279 research outputs found

    Integrative connection of mathematics and economics

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    © 2016 Zakirova and Shilova.The relevance of the problem stated in the article is due to the fact that there is a great variety of statistical methods now. The survey of the peculiarities of statistical methods indicates the wide possibility of applying the methods and stages of the correlation and regression analysis when building a model. The significance of the specification stage when building the regression model is determined, its theoretical basis and essence are described. One of the important aspects of the specification stage is the selection of the most significant variables (factors). The purpose of the article is to create and prove the model of integration of general and special economic disciplines with mathematics, to suggest the algorithm of the selection of factors at the specification stage of building the regression model in the framework of the application of integrative intersubject connections. The leading approach to the study of this issue is the method of formation of professional competence of future economists through the application of mathematical methods and models, knowledge and skills, which, in turn, provides the development of basic economic knowledge and skills. In the article we developed the method of solving the problem of application of mathematical statistics methods in building the econometric models in the framework of integration of intersubject connections, and we suggested the algorithm of selection of variables for building the effective regression model, which contributes to the conscious selection of the factors in the model and ensures the accuracy of real trends of the model and the model assessments, the obtainment of adequate forecast results

    Formation of mathematical terminology in junior school children

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    © 2016 Sabirova & Zakirova.The actuality of studied problem is conditioned by the fact that nowadays development of personality is interrelated with mastering definite system of scientific knowledge. The article is intended on revealing pedagogical potentiality of reference materials as the basic mean that provides formation of mathematical terminology in junior school children. Pedagogical experience of Russian Federation elementary school teachers was the leading method applied in studying of this problem. As the result of this study there became description of work practice with reference materials and there was compiled trilingual explanatory dictionary of mathematical terms for junior pupils. These materials can be useful for elementary school teachers, directors of additional education, parents of junior pupils in process of teaching mathematics

    Integration of mathematical and natural-science knowledge in school students' project-based activity

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    © Authors. New educational standards implementation prioritizes the projective beginning of training in school education. Therefore, consideration of educational activity only as the process of obtaining ready knowledge should be abandoned. Thus the relevance of the studied problem is substantiated by the need to develop methodical works connected with the introduction of inter-subject projects into mathematics teachers' pedagogical activity as mathematics has a wide application in various sciences, though, at lessons, it is left behind due to time limits and insufficient mathematical apparatus school students possess. All that said specifies the goal of the paper: to define opportunities of project-based activity application in integration of mathematical and natural-science disciplines and development of methodical recommendations on its broad application in the course of training in the subject. The key research method of this problem is modeling the system of possible project-based activity directions aimed to work purposefully to increase results in subject studied as well as to develop meta-subject abilities. The paper proves the necessity to apply project-based technology in the form of inter-subject projects on mathematics; the basic models of school disciplines integration in the context of project-based learning opportunities realization are revealed; project themes of integrated disciplines that differ in time periods, volume and quantity are elaborated; features of their use in the course of studying mathematics are identified. Practical application of this system compensates the lack of tools of meta-subject technologies in pedagogical activity as it demands the ability to work in team, communicative skills, tolerance, self-organization, abilities to set goals independently, to achieve them and to analyze obtained results

    Psychological and pedagogical conditions of primary schoolchildren civil identity development (results of complex research)

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    The article presents the results of complex research of psychological and pedagogical conditions of primary schoolchildren civil identity development. On the basis of the theoretical research there has been revealed the insufficient level of structure, stages, and factors of children?s civil identity development. The empirical research covers the period of 2012-2013 and is divided into some stages. During each of these stages there was conducted a forming experiment

    Optimization of mental states of 6-7 years old children with speech disorders in a cross-cultural space

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    © 2016 Zakirova and Velieva.The relevance of research: The relevance of the study due to the need to pay special attention to the active development, emotional well-being and positive mental states of each child in the educational space and insufficient knowledge of psychological mechanisms, effective scientific and methodological developments optimization of mental states in a cross-cultural educational environment preschool organization. Purpose of the study: The purpose of the article is to develop a training system to optimize the mental states in preschool children 6-7 years old with speech pathology in a cross-cultural educational environment of preschool organization and its testing. Methods research: The leading method is a pedagogical experiment, which allowed to identify the effectiveness of folk tales in the optimization of mental states in preschool children 6-7 years old with speech pathology. Results of the study: The article deals with the structure, stages, content, basic techniques of training the system to optimize the mental states in preschool children with speech pathology, built on the material folk fairy tales. The efficiency of the work, consisting of three interconnected stages: cognitive-emotional; verbal and artistic samples; stage entry into the problematic situation in the face of uncertainty, solutions «open creativity» preschoolers tasks while increasing the voice activity. Statistically significant shown that the developed training system is effective and can be used in the practice of educational organizations to work with preschool children. Practical significance: Article Submissions are of practical value for the professional work of teachers, psychologists, speech therapists, speech therapists for psychological well-being in a group of preschool organization, optimization of mental states of pre-school children 6-7 years with speech pathology

    Peculiarities of teaching the russian language to children of immigrants

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    © Author(s).The relevance of this study is due to migration processes in Russia, the emergence in Russian schools of migrant children. School practice shows that the education of migrant children the Russian language has its own specifics related to the problems of bilingualism (bilingualism), ethnic identification, insufficient knowledge of the Russian language, weak processes of socialization and adaptation of children-migrants to a different foreign environment. There is a need to develop new approaches in teaching Russian language to children of migrants, the establishment of effective methods and techniques of language teaching. The goal of the article is the study and development of methodical work system on training Russian of children - migrants at elementary school. The leading method to the study of this problem is pedagogical experiment (ascertaining, forming and control stages of experiment), and the method of expert estimations, statistical processing of quantitative results. The main results of the study: the developed system on teaching Russian to children - migrants at elementary school. The proposed system of methodical work of teaching migrants’ children Russian language in multi-ethnic primary school classrooms is effective, it provides deep knowledge of younger school students on the Russian language, contributing to the formation of orthographic, lexical and grammatical literacy, speech skills, communicative competences aimed at the development of language personality, socialization of students-migrants. The article can be useful for teachers of higher educational institutions and primary school teachers in the use of the system of methodical work on training of children - migrants of primary school age Russian language in multi-ethnic primary school classrooms

    Educational environment risks: Problems of identification and classification

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    © Author(s).The relevance of the research problem is determined by the multidimensionality of educational environment, that is the system of business and interpersonal relationships of educational process subjects. The maintenance of these relations defines quality and nature of risks for teachers and their pupils. The article aims to identify and justify the contradictions between the existing methods, to reduce the negative factors and the current state of educational environment, between established theoretical principles in organization of educational process and the needs of educational practice. The article deals with the content of the concept, with the problem of identification and risks classification of educational environment. There are drawn up recommendations to reduce the negative impact of risks on the participants in educational process. The leading methods in the study of this problem are the comparative and diagnostic methods (questionnaires, tests, interviews), in order to identify the risks of educational environment. The study involved students of distance learning, practicing teachers of educational institutions of Tatarstan Republic. Materials can be used by teachers of higher educational institutions in the learning process of students of pedagogical specialties

    Developing the pedagogical culture of parents by means of social partnership with a supplementary education institution

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    © 2016 Nikitina.The urgency of the research is due to the current requirements to develop the pedagogical culture of parents, which can help them to be successful parents, to effectively interact with their children avoiding family upbringing mistakes. In this respect, the article aims to identify the conditions for development of the pedagogical culture of parents by means of social partnership with a supplementary education institution and to work out the program of parent education. The leading approaches to this problem are axiological, synergic, systematic, and existentialistic ones allowing to find a comprehensive solution to the problem of improving family education. The article describes the implemented program of development of the pedagogical culture of parents by means of social partnership with a supplementary education institution; it also provides empirical data on the results of the program implementation. The article describes the content of the program of development of the pedagogical culture of parents. In this regard, the article can be of use to education practitioners who have to interact with parents in their professional activity

    The formation of the pedagogical values of future primary school teachers at the University

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    © 2015 by the authors. The relevance of this study is due to the search and identifying of effective pedagogical conditions of formation of the modern student, future teacher of primary school, priority orientations on spiritual and moral values of teaching activities, to practical necessity of formation of pedagogical values of a specialist in the field of primary education and the development of a methodological model of the formation of the pedagogical values of future primary school teachers. The purpose of this article is to reveal the essential characteristics of pedagogical values in modern conditions, the identification and justification of pedagogical values of future primary school teachers as the basis for his professionalism, the development of the methodological model of the formation of the pedagogical values of the future specialist in the field of primary education. A leading method of this problem study is a pedagogical experiment (ascertainment, formation and control stages) as well as the method of expert estimations, statistical processing of the quantitative results of the study, testing students, monitoring of their activities. The main results of the research are revealing of essential characteristic of pedagogical values identifying and justifying of pedagogical values of future primary school teachers, elaboration of methodical model of formation of pedagogical values of the primary school teachers. The article can be useful for teachers of higher educational institutions interested in the problem of ways and methods of forming the pedagogical values of students, leading to high achievements in pedagogical activity

    Methods of work with pupils-immigrants at Russian language lessons in primary school

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    © 2016 Zakirova and Kamalova.The relevance of the study is due to the development of a new stage of prevention and the need to justify new educational goals and objectives of the pedagogical prevention of addictive behavior in the educational environment. The purpose of this article is to examine the totality of the necessary and sufficient individual resources, that are protective factors for teenagers from different types of addictions. The leading method of research is the analysis of psychological and educational literature and legal acts in the field of prevention of addictive behavior, psycho diagnostic methods. The paper theoretically justifies the formation of the person’s resilience as a task of pedagogical prevention of addictive behavior in the educational environment, shows the results of psycho-diagnostics for coping strategies, personal resources and resilience of adolescents, reveals the relationship between the models of coping behavior, the development level of the individual resources and the level of teenagers’ resilience. The article presents theoretical and practical significance for teachers, social workers and psychologists involved in the development and implementation of educational programs of addictive behavior prevention in the educational environment