170 research outputs found

    Load capacity and deformability of timber shear wall assembly

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    In my thesis I review the analytical methods for design of wooden frame shear walls and\ud provide the knowledge acquired for comprehending these methods. In the first chapter I run\ud through the way of usage, functions and construction methods. Later on I describe the integral\ud problem, where the need for shear walls arises from; in the process I describe trajectories of\ud the forces as they travel through the structure between different structural assemblies. At the\ud end of the second chapter I point out possible problems which occur with this construction\ud method. In the final chapter I focus on explaining the analytical methods

    Credit Spreads and Business Cycle Fluctuations

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    This paper examines the evidence on the relationship between credit spreads and economic activity. Using an extensive data set of prices of outstanding corporate bonds trading in the secondary market, we construct a credit spread index that is—compared with the standard default-risk indicators—a considerably more powerful predictor of economic activity. Using an empirical framework, we decompose our index into a predictable component that captures the available firm-specific information on expected defaults and a residual component—the excess bond premium. Our results indicate that the predictive content of credit spreads is due primarily to movements in the excess bond premium. Innovations in the excess bond premium that are orthogonal to the current state of the economy are shown to lead to significant declines in economic activity and equity prices. We also show that during the 2007–09 financial crisis, a deterioration in the creditworthiness of broker-dealers—key financial intermediaries in the corporate cash market—led to an increase in the excess bond premium. These find- ings support the notion that a rise in the excess bond premium represents a reduction in the effective risk-bearing capacity of the financial sector and, as a result, a contraction in the supply of credit with significant adverse consequences for the macroeconomy.

    A New Form of the Two-Center Integral and its Application in the Semiempirical LCAO MO Method

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    This reduction was interpreted as a readjustment of cr electrons which then »screen« the Coulomb interaction. A similar correction has been applied to the two-,center integral by Pariser and Parr~ with the polynomial interpolation formula or with-. a form suggested by Nishimoto and Matag

    Development of web portal for dancers

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    Pole dance is becoming a widespread form of recreation and has been recognized as a sport in 2017. The dance elements are rapidly developing, but despite that, there is not yet an up-to-date online collection of them, where dancers could add new dance elements, their aliases, images, and video material. In the scope of this diploma thesis, we have developed a web portal for pole dancers, which allows registration, adding dance elements, uploading multimedia content, simple search by dance elements' name or alias and filtering. It is also capable of displaying the most viewed dance elements along with a recommendation system which creates a list of recommended dance elements, which could interest given user. During the development process, we have abode by the responsive design principles, thus enabling a good display of the web portal on mobile devices as well

    Application of the Screened Coulomb Potential to the Molecular System (H2)

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    The electronic correlation in atoms and molecules is the main problem of the ab-initio calculations. There are many methods that include the correlation between electrons

    Inspection of one-dimensional and two-dimensional code prints on pharmaceutical manuals

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    Diplomsko delo obravna izdelavo sistema za branje tiska enodimenzionalnih in dvodimenzionalih kod na farmacevtskih navodilih, katerega cilja sta branje in primerjava prebrane kode z referenčno s povezavo programirljivega logičnega krmilnika (v nadaljevanju PLK) in grafičnega čitalnika kode. Dodatno je v sistem vključen osebni računalnik s povezavo na PLK za izpis poročil. Glavni deli sistema so PLK, čitalniki kod ter osebni računalnik. V uvodu sta predstavljeni podjetje Tipteh d.o.o. in podjetje B3Servis d.o.o., ki je investiralo v razvoj in izdelavo sistema. V nadaljevanju so predstavljene zahteve sistema in cilj naloge. Delo je razdeljeno na 2 glavna dela. Prvi del vsebuje opis elementov sistema ter predstavitev in opis uporabljene strojne opreme. Temu sledi predstavitev uporabljene programske opreme in primer neuspešnega zmanjševanja stroškov strojne opreme. Drugi del opisuje izdelavo sistema in je osredotočen na programski in nastavitveni del komunikacij PLK-ja z grafičnimi čitalniki kod in osebnim računalnikom. Opisani so načini komunikacij in strukture paketov, ki si jih med seboj izmenjujejo za branje in primerjavo enodimenzionalnih in dvodimenzionalih kod ter za vodenje delovnih nalog in izpis poročil. Na koncu je predstavljen ergonomičen vmesnik človek-stroj s sistemom preko operaterskega panela. V sklepu sem ponovno povzel cilj diplomske naloge in analiziral rezultate razvoja sistema.This thesis discusses the creation and development of a system which reads one-dimensional and two-dimensional codes on pharmaceutical manuals. The systems goals are scanning, and comparing the scanned code to the reference data by connecting a programmable logic controller (PLC) to a code reader. A personal computer is additionally connected to the system through the PLC for data read-out. The main components of the system are PLC, code readers, and a personal computer. The introduction of the thesis introduces the company Tipteh d.o.o., and the company B3Servis d.o.o., which invested in the creation and development of the system. It continues with presenting the system requirements and the objective of the thesis. The thesis consists of two sections. The first section describes the system components, and electronic hardware. This is followed by describing the software used in the system, and also presenting a case of unsuccessful attempts at lowering the costs of the hardware. The second section describes the development of the system itself, the focus being on software and communication settings of the PLC connected to the code reader and the personal computer. It describes the means of communication and packet structure which are used for reading one-dimensional and two-dimensional codes, and managing work orders and data read-out. Lastly, it presents an ergonomic HMI system with an integrated operator panel. In the conclusion I summarised the objectives of the thesis, and analysed the results of the creation and development of the system
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