2,946 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Model Perangkat Pembelajaran Kontekstual untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis di SMA

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    : The purpose of this reesearch is to develop contextual learning device model to increase mathematical communication skills in SPLDV and SPLTV materials though the core activities in curriculum 2013. The quality of contextual learning device model will be described though feasibility : Students effectifness in learning and the fractical will be seen or viewed from students respons, test quetions will be used to measure mathematical communication skills. The instrument of this researth are : (1) validation sheets of MPPK effetiveness ,(2) validation sheets of MPPK practical, (3) post test sheets or learning result sheets. According to the result of MPPK effektiviness, found that from as statements, there are 13 agree statements, whereas the result of MPPK practical from 3 person of monitoring team found that the avarage score 90 % with the very valid catagory. After wads the pre test result before the MPPK was applied, the percentage of completeness USAs 36 % and after MPPK is applied the persentage of completeness is 75 %, means the mereasing happen which is 39 %, so it brings positive impact on mathematical communication skills

    Analisis Risk, Earnings dan Capital terhadap Nilai Perusahaan pada Perusahaan Perbankan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2010-2014

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan memperoleh bukti emperis kesehatan bank (NPL, LDR, LAR, ROA, NIM dan CAR) yang mempengaruhi Price Book Value pada Perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Populasi penelitian adalah Perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2010 – 2014. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling. Metode analisis data menggunakan regresi linear berganda. Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan regresi linear berganda diperoleh hasil adalah hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai Fhitung sebesar 13,639 dengan nilai signifikan sebesar 0,000 lebih kecil dari 0,05. Maka variabel NPL, LDR, LAR, ROA, NIM dan CAR secara simultan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap nilai Perusahaan. Hasil pengujian secara parsial menunjukkan bahwa Non Performing Loan (NPL) dan Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap Price Book Value (PBV). Variabel Loan to Asset Ratio (LAR) dan Capital Adequency Ratio (CAR) berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap Price Book Value (PBV). Sedangkan variabel Return on Asset (ROA) dan Net Income Marjin (NIM) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Price Book Value (PBV). Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa informasi ROA dan NIM memberikan sinyal yang positif dan goog news bagi pemilik dan seorang investor sehingga akan memberikan kemakmuran kepada pemilik dalam bentuk peningkatan nilai Perusahaan

    Pengaruh Dana Alokasi Umum dan Pendapatan Asli Daerah terhadap Belanja Daerah (Studi pada Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Daerah Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dana alokasi umum dan pendapatan asli daerah terhadap belanja daerah pada APBD Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Papua. Rumusan masalah penelitian adalah apakah dana alokasi umum dan pendapatan asli daerah berpengaruh terhadap belanja daerah. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah kabupaten/kota diProvinsi Papua yang terdiri dari 28 kabupaten dan 1 kota. Maka sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 5 Kabupaten dan 1 kota di Provinsi Papua. Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan regresi linear berganda diperoleh hasil adalah hasil analisis menunujukkan nilai Fhitung sebesar 61.214 nilai Ftabel yaitu 4,20 dan nilai p-value atau signifikan sebesar 0.000. Nilai Fhitung dan Ftabel 2 yaitu 61.214 >4,20 atau 0.000<0,05. Dengan demikian, maka H0 ditolakdan Ha diterima yaitu dana alokasi umum (X1) dan pendapatan asli daerah (X2) secara simultan mempunyai pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap belanja daerah(Y). Secara parsial dana alokasi umum mempunyai pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap belanja daerah. Pendapatan asli daerah mempunyai pengaruh yang positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap belanja daerah

    Religious Values Based on Space and TIME in Cosmology Perspective to the Verse of Badong in a Funeral Ceremony of Torajanese

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    Ritual of badong is held in funeral ceremony of rambu solo in traditional belief of aluk to dolo/alukta in Toraja's society, it was song and dance without music, and symbolic, verse of badong shown religious values of aluk to dolo/alukta. In data analysis, the study used descriptive qualitative and cosmology perspective in approaching the analysis. The aim of this study is want to know the relationship between being of universe and religious spirit of aluk to dolo/alukta which is stated in verse of badong in cosmology perspective. The result of the study is to find out the relationship between religious spirit of aluk to dolo/alukta in verse of badong and the space and time in orderliness of cosmos. They believed that after the death process, souls of the body will have a journey to reach a new place named puya, and the meaning of the death in belief of aluk to dolo/alukta is a way or transform the souls of the body from old world to the new world, puya is a village of soul of to dolo/tomembali puang (ancestors) authorized by Pong Lalondong, and puya in cosmology perspective was being at the west point of the earth


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    Marriage proposal process of Torajanese-Mamasan is a kind of culture product in social custom and brought some communication acts, such as speech acts, norms, and social custom values upon it. The scope of the research focused on the manner of meaning semantically, pragmatically, and ethics that formed in communication custom system in the process of marriage proposal, instead that the research need to explain all the process of marriage proposal step by step orderly. The researcher used Ethnomethodology approach, and also used two kinds of source of the data,; primary and secondary data and analyzed them in qualitative. The result showed that the process started from ma’bisik, mangusik, ma’pasule kada until ma’randang process were run by social custom system in communities of Torajanese-Mamasan in Kolaka district. And also, that the all of process were planned and done by adult named to matua verbally and symbolically. There was interesting thing of the process, that the communication system to be done associatively, bear several art and ethic values

    The Information System and Speech Acts Process of Torajanese-mamasan Community in the Marriage Proposal in Kolaka District

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    Marriage proposal process of Torajanese-Mamasan is a kind of culture product in social custom and brought some communication acts, such as speech acts, norms, and social custom values upon it. The scope of the research focused on the manner of meaning semantically, pragmatically, and ethics that formed in communication custom system in the process of marriage proposal, instead that the research need to explain all the process of marriage proposal step by step orderly. The researcher used Ethnomethodology approach, and also used two kinds of source of the data,; primary and secondary data and analyzed them in qualitative. The result showed that the process started from ma'bisik, mangusik, ma'pasule kada until ma'randang process were run by social custom system in communities of Torajanese-Mamasan in Kolaka district. And also, that the all of process were planned and done by adult named to matua verbally and symbolically. There was interesting thing of the process, that the communication system to be done associatively, bear several art and ethic values


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    Ritual of badong is held in funeral ceremony of rambu solo in traditional belief of aluk to dolo/alukta in Toraja’s society, it was song and dance without music, and symbolic, verse of badong shown religious values of aluk to dolo/alukta. In data analysis, the study used descriptive qualitative and cosmology perspective in approaching the analysis. The aim of this study is want to know the relationship between being of universe and religious spirit of aluk to dolo/alukta which is stated in verse of badong in cosmology perspective. The result of the study is to find out the relationship between religious spirit of aluk to dolo/alukta in verse of badong and the space and time in orderliness of cosmos. They believed that after the death process, souls of the body will have a journey to reach a new place named puya, and the meaning of the death in belief of aluk to dolo/alukta is a way or transform the souls of the body from old world to the new world, puya is a village of soul of to dolo/tomembali puang (ancestors) authorized by Pong Lalondong, and puya in cosmology perspective was being at the west point of the earth

    The Ballot or the Bullet - a Speech of Malcom X

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    Indeed, this article focus on one of speech of Malcolm X related to political thought and idea that how to throw away the prejudice and racial discrimination of white people, so whites could live as equal as black in the United States. Malcolm mentioned that under the control of white hegemony, and also because black people had not given their liberation from whites, it was true if blacks legalized their actions (by necessary means) in getting their rights. They legalized whatever means to throw away the white racism for reaching their freedom, and whatever means will do in getting the goal. That's the Malcolm, by necessary means come into the struggle for gaining black's liberation, equality, and human justice in the United States. The final tendentious action of Malcolm is to come into political action; he tended to get the political ways rather than separation in solving the race problem in the United States. For Malcolm, integration and fight for getting the rights of vote was the moderate ways in gaining the black common humanity (freedom, equality, and human justice) because they were supported by the principles of Charter of the United Nation, the Universal Declaration of Human rights, and the Constitutional of the U.S.A. This article was conducted by interdisciplinary approaches; historical, sociological, political, biographical and literary approaching

    THE BALLOT OR THE BULLET - A Speech of Malcom X

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    Indeed, this article focus on one of speech of Malcolm X related to political thought and idea that how to throw away the prejudice and racial discrimination of white people, so whites could live as equal as black in the United States. Malcolm mentioned that under the control of white hegemony, and also because black people had not given their liberation from whites, it was true if blacks legalized their actions (by necessary means) in getting their rights. They legalized whatever means to throw away the white racism for reaching their freedom, and whatever means will do in getting the goal. That’s the Malcolm, by necessary means come into the struggle for gaining black’s liberation, equality, and human justice in the United States. The final tendentious action of Malcolm is to come into political action; he tended to get the political ways rather than separation in solving the race problem in the United States. For Malcolm, integration and fight for getting the rights of vote was the moderate ways in gaining the black common humanity (freedom, equality, and human justice) because they were supported by the principles of Charter of the United Nation, the Universal Declaration of Human rights, and the Constitutional of the U.S.A. This article was conducted by interdisciplinary approaches; historical, sociological, political, biographical and literary approaching
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