31 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Dan Manajemen Potensi Desa Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Desa dan Mini E-Commerce Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Ekonomi Masyarakat di Desa Motihelumo

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    The goal to be achieved in this Maritime Thematic KKN activity is the creation of an independent village that is able to manage and map every potential that exists in the village by utilizing information technology, as well as creating wider space for business actors with mini e-commerce to promote business / potential owned for the sake of improving the economy of rural communities in general. With specific targets, namely (1) developing and implementing technology that is directly useful in the community, (2) realizing business management and marketing potential in the village by utilizing mini e -commerce. This Maritime Thematic KKN activity method is a workshop method in the form of training and mentoring to the community through intensive training on the use of village information systems with mini e-commerce so that all targets and outputs are expected through the implementation of this Maritime Thematic KKN activity. increase the economic potential of the community


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    Public complaints are a form of community participation to play a role in building the environment as well as a form of monitoring the performance of government agencies. Currently, the North City District Office does not yet have a public complaint service or system. So it is necessary to have a Public Complaints Information System to submit public complaints that are intended specifically for the North City District government and the application responds quickly to complaints, suggestions, a place to accommodate aspirations, first aid for humanitarian and emergency communities. The design used in this research is the Prototype method. This research produces a Quick Response and Community Complaints Information System to make it easier for the public to submit complaints which will be addressed specifically to the North City District government and can speed up the complaint time in real time because it is based on a Progressive Web App (PWA) that can be read by sub-district staff and forwarded. to the sub-district head for the complaint process.Keywords: Complaints, PWA, Prototype


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    Penelitian ini mendokumentasikan implementasi metode Least Significant Bit (LSB) dalam steganografi pada citra digital menggunakan MATLAB. Penelitian bertujuan membuat program steganografi dengan metode LSB dan menganalisis efisiensinya berdasarkan PSNR, waktu proses, dan ukuran file. Fokusnya adalah pada gambar digital dalam format PNG32, menggunakan ASCII untuk teks, serta penerapan steganografi dalam menyembunyikan pesan pada media digital seperti gambar dan audio. Studi mencakup tabel hasil metode LSB pada berbagai file gambar, dengan perbandingan gambar stego pada jumlah teks tersembunyi yang berbeda. Artikel ini juga menyertakan daftar referensi untuk bacaan lebih lanjut. Sistem steganografi yang diusulkan mencakup fungsi encoding, decoding, tampilan gambar pada GUI, serta perhitungan PSNR dan MSE. Evaluasi dilakukan pada sepuluh file gambar dengan ukuran dan dimensi yang beragam, dicatat dalam tabel.Kode yang digunakan dijelaskan secara rinci, termasuk loop untuk mengubah piksel gambar dan penyimpanan teks dalam bentuk biner. Secara keseluruhan, proposal ini memberikan kajian komprehensif tentang implementasi dan evaluasi metode LSB dalam steganografi citra digital menggunakan MATLAB


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    Operated in finance and public services, the Regional Agency of Gorontalo Regency conducts local taxcollection activities, including tax reporting and payment. In the reporting process, the Regional RevenueAgency of Gorontalo Regency develops and applies the regional tax payment and reporting system throughonline-based information technology or SIM e-SPTPD. During the implementation, the users sometimesencounter several obstacles, such as a slow system, inconsistent data (missing data), and users who areilliterate about the system. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the influence of user perception on thesuccess of SIM e-SPTPD performance using the PIECES method with six independent variables(Information, Economy, Control, Efficiency, and Service), one dependent variable (Performance), andother variables related to SIM e-SPTPD performance. The study was conducted on 40 respondents whoused SIM e-SPTPD. Data in this study were collected through observation, interview, and questionnairemethods, which were then processed using multiple linear regression to test the hypothesis. From the study,the Information, Economy, and Efficiency variables positively influence the Performance variable.Meanwhile, Control and Service variables have a negative influence on Performance variables. Partially,the Information, Economy, and Efficiency variables influence the Performance variables, and the Controland Sevice were otherwise. In contrast, the variables mentioned did not influence the Performance variablesimultaneously


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    This research is motivated by the difficulties faced by visitors in exploring the tourism site. During their visit, visitors often need to ask the ticket attendant for information about the best spots to visit due to the lack of informative signs. The aim of this research is to develop a virtual tour product using video technology 360 for Otanaha Fortress by employing the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method, which includes the stages of concept, design, material collection, production, testing, and distribution stages. This research is expected to contribute to the development of innovative and interactive tourism information media and promote Otanaha Fortress as one of the tourist destinations in Gorontalo Province. Keywords: Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC); Otanaha Fortress of Gorontalo; virtual tour; 360 video


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    This present study is motivated by a problem experienced by supervisors in processing data where they remain applying Microsoft Excel so that it is eventually time-consuming and leading to frequent data duplication. In addition, the data storage process is still in the form of document or archive thus, it delays the search process over certain data, and it is vulnerable to be lost or corrupted. The study is classified as a descriptive study which uses prototype method for system development. The study’s result is a Web-based Regional Asset Inventory Information System which is helpful in the regional asset inventory process. Additionally, the system can help prepare and register data so that it benefits Bone Bolango District administration in relation to the regional asset inventory process.  Keywords: Asset Inventory, Regional Asset Inventory Information System of Bone Bolango District, Prototyp


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    Sistem Informasi Pengembangan Karir Rescuer adalah sistem informasi yang berisi daftar dokumen kegiatan rescuer melalui angka kredit yang diajukan oleh setiap pegawai negeri yang berguna untuk pengembangan karirnya serta sebagai bahan penilaian kinerja pegawai tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pengguna Sistem Informasi Pengembangan Karir Rescuer dan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel mana yang lebih dominan terhadap tingkat kepuasan pengguna Sistem Informasi Pengembangan Karir Rescuer. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) yang terdiri dari lima variabel, yaitu: isi (content), ketepatan (accuracy), tampilan (format), kemudahan penggunaan (ease of use) dan ketepatan waktu (timeliness). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah PNS Jabatan Fungsional Pranata Pencarian dan Pertolongan di Kantor Pencarian dan Pertolongan Gorontalo. Sampel yang digunakan yaitu sample jenuh dimana sampel menggunakan keseluruhan populasi sebanyak 32 responden. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa dari 5 hipotesis yang dibuat terdapat 3 hipotesis yang ditolak sedangkan 2 lainnya diterima, hal ini terlihat pada hasil pengujian hipotesis yang menunjukkan hanya terdapat 2 variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan Sistem Informasi Pengembangan Karir Rescuer variabel pertama yaitu Format dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,012 dan t hitung sebesar 2.714 , variabel yang kedua yaitu Ease Of Use dengan nilai signifikansi 0,008 dan t hitung sebesar 2,887. Selain itu terdapat 3 variabel yang tidak berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan Sistem Informasi Pengembangan Karir Rescuer yaitu variabel Content dengan nilai signifikansi .667 dan t hitung sebesar -.437, variabel Accuracy dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 1.1561 dan t hitung sebesar .257, dan juga Timeliness dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar -1.287 dan juga t hitung sebesar .209

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Reservasi Pemesanan Bus Pariwisata Berbasis Web Pada Cv. Abiyyu Trans

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    Kebutuhan alat transportasi bagi masyarakat khususnya di Kota Tangerang Selatan, yang digunakan untuk pergi liburan, studi wisata, atau bekerja ke luar kota, merupakan peluang usaha yang menjanjikan bagi perusahaan transportasi. Karena kebutuhan alat transportasi tersebut penting untuk kelancaran kegiatannya. Perusahaan CV. Abiyyu Trans yang terlibat dalam layanan pengangkutan orang, termasuk salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang ini. Dalam operasionalnya CV. Abiyyu Trans masih menggunakan sistem manual dalam reservasi pemesanan busnya. Banyak kendala yang terjadi dalam pemesanan bus ini, seperti pencatatan jadwal pemesanan bus yang tidak terpusat, data pemesanan bus yang sering hilang dan rusak karena dicatat dalam buku besar, data transaksi yang tidak akurat, dan penyimpanan datanya yang tidak efisien dan tidak aman. Permasalahan selanjutnya mengenai pembayaran kelebihan sewa, yang masih dilakukan dengan sistem “tawar menawar” yang sangat alot dan membutuhkan waktu yang lama, karena sistem kelebihan sewanya tidak dibuat dalam sistem yang pasti dan konsisten. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, dibuatlah sebuah sistem aplikasi dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan penyimpanan data dengan MySQL. Dengan adanya aplikasi berbasis web ini, pelanggan yang akan memesan bus bisa mengakses sistemnya secara online dengan tepat dan akurat, dan juga bisa meningkatkan kinerja para karyawan CV. Abiyyu Trans menjadi lebih bai

    Effectiveness of 3D Animation Using Google Sketchup and Lumion as Tourist Attraction Information Media

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    3D animation is easy to describe for presenting visual information attractively and realistically, making it an ideal choice for attraction promotion but more difficult to work with. This study aimed to develop 3D animated videos and test their effectiveness as an information medium for promoting tourist attractions. The research method used was the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC), which consists of six stages: concept, design, material collection, assembly, testing, and distribution. Designing and creating 3D objects using Google SketchUp, rendering them in animation using Lumion, and editing animated videos using Adobe Premiere Pro CC. The results of the feasibility test by media experts show that 95% of the categories are feasible regarding animation quality and appearance. The feasibility test of 35 people as respondents from the community showed that, in terms of aspects of the display, quality, speed, brightness, time duration, and selection of viewing angles, 90% were found to be in very appropriate categories. These results indicate that 3D animated videos developed using Sketchup and Lumion are worthy of use as information media to promote tourist attractions