14 research outputs found

    Spm1, a stress-activated MAP kinase that regulates morphogenesis in S.pombe.

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    A gene encoding a novel MAP kinase family member, Spm1, was isolated from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Overproduction of Spm1 inhibits proliferation. Disruption of the spm1+ gene interferes with cell separation and morphogenesis. Under conditions of nutrient limitation, hypertonic stress or elevated temperature, spm1 delta cells grow as short branched filaments in which the cell walls and septa are thickened, suggesting defects in polarized growth and cell wall remodeling. At high osmolarity, spm1 delta cells fail to form colonies. The Spm1 protein is tyrosine phosphorylated and activated in response to osmotic and heat stress, consistent with a role for Spm1 in adaptation to these conditions. Two other S.pombe MAP kinases are known, Spk1, required for sexual differentiation and sporulation, and Spc1/Sty1/Phh1, which is activated in hypertonic conditions. However, the distinctive features of the spm1 delta mutant phenotype and direct biochemical assays suggest that Spm1 does not lie on other known MAP kinase pathways. Our results demonstrate the existence of a new MAP kinase pathway that regulates cell wall remodeling and cytokinesis in response to environmental stresses

    Rga4, a Rho-GAP from fission yeast: Finding specificity within promiscuity

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    Regulation by signaling molecules of pathways involved in determining cell size and shape is fundamental to understand morphogenesis. In eukaryotic cells, Rho GTPases modulate cellular events by acting as molecular switches. GTPase Activating Proteins (GAPs) control the fine-tuning of Rho GTPase activity as downregulators that promote their inactive state. We use Schizosaccharomyces pombe as a model to unveil key mechanisms underlying processes of general significance. Rga4, one of the nine RhoGAPs present in the fission yeast, is a key factor in the control of cell polarity and morphogenesis by negatively regulating the activity of the essential Rho GTPase Cdc42. We have demonstrated that Rga4 is also a GAP for Rho2 GTPase, which acts upstream of the Pmk1 cell integrity MAP kinase pathway and positively regulates cell integrity and cell separation. Our findings suggest that Rga4 control of both Cdc42 and Rho2 function is rather independent, thus providing a good example of regulatory specificity. Additionally, we describe multiple GAPs that can downregulate Pmk1 activity in a Rho2-dependent and independent fashion. These studies corroborate the existence of a sophisticated regulatory network by which different RhoGAPs modulate differentially the activity of Rho GTPases, and the existence of different inputs for the Pmk1 cell integrity MAP kinase pathway

    Role for RACK1 Orthologue Cpc2 in the Modulation of Stress Response in Fission Yeast

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    The receptor of activated C kinase (RACK1) is a protein highly conserved among eukaryotes. In mammalian cells, RACK1 functions as an adaptor to favor protein kinase C (PKC)-mediated phosphorylation and subsequent activation of c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase mitogen-activated protein kinase. Cpc2, the RACK1 orthologue in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, is involved in the control of G2/M transition and interacts with Pck2, a PKC-type protein member of the cell integrity Pmk1 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. Both RACK1 and Cpc2 are structural components of the 40S ribosomal subunit, and recent data suggest that they might be involved in the control of translation. In this work, we present data supporting that Cpc2 negatively regulates the cell integrity transduction pathway by favoring translation of the tyrosine-phosphatases Pyp1 and Pyp2 that deactivate Pmk1. In addition, Cpc2 positively regulates the synthesis of the stress-responsive transcription factor Atf1 and the cytoplasmic catalase, a detoxificant enzyme induced by treatment with hydrogen peroxide. These results provide for the first time strong evidence that the RACK1-type Cpc2 protein controls from the ribosome the extent of the activation of MAPK cascades, the cellular defense against oxidative stress, and the progression of the cell cycle by regulating positively the translation of specific gene products involved in key biological processes

    The Rho1p Exchange Factor Rgf1p Signals Upstream from the Pmk1 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Pathway in Fission Yeast

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    The Schizosaccharomyces pombe exchange factor Rgf1p specifically regulates Rho1p during polarized growth. Rgf1p activates the β-glucan synthase (GS) complex containing the catalytic subunit Bgs4p and is involved in the activation of growth at the second end, a transition that requires actin reorganization. In this work, we investigated Rgf1p signaling and observed that Rgf1p acted upstream from the Pck2p-Pmk1p MAPK signaling pathway. We noted that Rgf1p and calcineurin play antagonistic roles in Cl− homeostasis; rgf1Δ cells showed the vic phenotype (viable in the presence of immunosuppressant and chlorine ion) and were unable to grow in the presence of high salt concentrations, both phenotypes being characteristic of knockouts of the MAPK components. In addition, mutations that perturb signaling through the MAPK pathway resulted in defective cell integrity (hypersensitivity to caspofungin and β-glucanase). Rgf1p acts by positively regulating a subset of stimuli toward the Pmk1p-cell integrity pathway. After osmotic shock and cell wall damage HA-tagged Pmk1p was phosphorylated in wild-type cells but not in rgf1Δ cells. Finally, we provide evidence to show that Rgf1p regulates Pmk1p activation in a process that involves the activation of Rho1p and Pck2p, and we demonstrate that Rgf1p is unique in this signaling process, because Pmk1p activation was largely independent of the other two Rho1p-specific GEFs, Rgf2p and Rgf3p

    Atf1 Is a Target of the Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Pmk1 and Regulates Cell Integrity in Fission Yeast

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    In fission yeast, knockout of the calcineurin gene resulted in hypersensitivity to Cl−, and the overexpression of pmp1+ encoding a dual-specificity phosphatase for Pmk1 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) or the knockout of the components of the Pmk1 pathway complemented the Cl− hypersensitivity of calcineurin deletion. Here, we showed that the overexpression of ptc1+ and ptc3+, both encoding type 2C protein phosphatase (PP2C), previously known to inactivate the Wis1–Spc1–Atf1 stress-activated MAPK signaling pathway, suppressed the Cl− hypersensitivity of calcineurin deletion. We also demonstrated that the mRNA levels of these two PP2Cs and pyp2+, another negative regulator of Spc1, are dependent on Pmk1. Notably, the deletion of Atf1, but not that of Spc1, displayed hypersensitivity to the cell wall-damaging agents and also suppressed the Cl− hypersensitivity of calcineurin deletion, both of which are characteristic phenotypes shared by the mutation of the components of the Pmk1 MAPK pathway. Moreover, micafungin treatment induced Pmk1 hyperactivation that resulted in Atf1 hyperphosphorylation. Together, our results suggest that PP2C is involved in a negative feedback loop of the Pmk1 signaling, and results also demonstrate that Atf1 is a key component of the cell integrity signaling downstream of Pmk1 MAPK