7 research outputs found

    Transmission electron photomicrographs of ultrathin sections obtained from control (A) and mouse brain infected intracerebrally with Curionopolis for 36 (B,C), 60 (D) and 96 h (E), and with Itacaiunas for 24 (F), 60 (G), 72 (H), 96 (I) and 108 h (J).

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    <p>Normal tissue with intact neuronal soma and appendages (A); viral particles (arrow), interstitial edema (stars) and cellular rarefaction (lozenge) are seen 36 h post-inoculation (p.i.) (B, C); necrotic cells were observed at 60 h p.i. (D); intense perivascular edema (stars), hyperplastic endotheliocytes and reduced vessel luminal area (E); well-preserved brain parenchyma and vessels at 24 h p.i. (F); viral particles, endotheliocyte hyperplasia, and mild interstitial edema (stars) at 60 h p.i. (G); membrane viral budding in rich polyribosomes oligodendrocyte-like cell at 72 h p.i. (H); brain parenchyma at 96 h p.i. presenting a large number of viral particles (I); apoptotic features were more marked at 108 h p.i. (J). AC = apoptotic cell, M = mitochondria, OL = oligodendrocyte, EC = endothelial cells, VL = vascular lumen, N = cell nucleus, NC = necrotic cells.</p

    Bright-field (A, G) and interferential contrast (B–F, H) photomicrographs of infected mouse brain sections illustrating viral antigen-immunolabeled cells 2 (A–D) and 4 (E–G) days after inoculation with Curionopolis virus and TUNEL immunolabeling at 6 days (G, H).

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    <p>Low (square) (A), medium (B) and high (C) power photomicrographs of labeled olfactory bulb neurons. High power images illustrating isolated neurons of the olfactory bulb with immunolabeled soma (arrow) and other neuronal appendages (arrowheads) (C); immunolabeled meningeal cells are also indicated (arrow) (D); cortical (E) and thalamic (F) neurons immunostained with viral antigens distributed in the cell appendages. TUNEL-positive neurons in infected brain sections (TUNEL POD procedure) 6 days after inoculation with Curionopolis virus into the ventral olfactory bulb (G, H). The arrows indicate immunostained neuronal nuclei.</p

    Bright-field (A, D, F) and interferential contrast (B, C, E, G) photomicrographs of Itacaiunas virus-infected mouse brain at 4 (A–C), 6 (D, E) and 8 (F, G) days post-inoculation.

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    <p>Low (A) and medium (B) power photomicrographs of the olfactory neuronal group (smaller rectangle). Details of immunolabeled neurons of the frontal cortex (C) (arrows and arrowheads). Low (D) (rectangle) and medium (E) power photomicrographs of a group (arrows) of hippocampal neurons showing low viral antigen condensation (arrowhead). TUNEL-positive midbrain neurons of infected brain sections (TUNEL POD procedure) 12 days after inoculation with Itacaiunas virus (F, G). The arrows indicate immunostained neuronal nuclei.</p

    Photomicrographs of hematoxylin-eosin-stained sections from control (A) and infected brain sections at 96 h post-inoculation with Itacaiunas virus (B–D) and 60 h post-inoculation with Curionopolis virus (E–H).

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    <p>Multiple foci of congestion with sparse distribution of leukocytes characterized by the margination phenomenon (leukocytes becoming flat and the plasma membrane sticking to the capillary endothelium) (B); hypertrophic endotheliocytes (ellipse) and perivascular edema (stars) (C). Apoptotic like-cells with nuclear pyknosis and cytoplasmic condensation were detected among tissue vacuolation (arrows) (D). Meningeal congestion and edema with lymphomononuclear cells (arrows) (E). Groups of pyknotic cells presenting cytoplasmic condensation (circles), mixed with normal cells and vacuolated parenchyma (stars) (F). Recent hemorrhagic points (presence of red blood cells) presenting parenchymatous edema (lozenge), mainly in the areas of worst cell damage (84 h post-inoculation) (G). Nuclear fragmentation or karyorrhexis (arrows) and edema (lozenge) (96 h post-inoculation) (H).</p