20 research outputs found

    Aplikasi E-Commerce Sebagai Jembatan Perancang Dan Konsumen Pada T-Shirt Design

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    — In Indonesia, there is still not a special website that accommodates designers to design, to sell t-shirts with their own design, most websites only sell t-shirts. Abroad, some websites have been selling design t-shirts such as Teespring. Teespring makes it easy to create, sell, and order custom t-shirts, but has the disadvantage that the price is less affordable for the people of Indonesia. T-Shirt Design is an e-commerce website that makes it easy to create, sell and order custom t-shirts with affordable prices. T-Shirt Design embraces designers as sellers with their own design products and accomodate selling their custom t-shirts. T-Shirt Design will process orders from designer/seller and display t-shirt products that have ready to sell to consumer. Consumer can order, buy t-shirt product, and pay it. After receiving the product, consumer will give the feedback that use to improve serving, accuration, expedition. Designer/Seller get selling report, inventory report and list of consumer for each shop. Keywords—Custom T-Shirt, E-commerce, T-Shirt Desig

    Aplikasi Pengaturan Antrian (Studi Kasus: Customer Service Plasa Telkom Makassar)

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    Customer Service is one of the important things for the company these days. That’s why PT. Telkom  presented Plasa Telkom  as  a  bridge  between  the  company  and  its  customer. But there’s  a  problem,  which  is  queue  process  is  still  conventional  and  not  in  order.  This application can solve that problem. It has features, such as arranging queue number, queue registration,  calling  customer  with  certain  queue  number  and  showing  which  table  who calling  the  customer,  showing  customer  data,  showing  customer  service  official  data, showing  customer  service  report,  showing  and  changing  customer  service  official  data, showing  and  changing  supervisor  data,  showing  and  changing  administrator  data.  The result  can help queue arranging process. This application  could used  for other  company which  have  multi  channel  single  phase  queue,  having  more  than  one  service,  having unlimited queue  total, and used  for  customer  service department. For  example are banks and health clinics. Some adaptations may be needed by other companies

    Sistem Informasi Pembelian Kredit pada Distributor Semen

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    Purchasing is the first activity in trading companies. A company may not sale the product before they have it. The good credit purchase system can give us information about products, suppliers, stocks, purchases, and expenses. The software has features that will enable your organization to extend control over purchasing and expenses, manage account payable, print cheque, manage cost

    Aplikasi Gki-citra Berbasis Ios Studi Kasus Di Gereja Kristen Indonesia Perumahaan Citra

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    Provision of information to the church as the church bulletin, paideia, pastoral message, activities and schedule of activities on the Indonesian Christian Church - Perumahan Citra 1 was still done manually. Therefore, we need a system that can help these people to get the information easily, quickly and at any time. Previously, an Android application have been developed to provide information automatically. Considering that not all users are using Android, this research aimed at developing iOS application that will add to the current applications available. This system has several features, giving the church bulletin information, paideia, pastoral message, activities, schedule events, activities and schedule of data processing activities do content approval. Hopefully with this iOS-based applications will supplement the existing system on the Indonesian Christian Church - Perumahan Citra.

    Aplikasi Peternakan Kelinci Berbasis Web

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    Rabbit data processing by rabbit farms today still use manual records of books and papers. This poses a problem with the loss of or damage to records. In addition, rabbit breeding farm can be introduced to the world of the Internet so it can be better known. Rabbit farm also requires a rabbit diseases dictionary on the web so every visitor can find the disease and how to cure the diseased rabbits. It also requires rabbit farm news or announcementsfor web visitors to always know the latest news. To know each rabbit will used barcode reader (code-39) and each rabbit has a unique barcode as its identity. Track record of rabbit uses rabbit card

    Konsultasi Pemilihan Audio Mobil Menggunakan Metoda Forward Chaining

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    Audio is one of the tool for listening music that certainly will you found in car with the purpose to dispose boring time while driving. Character of car audio sound consists of sound quality, sound quality loud and sound pressure loud. Car users do not necessarily know about the audio devices that are used but have the desire to change it for the better. There are several kinds of audio devices and goods provided manifold. It takes a long time to understand the device from the car audio. Therefore, the application of expert systems can help users car in giving advice to use audio package as you wish. This application uses forward chaining method and desktop-based. The data used came from car audio specialist. This application uses the media image and the information provided to be more understandable. The application will give suggestions about audio package that can be used