64 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Instrumen Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Pada Pembelajaran PPKn SD

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    Abstract: Higher-order thinking skills are skills that are needed by students to become a superior generation in global competition in the present and the future. Civic Education is one that requires students to have critical thinking skills. The purpose of this study was to produce valid and reliable instruments for critical thinking skills in Civic Education. This research is a type of Research and Development (R&D). The subjects of the media product trial assessment instrument form oriented critical thinking skills with Civic Education material were 30 students of grade V. Therefore, researchers are interested in developing critical thinking skills instruments in Civic Education. This instrument refers to the assessment of students' critical thinking skills in primary school accordance with the objectives of Civic Education. By using this instrument the teacher can develop critical thinking skills in every Civic Education lesson in the classroom. The results of the development of critical thinking skills instruments that are made can be used by teachers as a tool to develop students' thinking skills in Civic Education.Abstrak: Keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi merupakan keterampilan yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh peserta didik untuk menjadi generasi unggul dalam persaingan global dimasa kini dan masa yang akan datang. Pembelajaran PPKn SD merupakan salah satu pembelajaran yang menuntut siswa untuk memiliki keterampilan berpikir kritis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan instrumen keterampilan berpikir kritis pada pembelajaran PPKn SD yang valid dan reliable. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian dan pengembangan atau Research and Development (R&D). Subjek uji coba produk media penilaian bentuk instrumen yang berorientasi Keterampilan berpikir kritis dengan materi PPKn adalah 30 orang peserta didik kelas V SD. Oleh sebab itu peneliti tertarik untuk mengembangkan instrumen keterampilan berpikir kritis pada pembelajaran PPKn SD. Instrumen ini beracuan pada penilaian keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa pada pembelajaran PPKn SD sesuai dengan tujuan dari pembelajaran PPKn SD. Dengan menggunakan instrumen ini guru dapat mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir kritis di setiap pembelajaran PPKn SD di kelas. Hasil dari pengembangan instrumen keterampilan berpikir kritis yang dibuat dapat di gunakan oleh guru sebagai alat untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir siswa pada pembelajaran PPKn SD

    Hubungan Kecerdasan Sosial dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

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    Abstrak. Kurikulum 2013 menekankan pada proses pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa yang lebih menekankan pada keaktifan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Hal ini juga didukung oleh kecerdasan sosial yang dimiliki oleh siswa itu sendiri. Di mana kecerdasan sosial akan menentukan seseorang dalam besikap, terutama berinteraksi dengan orang lain, dan dapat berpartisipasi secara aktif dan bertanggung jawab, serta bertindak secara cerdas dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kecerdasan sosial dapat dilihat dari siswa berinteraksi dengan orang lain dan siswa dapat membawa dirinya dengan baik dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Kemampuan siswa dalam berinteraksi dengan teman-temannya akan menjadi suatu motivasi dalam belajar. Oleh sebab itu siswa yang memiliki kecerdasan sosial yang tinggi, maka siswa akan memperoleh hasil belajar yangm aksimal. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara kecerdasan social dengan hasil belajar siswa kelas IV sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey bertempat di SDN 18 Duren Sawit Jakarta Timur. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama dua bulan, yaitu mulai bulan September sampai dengan bulan Oktober pada tahun pelajaran 2016/2017. Penelitian ini berhasil menguji hipotesis yang menyatakan terdapat hubungan antara kecerdasan sosial dan hasil belajar sangat signifikan baik pada taraf signifikansi α = 0,05 maupun α = 0,01, dengan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,969. Oleh karena koefisien korelasi yang dihasilkan bernilai positif, maka dapat disimpulkan terdapat hubungan positif antara kecerdasan social dan hasil belajar siswa. Artinya, semakin tinggi kecerdasan sosial seorang anak maka akan semakin tinggi pula hasil belajarnya, dan sebaliknya semakin rendah kecerdasan sosial seorang anak, maka akan semakin rendah pula hasil belajaranya. Keberhasilan belajar inilah wujud dari kecerdasan social yang dimiliki oleh siswa tersebut. Oleh karena itu diharapkan setiap siswa dapat meningkatkan kecerdasan sosialnya.   Kata kunci: Kecerdasan sosial, interaksi siswa, hasil belajar     Abstract . Curriculum 2013 places emphasis on the learning process based on students who put more emphasis on active students in the learning process. It is also supported by the social intelligence which is owned by the students themselves. Where social intelligence will determine someone in attitude, especially interacting with others, and are able to participate actively and responsibly, as well as acting intelligently in a everyday life. Social intelligence can be seen of the students interact with other people and students can carry himself well in the life of society. Students ability in interacting with his peers will be a motivation in learning. Therefore, students who have high social intelligence, then the student will obtain the results of the study are maximum. The goal of this research is to find out whether or not there is a relationship between social intelligence by learning outcomes grade IV elementary school. This research used a survey method is housed in SDN 18 Duren Sawit in East Jakarta. The research was carried out over the past two months, that began in September and ended last October in the lesson 2016/2017. This research managed to test the hypothesis that States there is a connection between learning outcomes and social intelligence very significant at both the significance level α = 0.05 or α = 0.01, the correlation coefficient of 0.969. Based on the results correlation coefficient is positive, then it can be inferred, there is a positive relationship between the social intelligence and results of student learning. That is, the higher the social intelligence of a child it will be increasingly higher results of their learning, and instead the lower the social intelligence of a child, then it will be getting lower also the results of his studies. The success of learning this is a manifestation of social intelligence that is owned by the student. It is therefore expected that every student can improve his social intelligence.   Keywords : Social Intelligence, student interactions, the results of the stud


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    Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is an acute infectious disease that attacks the upper respiratory tract and lower respiratory tract. ARI can cause mild symptoms such as cough and runny nose, moderate symptoms such as shortness of breath and severe symptoms. ARI can attack children if the body's resistance (immunology) decreases. One of the non-pharmacological therapies to reduce the symptoms of ARI is red ginger which contains chemical compounds of flavonoids, alkaloids and essential oils. The red ginger plant was found to be highly effective against periodontitis respiratory syncytial virus infections. This research is a quantitative research, quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent control group pre-test and post-test approach. This research was conducted in June - September 2022 at Payung Sekaki Health Center Pekanbaru. The study population was Toddlers Suffering from ARI at the Payung Sekaki Health Center in June – August totaling 98 people, a sample of 30 people for each control and intervention group. Sampling using purposive sampling technique. The research instrument used was a questionnaire sheet, and red ginger boiled water. Data analysis used univariate and bivariate data analysis using independent t-test and paired t-test. The results of the study showed that respiratory disorders in ARI patients before and after being given intervention by taking standard health care medicine plus red ginger boiled water with 30 respondents obtained an average pre-intervention (pre-test) of 61.49 with a standard deviation of 20.046 while the average after the intervention ( post test) 38.51 with a standard deviation of 15.033. The results of the study using the paired t test showed that for the experimental group after being given red ginger boiled water and standard therapy at the puskesmas with 30 respondents, the mean was 45.809 with a P-value of 0.025 (<0.05). It can be concluded that there is an effect of giving red ginger plus standard therapy at the puskesmas by consuming only standard therapy at the puskesmas. It is hoped that at the Payung Sekaki Health Center this research can be used as a source of knowledge for the local community and can be used as a complementary therapy guideline to reduce the symptoms of ARI.Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut (ISPA) merupakan penyakit infeksi akut yang menyerang saluran pernapasan atas dan saluran pernapasan bawah. ISPA dapat menimbulkan gejala ringan seperti batuk dan pilek, gejala sedang seperti sesak dan gejala berat. ISPA dapat menyerang anak apabila ketahanan tubuh (immunologi) menurun. Salah satu terapi nonfarmakologis untuk mengurangi gelaja ISPA adalah jahe merah yang terdapat senyawa kimia flavonoid, alkaloid dan minyak atsiri. Tanaman jahe merah ditemukan sangat periodontitis efektif terhadap infeksi virus pernapasan syncytial. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, desain quasi experiment dengan pendekatan pre test and post test nonequivalent control group. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Juni - September 2022 di Puskesmas Payung Sekaki Pekanbaru. Populasi penelitian adalah Balita yang Menderita ISPA di Puskesmas Payung Sekaki bulan Juni – Agustus berjumlah 98 orang, sampel sebanyak 30 orang untuk masing-masing kelompok kontrol dan intervensi. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Instrument penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar kusioner, dan air rebusan jahe merah. Analisis data menggunakan analisis data univariat dan bivariat menggunakan uji indenpendent t-test dan paired t-test. Hasil penelitian didapatkan gangguan pernapasan pada pasien ISPA sebelum dan sesudah diberikan intervensi dengan cara meminum obat standar puskesmas ditambah air rebusan jahe merah dengan 30 orang responden didapatkan rerata sebelum intervensi (pre-test) 61,49 dengan standar deviasi 20,046 sedangkan rerata sesudah dilakukan intervensi (post test) 38,51 dengan standar deviasi 15,033. Hasil penelitian menggunakan uji paired t test menunjukkan bahwa untuk kelompok eksperimen setelah diberikan minuman air rebusan jahe merah dan terapi standar puskesmas dengan jumlah responden 30 didapatkan mean 45,809 dengan P-value 0,025 (<0,05). Dapat disimpulkan ada pengaruh pemberian jahe merah ditambah terapi standar puskesmas dengan mengkonsumsi terapi standar puskesmas saja. Diharapkan kepada Puskesmas Payung Sekaki penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber pengetahuan bagi masyarakat setempat dan dapat dijadikan sebagai pedoman terapi komplemnter untuk menurunkan gejala ISP

    Implementation of Character Education Policies on Online Learning in Elementary Schools

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    Character education is integrated by the 2013 curriculum, so teachers are required to apply character education in the learning process in the classroom. The current implementation of online learning that is carried out at home is a difficulty for teachers to be able to instill character education directly into students. The purpose of this study was to be able to see what steps the teacher took in implementing character education in online learning in elementary schools. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. While the research data analysis techniques are data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing and verification. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of character education in the implementation of online learning can be done by teachers using the Zoom application for elementary school students and in online learning that is carried out using various methods and learning media, it is hoped that there will be an inculcation of character values of honesty, responsibility, discipline, mutual cooperation, collaboration, never give up, independent, and creative. So the implementation of character education in online learning in elementary schools can be carried out properly. This research can be used as a reference on character education in online learning in elementary schools, because previous research has focused on the high school level

    Pengaruh Pendekatan Pembelajaran dan Kecerdasan Sosial terhadap Hasil Belajar PKn Di SMP

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    This research aims to reveal the effect of learning approach and social intel- ligences on learning outputs of civic education. It uses experimental quation methodes. The research was conducted at SMPN 154 and SMPN 139 Jakarta with 36 students. Group were selected cluster random sampling. Data analyzed with two-way analysis of variance (anova) and followed by Tuckey’s test. The results indicate: (1) learning outputs of contex- tual learning higher than conventional learning; (2) there is an interaction effect of learn- ing approach and social inteligences level on the learning outputs of civic education; (3) contextual learning approach brings higher learning outputs to the students group of higher social inteligence; and (4) conventional learning approach brings higher learning outputs to the students group of lower social inteligence


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    Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan dasadarma pramuka dengan sikap yang sesuai nilai pancasila siswa kelas V sekolah dasar di kecamatan Setiabudi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan model korelasional. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas V di SDN Guntur 03 Pagi dan SDN Menteng Atas 14 Kecamatan Setiabudi. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui uji tes pengetahuan dasadarma dan mengisi kuesioner. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu statistik inferensial. Hasil penelitian diperoleh yaitu berdasarkan uji koefisien korelasi r sebesar 0,278 dengan tingkat kategori korelasional yang rendah. Selain itu, hasil uji koefisien determinasi diperoleh sebesar 7,75%. Hal tersebut menunjukan bahwa variabel sikap yang sesuai nilai pancasila sebesar 7,75% ditentukan oleh variabel pengetahuan dasadarma pramuka. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengetahuan dasadarma pramuka memiliki hubungan yang positif dan signifikan dengan sikap yang sesuai nilai pancasila pada siswa kelas V sekolah dasar  di SDN Guntur 03 Pagi dan SDN Menteng Atas 14


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    Kemampuan seorang pendidik dalam menyesuaikan perkembangan pembelajaran abad 21 harus dipenuhi dan menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Oleh karena itu mahasiswa sebagai calon guru nantinya harus dapat memenuhi tantangan tersebut. Upaya ini dilakukan agar mahasiswa sebagai calon guru SD dapat mempersiapkan sumber daya manusia yang unggul dengan kompetensi global dan mampu beradaptasi dengan era pembelajaran abad 21. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan analisis dan memetakan kemampuan Technological Pedagogical And Content Knowledge (TPACK) Calon Guru Sekolah Dasar yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur penguasaan TPACK yang dimiliki calon guru sekolah dasar pada mata kuliah pembelajaran PPKn SD sesuai dengan pembelajaran abad 21. Penelitian ini menggunakan mixed methods. Metode atau pendekatan yang digunakan adalah explanatory sequential mixed methods. Dalam penelitian explanatory sequential mixed methods, prosedur pengumpulan data dibagi menjadi dua tahap, yaitu tahap persiapan dan tahap pelaksanaan. Kata Kunci : Guru SD, Pembelajaran PPKn SD, dan TPACKThe ability of an educator in adjusting to the development of 21st-century learning must be met and becomes a challenge in itself. Therefore, students as prospective teachers must be able to meet these challenges. This effort is carried out so that students as prospective elementary school teachers can prepare superior human resources with global competencies and can adapt to the era of 21st-century learning. can be used to measure the mastery of Technological Pedagogical And Content Knowledge (TPACK) possessed by prospective elementary school teachers in elementary Civics learning courses by 21st-century learning. This study uses mixed methods. The method of approach used is explanatory sequential mixed methods. An explanatory sequential mixed methods research, the data collection procedure is divided into two stages, namely the preparation stage and the implementation stage

    The Mobilizing School Programme and its Implications for Students' School Well-Being in Primary Schools

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    The focus of the problems in this study are: (1) a general description of driving school and school well-being; (2) the implication of driving school programme to students' school well-being in primary school. This research uses a literature study method. The literature study research method is a research method by reading and analyzing readings related to the theme taken. The results of the study describe the intervention of the Driving School Program: (a) Consultative and Asymmetric Assistance, (b) Strengthening Human Resources in Schools, (c) Learning with New Paradigms, (d) Data-Based Planning, and (e) School Digitalisation. The driving school programme focuses on developing holistic student learning outcomes by realizing the Pancasila Student Profile which includes cognitive (literacy and numeracy) and non-cognitive (character) competencies. The intervention and focus of the driving school to realize the Pancasila learner profile has positive implications on aspects of school well-being, namely: (a) School conditions (Having) include things such as a safe physical environment, comfort, noise, ventilation, air temperature, (b) Social Relationships (Loving) social learning environment, student-teacher relationships, relationships with schoolmates, group dynamics, bullying, the relationship between home and school, decision-making at school, and the atmosphere throughout the school organization, (c) Health Status (health) is divided into the components of physical and mental illness, and Self-fulfilment (Being) This opportunity can be equal opportunities for all students to be part of the school community and make decisions about their existence at school


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    Abstract: The purpose of research to determine whether there is a relationship between activeness in scout activities with student learning motivation on the subject of Civics grade IV elementary school. This research used survey method at SDN Malaka Jaya 07 Pagi held on August - October of Lesson Year 2017/2018. This research successfully tested the hypothesis that there is correlation between activeness in scout activity and learning motivation of Civics both at significance level α = 0,05 and α = 0,01, with correlation coefficient equal to 0,620. Because the resulting correlation coefficient is positive, it can be concluded there is a positive relationship between the activity in the scout activities and motivation to learn Civics      Keywords: Scout Activity, motivation to learn, Civics       Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian  untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara keaktifan dalam kegiatan pramuka dengan motivasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran PKn kelas IV sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey  bertempat di SDN Malaka Jaya  07 Pagi yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus - Oktober Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018. Penelitian ini berhasil menguji hipotesis yang menyatakan terdapat hubungan antara keaktifan dalam kegiatan pramuka dan motivasi belajar PKn baik pada taraf signifikansi α = 0,05 maupun α = 0,01, dengan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,620. Oleh karena koefisien korelasi yang dihasilkan bernilai positif, maka dapat disimpulkan terdapat hubungan positif antara keaktifan dalam kegiatan pramuka dan motivasi belajar PKn    Kata kunci: Keaktifan Pramuka, motivasi belajar, PK
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