7 research outputs found
Photosensitizer Drug Delivery via an Optical Fiber
: An optical fiber has been developed with a maneuverable miniprobe tip that sparges O2 gas and photodetaches pheophorbide (sensitizer) molecules. Singlet oxygen is produced at the probe tip surface which reacts with an alkene spacer group releasing sensitizer upon fragmentation of a dioxetane intermediate. Optimal sensitizer photorelease occurred when the probe tip was loaded with 60 nmol sensitizer, where crowding of the pheophorbide molecules and self-quenching were kept to a minimum. The fiber optic tip delivered pheophorbide molecules and singlet oxygen to discrete locations. The 60 nmol sensitizer was delivered into petrolatum; however, sensitizer release was less efficient in toluene-d8 (3.6 nmol) where most had remained adsorbed on the probe tip, even after the covalent alkene spacer bond had been broken. The results open the door to a new area of fiber optic-guided sensitizer delivery for the potential photodynamic therapy of hypoxic structures requiring cytotoxic control
Wp艂yw rodzaj贸w s艂omy i dodatk贸w pochodzenia ro艣linnego na fizyczne cechy pelet贸w
The paper presents the results of a research on pelletizing different kinds of straw with admixture of rapeseed cake, soya bean hulls and spelt hulls. Obtained pellets were qualitatively assessed by examining: mechanical strength of the pellets, cutting and crushing strength, and basic physical characteristics. The results were compared with the ISO 17225-6:2014 quality standard in order to assess their suitability for industry. The results were statistically processed to determine the effects the particular admixtures and straw kinds had on the test parameters. The research testifies that moisture content of mixtures during the pelletizing process ranged between 9.0 and 13.65%, however pellets - 7.31-11.45%. The net calorific value of the produced pellets varied to a small extent (15.85-17.89 MJ路kg-1). The lowest ash content was measured for pellet made of rye straw and soya bean hulls (4.06%), and the highest for pellet made of rapeseed straw and rapeseed cake (5.17%). The various kinds of straw with applied compounds do not affect the specific density of the pellets. However, the obtained bulk density varied. The pellets obtained from rapeseed straw with spelt hulls and rapeseed cake compounds had the lowest bulk density (380.9 kg脳m-3). Only the pellets made of soya bean hulls and rye straw, wheat straw and soya bean hulls, and the ones made of rapeseed straw and spelt hulls and based on rapeseed cake had bulk density > 500 kg脳m-3. The highest mechanical strength was measured for the pellets made of rapeseed straw with admixture of rapeseed cake and spelt hulls (95.9%), for which also the highest crushing strength (1222.2 N) and cutting strength (136.6 N) were obtained. Considering the analysed parameters, the pellets made of rapeseed straw with rapeseed cake and spelt hulls admixture received the lowest ratings. They were characterised by the lowest net calorific value (15.85 MJ路kg-1), high moisture content (11.45%), low bulk density (390.8 kg脳m-3) and low mechanical strength (89.4%). Out of the examined pellets, the one made of rye straw and soy bean hulls had the highest net calorific value of 17.89 MJ路kg-1 and received the highest ratings.W pracy przedstawiono wyniki bada艅 nad peletowaniem r贸偶nych rodzaj贸w s艂omy z dodatkiem makuchu rzepakowego, 艂uski sojowej i 艂uski orkiszowej. Uzyskane pelety poddano ocenie jako艣ciowej badaj膮c: wytrzyma艂o艣膰 mechaniczn膮 pelet贸w, si艂臋 ci臋cia i zgniatania oraz podstawowe w艂a艣ciwo艣ci fizyczne. Otrzymane wyniki por贸wnano z norm膮 jako艣ciow膮 ISO 17225-6:2014 oceniaj膮c ich przydatno艣膰 dla przemys艂u. Wyniki opracowano statystycznie stwierdzaj膮c zale偶no艣ci wp艂ywu dodatk贸w i s艂omy na badane parametry. Z bada艅 wynika, 偶e wilgotno艣膰 mieszanek w procesie peletowania mie艣ci艂a si臋 w przedziale od 9,0 do 13,65%, a pelet贸w - 7,31-11,45%. Warto艣膰 opa艂owa otrzymanych pelet贸w by艂a zr贸偶nicowana w niewielkim stopniu (15,85-17,89 MJ路kg-1). Najmniejsza zawarto艣膰 popio艂u wynios艂a dla peletu wytworzonego ze s艂omy 偶ytniej i 艂uski sojowej (4,06%), a najwi臋ksza dla peletu ze s艂omy rzepakowej i makuchu rzepakowego (5,17%). Rodzaj s艂omy wraz z zastosowanymi dodatkami nie wp艂yn膮艂 na g臋sto艣膰 w艂a艣ciw膮 pelet贸w. Otrzymano natomiast zr贸偶nicowanie w g臋sto艣ci nasypowej. Pelety uzyskane ze s艂omy rzepakowej z dodatkiem 艂uski orkiszowej i makuchu rzepakowego posiada艂y najni偶sz膮 g臋sto艣膰 nasypow膮 (380,9 kg脳m-3). Tylko pelety uzyskane ze s艂omy 偶ytniej i 艂uski sojowej, s艂omy pszennej i 艂uski sojowej oraz pelety uzyskane ze s艂omy rzepakowej i 艂uski orkiszowej na bazie makuchu rzepakowego posiada艂y g臋sto艣膰 nasypow膮 powy偶ej 500 kg脳m-3. Najwy偶sz膮 wytrzyma艂o艣膰 mechaniczn膮 posiada艂y pelety, wytworzone ze s艂omy rzepakowej z dodatkiem makuchu rzepakowego i 艂uski orkiszowej (95,9%), dla kt贸rych uzyskano r贸wnie偶 najwy偶sz膮 odporno艣膰 na 艣ciskanie (1222,2 N) oraz si艂臋 ci臋cia (136,6 N). Pod wzgl臋dem analizowanych parametr贸w najni偶ej oceniono pelety, wykonane ze s艂omy rzepakowej z dodatkiem makuchu rzepakowego i 艂uski orkiszowej. Posiada艂y one najni偶sz膮 warto艣膰 opa艂ow膮 (15,85 MJ路kg-1), wysok膮 wilgotno艣膰 (11,45%), ma艂膮 g臋sto艣膰 usypow膮 (390,8 kg脳m-3) oraz wytrzyma艂o艣膰 mechaniczn膮 (89,4%). Najkorzystniejsze z ocenianych pelet贸w okaza艂y si臋 pelety, ze s艂omy 偶ytniej i 艂uski sojowej o najwy偶szej warto艣ci opa艂owej 17,89 MJ路kg-1