28 research outputs found

    Проблемы обучения английскому языку и понятие «britishness» в новом тысячелетии

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    The article deals with the changes brought to the cultural identities of the people living in the British Isles and the problem of the linguistic awareness of these changes for teaching English as a foreign language.В статье речь идет об изменениях культурной идентификации жителей Британских островов и лингвистическом осознании подобных изменений в процессе обучения английскому языку как иностранному

    Вплив комплексу акробатичних елементів на розвиток фізичних якостей дітей дошкільного віку

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    The directions of the complex acrobatic exercises to enhance physical fitness and functional status of children. The experiment involved boys and girls aged 5 - 7 years of the preparatory group. It is noted that the use of acrobatic elements for the development of motor qualities in children brings a positive result. Found that the use of special acrobatic exercises on physical training promotes full development, allows us to develop a high level of motor skills and physical fitness. Found that the impact on athletic performance, exercise, positive motivation for physical education classes, emotional, diverse playing exercises, exercises to music. There is a significant interest and desire of children to exercise, a high performance in the classroom.Рассмотрены направления применения комплекса акробатических упражнений для повышения физической подготовленности и функционального состояния организма детей. В эксперименте принимали участие девочки и мальчики в возрасте 5 – 7 лет подготовительной группы. Отмечается, что использование акробатических элементов для развития двигательных качеств у детей приносит положительный результат. Выявлено, что использование специальных акробатических упражнений на занятиях по физической культуре способствует всестороннему развитию, позволяет развить высокий уровень двигательных качеств и физической подготовленности. Выяснено, что на спортивный результат влияют физические упражнения, положительная мотивация на физкультурное занятие, эмоциональный настрой, разнообразные игровые упражнения, занятия под музыку. Отмечается значительный интерес и желание детей выполнять физические упражнения, более высокая работоспособность на занятиях.Розглянуто напрями використання комплексу акробатичних вправ для підвищення фізичної підготовленості і функціонального стану організму дітей. У експерименті брали участь дівчатка і хлопчики у віці 5-7 років підготовчої групи. Наголошується, що використання акробатичних елементів для розвитку рухових якостей у дітей приносить позитивний результат. Виявлено, що використання спеціальних акробатичних вправ на заняттях з фізичної культури сприяє всебічному розвитку, дозволяє розвинути високий рівень рухових якостей і фізичної підготовленості. З'ясовано, що на спортивний результат впливають фізичні вправи, позитивна мотивація на фізкультурне заняття, емоційний настрій, різноманітні ігрові вправи, заняття під музику. Наголошується значний інтерес і бажання дітей виконувати фізичні вправи, вища працездатність на заняттях

    Realization of students' adaptation possibilities at group forms

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    The degree of influence of purposeful realization of group forms is considered on the correction of adaptation possibilities on employments by a physical culture. In an experiment 326 students of the first course took part with violation of locomotorium. Physical exercises were examined as a health mean. Therefore regular employments were sent to maintenance of high capacity and strengthening of functional possibilities of organism. The indexes of psychomotor and sensory organization of personality must be purposefully formed on group employments on a physical culture already from the first semeste


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    Authors analyzed main stages of formation of intestinal biocoenosis in children with breast and artificial feeding. They presented principal risk factors of disorders of normal biocoenosis forming in infant. Advantages of administration of bifidus bacteria strain BB12 in children with artificial feeding are presented. Authors described proper experience of children’s feeding with adopted milk mixture. It was shown that an influence of mixture on the restoration of intestinal biocoenosis and formation of colonialist resistance of infants’ gastrointestinal tract is comparable to that one during breast feeding.Key words: infants, feeding, intestinal biocoenosis.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. 2010;9(2):103-108

    Upbringing of Student Teachers in Extracurricular Activities in the Context of Distance Learning

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    Introduction of distance technologies is necessary in the professional training of students, despite various assessments of its effectiveness. The purpose of the study is to develop the students’ upbringing system in a distance format and experimentally prove its impact on the main directions of future teachers’ upbringing, in comparison with off-line extracurricular activities. 156 undergraduate students took part in the experiment. Experimental research is the author’s paradigm for the formation of youth upbringing in extracurricular activities, which includes six synergistically interrelated areas. The students’ upbringing system developed in the study was tested in two formats of implementation: in off-line format at the first stage of the study and in distance format at the second stage. The statistical data obtained confirm the effectiveness of extracurricular activities for the formation of the future teachers’ upbringing only in off-line format. The introduction of distance technologies in the implementation of upbringing extracurricular activities does not have a positive effect on students, but in some areas has an opposite negative effect. The practical significance of the study is determined by the introduction of a self-analysis and monitoring system into the educational process through the use of Facebook and VKontakte social networks

    Academic cloud services: Innovative solutions and international practice

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    The goal of this publication is to analyze innovative solutions and international practices of using cloud-based scientific services and to classify them depending on the stage of research and the type of activity. The novelty of the study is that using the cloud computing technology is a promising area for the development and improvement of the scientific environment; this concept is a unified method of a common platform, a basis for the development, testing, and improvement of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and electronic educational resources. The relevance of the formation and development of research environment based on the cloud computing technology has been substantiated, and the use of scientific cloud services has been analyzed in the article. The scientific services have been classified depending on the stage of research and the type of activity based on the analysis of scientific literature and expert survey, and the features of various areas of application of cloud services in research activities have been determined. © 2019, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc. All rights reserved

    Perceptions of Foreign Language Teachers for M-Learning

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    © 2020. All Rights Reserved. Educational technology is a set of systems consisting of tech savvy equipment, processes and methods for the effective and positive implementation of educational theories. Nowadays, when the internet is becoming widespread, and mobile device technologies such as smartphones and tablets have been developing rapidly, it is possible to access educational content without being connected to a place. Today, almost everyone has smartphones. Many social networks, sites, applications are available. Many studies have shown that technology is effective in the field of education. For teachers with foreign language and their perceptions of learning through the help of technology are important. In this study, it is important to determine teachers' perception levels of mobile applications that contribute to foreign language learning. The “mobile learning perception scale” developed to access the research data. Items that are mentioned in the scale are basically positive question, "absolutely disagree", "disagree", "undecided", "agree", "strongly agree". After analysing the reliability of the survey, the overall result was found as Cronbach α = 0,963. A total of 180 teachers attended from North Cyprus and Russian universities. According to the result of the research, the teachers' perception of mobile learning is high. But this rate is proportional to age. There is a difference in the findings regarding the use of mobile technology when looking at the professional seniority and age ranges. This is due to the fact that recently, technology-supported trainings have been increased and the addition of "material design courses" and "technology-supported trainings" at universities play an important role in increasing perceptions. The use of mobile technology can be increased by providing in-service trainings to teachers with high professional experience and ages

    Virgilio, Georgiche, ed. Della Corte

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    Si tratta dello stesso brano delle Georgiche che Vi ho già fornito, ma questa volta in un'edizione che Vi può essere più semplice da usare per prepararVi all'esame, dato che contiene un commento più esauriente, ed una traduzione più scolastica. Scusate le sottolineature gialle, e le note, l'ho prima controllata. Buon lavoro

    Perceptions of Foreign Language Teachers for M-Learning

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    Educational technology is a set of systems consisting of tech savvy equipment, processes and methods for the effective and positive implementation of educational theories. Nowadays, when the internet is becoming widespread, and mobile device technologies such as smartphones and tablets have been developing rapidly, it is possible to access educational content without being connected to a place. Today, almost everyone has smartphones. Many social networks, sites, applications are available. Many studies have shown that technology is effective in the field of education. For teachers with foreign language and their perceptions of learning through the help of technology are important. In this study, it is important to determine teachers' perception levels of mobile applications that contribute to foreign language learning. The “mobile learning perception scale” developed to access the research data. Items that are mentioned in the scale are basically positive question, "absolutely disagree", "disagree", "undecided", "agree", "strongly agree". After analysing the reliability of the survey, the overall result was found as Cronbach α = 0,963. A total of 180 teachers attended from North Cyprus and Russian universities. According to the result of the research, the teachers' perception of mobile learning is high. But this rate is proportional to age. There is a difference in the findings regarding the use of mobile technology when looking at the professional seniority and age ranges. This is due to the fact that recently, technology-supported trainings have been increased and the addition of "material design courses" and "technology-supported trainings" at universities play an important role in increasing perceptions. The use of mobile technology can be increased by providing in-service trainings to teachers with high professional experience and ages. © 2020. All Rights Reserved