterprises, to the eastern provinces. The enterprises that could not be moved were to be dismantled. Using primary sources, the author for the first time explores the mechanism of evacuation in Volyn during the summer and autumn of 1915. The military faced a number of shortcomings that resulted in failure to move certain property. The author also explores evacuation of officials and their families at the state expense. The situation was significantly complicated by the refugees from Galicia, who were originally placed in camps in the front-line districts, and later near Rivne and Zhytomyr. Zemstvos played an important role in supporting refugees, who were moving eastward on foot or by trains. Due to zemstvo’s efforts and funding, refugees were provided with food and basic goods. At the same time, zemstvos played an important role in fighting infectious diseases that proliferated in the region during that period. It was found that an increased flow of refugees boosted prices for basic goods and food products, despite the rigorous counter-effort from the military command and the administration. Local self-government tried to counteract these processes, however they did not always fully meet those goals

    Competition of van der Waals and chemical forces on gold–sulfur surfaces and nanoparticles

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