29 research outputs found

    Peran Guru dalam Mengembangkan Sosialitas Siswa Kelas XI IPS 2 Sman 1 Kuala Mandor B

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    The aims of this research is to know how is the role of teacher develop students sociality on grade XI IPS 2 at SMAN 1 Kuala Mandor B. The approach of this research is used the qualitative approach with descriptive method. The technique of data collecting in this research the researcher uses interview, observation and documentation study. The informant of this research consist with 5 teachers and 5 students in grade XI IPS 2. The results of this research indicate that teachers have a role to develop sociality students consisting of the teacher\u27s role in guiding students mutual respect among friends with the teacher scolded the students who will be do bully other friends. The role of the teacher in directing students to respect their peers to lead students in a cooperative group work and role of the teacher in directing student\u27s tolerance among friends by directing students to help friends affected

    Interaksi Sosial Mahasiswa Papua dengan Berbagai Mahasiswa Etnik Lain Studi Kasus di Rusunawa Untan

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    This research aims to analyze the forms of social interaction between Papuan students and students of other ethnic groups at Rusunawa Untan. The approach used was a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, documentation study, with data collection tools in the form of observation guide, interview outline, and documentation. Research findings showed that social interaction in the form of cooperation and accommodation between Papuan students and students of other ethnic groups at Rusunawa Untan has not been well established. Based on the results of observations, interviews, and documentation that the researcher carried out proved that Papuan students\u27 interaction with students of other ethnic groups was not really good, and it could be seen from fact that they could not cooperate in activities to clean the environment which is held every Sunday

    Pelaksanaan Model Inquiry Sosial Mata Pelajaran Sosiologi dalam Memotivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas XI IPS

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    : The purpose of this research is to know the implementation of a model of social inquiry on the subject of sociology in motivating student's learning. Result was used in the research study. Results of the research shows the implementation model of social inquiry in the sociology subject of XI IPS class have done well that teachers deliver learning topics, expressing the purpose of learning and teacher deliver the measures of implementing model of social inquiry. Teacher encourage students in the formulation of the problem, the formulation of hypotheses, assist students in gathering data and drawing conclusions. Student motivation is seen that students were active during the execution of the learning process with students respond positively to the teacher and students are encouraged to formulate the problems discussed. Can be seen that the enthusiasm of the students in searching, collecting and processing data in accordance with problems. Students dared to ask, issuing opinions and students are involved actively in the formulation of conclusions

    Asimilasi Budaya Pasca Pernikahan antara Etnik Jawa dengan Etnik Dayak di Desa Pasti Jaya

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    This research aimed to know the Cultural Assimilation which occurred post marriage between Javanese with Dayaknese. The approach used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. Techniques of collecting data are observation, interview and documentation study, with data-collecting tool guide observation, interview guides and tools documentation. The informants consist of 6 people that are the spouses of Dayaknese with Javanese. Based on the research, there is existence of two different cultures, the occurrence of an interaction process lasts relatively long, and existence culture of mutually adjusting while any change in language and religious systems further strengthen this research, a form of culture is affected by the presence of a tolerance that occurs between married couples with families and community, it makes relationship with each other closely. Mutual appreciate other cultures, openness and equality of cultural elements can be seen so that the occurrence of a cultural assimilation

    Identifikasi Faktor Penyebab Anak Keluarga Sejahtera Tidak Melanjutkan Pendidikan Ke Perguruan Tinggi

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    The title of this research is “The Identification of Causes Factors of Children From The Prosperous Family Who Not Continuing Their Education to The College (Case Study In Pasar Barito Sanggau)”. Common problem in this research is “Why children from prosperous families there are not continuing their education to the college" (case study in Pasar Barito Sanggau)? The sub-problems are: How is the internal factor that causes the child of traders in Pasar Barito not to continue their education to the college and how is the external factors that cause the child of traders in Pasar Barito not continue their education to the college? The Purpose of this research is to determine the internal and external factors that cause the child of traders in Pasar Barito who not continue their education to college. The techniques of data collection used are interview and documentation studies. The tools of data collection used are interview guides, note books and archives. The analysis in this research is presented by descriptively qualitative by using an 8 informants consisting of 4 children of traders in Pasar Barito who not continue their education to the college, and 4 parents who an traders in Pasar Barito from each that childs. The results of this research that indicate the causes factors of the children from traders in Pasar Barito who not continue their education to the college is the lack of interest from that child of traders to continue their education to the colleg

    Hubungan Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Pengambilan Keputusan Kepala Sekolah dengan Motivasi Berprestasi Guru

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    This study aimed to obtain information on the corelation of leadership style and decision making by the schools head teacher significant effect on the need achievement of teachers' state senior high schools in the Sub-Rayon 1 Bengkayang district. This study used a quantitative approach, the type of study the influence or causal studyThe research instrument is a questionnaire with Likert scale, the analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The results of the study found that: leadership style and decision making by the schools head teacher significant effect on the need achievement of teachers' state senior high schools in the Sub-Rayon 1 Bengkayang district. From the research found that : ( 1 ) the principal's leadership style has a significant relationship with achievement motivation SMA teachers in Sub Rayon 1 Bengkayang with significance of 0.141 ; ( 2) The principal's decision has a significant relationship with achievement motivation SMA teachers in Sub Rayon 1 Bengkayang significance .216 ; ( 3 ) style of leadership and decision making principals collectively have a significant relationship with achievement motivation SMA teachers in Sub Rayon 1 Bengkayang at 0.373 . The remaining amount of 0.627 is a relationship that comes from other factors beyond research

    Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Anak oleh Orang Tua Tunggal Perempuan di Kelurahan Kota Baru

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui cara orang tua tunggal perempuan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan fisik anak, psikologis anak dan kebutuhan sosial anak di Kelurahan Kota Baru Kecamatan Pontianak Selatan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cara orang tua tunggal perempuan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan fisik dengan memenuhi kebutuhan pangan, sandang dan papan yang dapat di contohkan dengan memberikan makan, minum sehari-hari, memberikan tempat tinggal dan pakaian. Cara orang tua tunggal perempuan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan psikologis adalah dengan memberikan rasa sayang, aman dan cinta seperti memberikan perhatian kepada anaknya dalam segala hal, mengawasi anaknya dalam rumah dan ketika bermain, selalu membawa anak ke puskesmas bila anaknya sakit agar anak tersebut merasa aman bila dekat dengan ibunya. Cara orang tua tunggal perempuan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sosial anaknya adalah dengan mengizinkan anaknya untuk bergaul dengan temannya, mengajarkan musyawarah, gotong-royong serta tolong menolong dengan sesama. Kata kunci: Kebutuhan Fisik, Kebutuhan Psikologis, Kebutuhan Sosial Abstrack: The purpose of this research is to know the way of female single parent in fulfilling requirement of child physical, psychological of child and social requirement in the village of Kota Baru District Of Pontianak Selatan. The research method that used is a approach qualitative with descriptive method. Result of research indicate that the way of female single parent in fulfilling requirement of physical by fulfilling requirement of food, board and clothing able to in examplize by giving to eat, drink everydayly, giving clothes and residence. Way of female single parent in fulfilling psychological requirement is by giving to what a pity, peaceful and love like giving attention to its child in all matter, observing its child in house and when playing at, always bring child to puskesmas when its child of pain to be the child feel safe when close to its mother. Way of female single parent in fulfilling its child social need is by permiting its child to associate with with its friend, teaching deliberation, cooperate and also help each other with humanity

    Interaksi Sosial Asosiatif antara Anak Putus Sekolah dan Masih Bersekolah di Desa

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    Abstark: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk interaksi sosial asosiatif antara anak putus sekolah dan masih bersekolah di Desa Pelimpaan Kecamatan Jawai Kabupaten Sambas dalam bentuk kerukunan, bargaining dan nilai-nilai sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Alat pengumpul data yaitu panduan observasi, panduan wawancara dan alat dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bentuk kerukunan gotong-royong pesta pernikahan berjalan baik, adanya pembuatan tarup, besurong, kuli aek dan ngarak penganten dan bentuk aktivitas tolong-menolong dalam produksi hasil perkebunan dan pertanian seperti panen buah kelapa dan panen sayur sawi. Bentuk bargaining sudah cukup baik dibuktikan dengan bargaining distributif antara lain dalam pengolahan produksi kebun kelapa, selanjutnya bargaining integratif antara lain produksi hasil pertanian dan keluar pada malam minggu dan malam kamis. Bentuk nilai-nilai sosial sudah berjalan dengan baik ditandai adanya pembuatan tenda, pembuatan bangku santai, pembuatan pondok dan membantu pekerjaan kecil tetangga. Kata Kunci : Interaksi Sosial Asosiatif, Anak Putus Sekolah, Anak Masih bersekolah Abstark: The objective of this research was to know associative social interaction between dropped-out kids and school students in Pelimpaan village Jawai subdistrict Sambas Regency in the form of communion, bargaining and social values. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach method. The techniques of data collection werw observation, interviews, and documentation. The research instruments were the directive of observation, directive of interview, and the documentation tools. The research showed the form of Concord mutual cooperation wedding is good, the making of tarup, besurong, kuli aek and ngarak penganten and forms of activity results in the production of mutual assistance plantation and agriculture such as harvesting coconuts and harvest vegetables mustard greens. The form of bargaining is good enough proven by the distributive bargaining among others in the processing of coconut production, further integrative bargaining among other agricultural production and go out on a Saturday night and thursday night. Form social values is good marked presence of manufacturing of tents, making a relaxing bench, making huts and small jobs helping neighbors