4 research outputs found

    Is Stress Levels and Coping Mechanism Becomes Factor That Affected Challanging of Mother That Have Children with Mental Retardation

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    Mental retardation is a weakness that occurs in intellectual function. With the burden faced by parents will be able to cause stress and will adversely affect their children if not using the right coping strategies. This study aims to identify the level of stress and coping mechanisms in mothers who have children with mental retardation. The research design used in this research is descriptive. The instrument used is questionnaire. The sample in this research are 30 mothers who have children with mental retardation with Primary School Extraordinary level (PSE) in SLB ACD Pertiwi Kota Mojokerto. Sampling with Total Sampling technique. From the results of this study showed that most respondents experienced moderate stress level as much as 17 respondents (56.7%). Most of the respondents aged 31-49 years as many as 16 respondents (53.3%). Most respondents use adaptive coping mechanism that is 27 respondents (90,0%). The results of the analysis indicate that the stress level of mothers who have children with mental retardation is still in the level of moderate stress. This is due to the influence of mothers with social support. The higher the social support the lower the level of stress experienced by the mother. Therefore respondents should make efforts to cope with stress by changing the problems encountered and expanding the source to overcome them. Keywords : Stress level, coping mechanism, mental retardation. &nbsp

    Challange and Fighting Social Stigma in Patient with Schizophrenia in Indonesia.

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    Purpose - This article aims to give an opinion on the cause of still the case of pasung in Indonesia, physical restraint and reduction in people with mental illness (called pasung in Indonesia), still found in Indonesia, government program †Indonesia free of pasung†still can not erase Indonesia from pasung. Design/methodology/approach -The approach to literature study causes the escape especially social stigma that occurs to make the case of the pipe still continues to exist Findings -The findings of many literature studies suggest that social stigma is a cause of social restraint in patients with severe psychiatric disorders Originality/value -The value of this study envolve Empowering people with mental disorders through social intervention can reduce the side effects of antipsychotic drugs and simultaneously help self-stigma in people with mental disorder