358 research outputs found

    Physicochemical and Biological Analysis of 99mTc-Glutathione Radiopharmaceuticals

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    99mTc-glutation (99mTc-GSH) radiopharmaceutical is available in the GSH lyophilized-kit in which ready to use directly after adding 99mTc radionuclide. In nuclear medicine, 99mTc-GSH diagnostic kit is a radiopharmaceutical commonly utilized for cancer diagnoses using imaging method. This paper described the physicochemical and biological characteristics as well as the quality of 99mTc-GSH diagnostic kit prepared from the GSH lyophilized-kit. The radiochemical purity was determined with thin layer chromatography (TLC) method, performed on a TLC-SG stationary phase with a mobile phase of a dried acetone and 0,9% of NaCl solution. Studies on the effect of volume and radioactivity of Na99mTcO4 solution to the radiochemical purity of 99mTc-GSH were carried out. The sterility of GSH-lyophilized kit and toxicity of 99mTc-GSH were also investigated. The stability test on GSH lyophilized kit and 99mTc-GSH in several storage conditions, as well as the plasma stability of 99mTc-GSH was performed. The analysis result showed that the GSH lyophilized-kit was sterile; the 99mTc-GSH was non toxic with 99.54 ± 0.01% of radiochemical purity and remained stable 5 hours either at room temperature or 4 oC. The volume more than 4 mL of Na99mTcO4 solution on the labeling of GSH could decreased the 99mTc-GSH radiochemical purity, while the radioactivity more than 20 mCi in 7 mL of volume extended the incubation time. In-vitro stability test of 99mTc-GSH in plasma showed that in the two hours of storage, the radiochemical purity decreased to 51.84 ± 2.52%, and until 5 hours of storage it did not change significantly. From the result, it can be concluded that the GSH lyophilized-kit was remained stable after 13 month of storage either at room temperature or at 4 oC with 99% of 99mTc-GSH radiochemical purity.Received: 16 January 2013; Revised: 23 August 2013; Accepted: 24 August 201

    Karakteristik Radiofarmaka 99mtc-glutation

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    KARAKTERISTIK RADIOFARMAKA 99mTc-GLUTATION. Senyawa bertandateknesium-99m-glutation (99mTc-GSH) merupakan radiofarmaka yang digunakan dalam bidangkedokteran nuklir untuk diagnosis kanker dengan metode pencitraan. Karakteristik fisiko-kimiadan biologis suatu radiofarmaka memegang peranan penting dalam penyebaran sertapenimbunannya di dalam tubuh. Oleh karena itu, untuk menjamin keberhasilan penggunaanradiofarmaka perlu dilakukan pengujian sifat fisiko-kimia dan biologisnya. Pengujian kemurnianradiokimia dilakukan dengan kromatografi lapis tipis (TLC-SG) menggunakan aseton kering danNaCL 0,9% sebagai fase gerak. Muatan 99mTc-GSH ditentukan dengan metode elektroforesisdan lipofilisitasnya (P) diketahui dengan menentukan koefisien partisinya dalam pelarut organikair.Ikatan protein plasma ditentukan secara in-vitro dengan metode pengendapanmenggunakan larutan asam trikloro asetat (TCA) 5%. Di samping itu, dilakukan juga pengujianpengaruh besarnya radioaktivitas 99mTc terhadap stabilitas 99mTc-GSH serta stabilitas di dalamplasma secara in-vitro. Dari hasil percobaan diperoleh bahwa radiofarmaka 99mTc-GSHmempunyai kemurnian radiokimia 99,08 ± 0,26%; tidak bermuatan listrik (netral); lipofilisitas =0,03 ± 0,002; ikatan protein plasma sebesar 30,31 ± 0,04%. Penggunaan larutan Na99mTcO4sampai mencapai konsentrasi radioaktivitas 21 mCi/2 mL menghasilkan radiofarmaka 99mTc-GSH yang tetap stabil hingga 5 jam dengan kemurnian radiokimia ≥ 95%. Uji stabilitas 99mTc-GSH dalam plasma secara in-vitro menunjukkan bahwa kemurnian radiokimia menurun dengancepat pada penyimpanan satu jam pertama, yaitu sebesar 63,41± 4,86% dan kemurnianradiokimia antara 55 - 57 % bertahan hingga 5 jam penyimpanan

    Study Vacuum and Non Vacuum Packaging on the Quality of Fish Balls Malong (Muarenesox Talabon) During Cold Storage Temperature (±50c)

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    A Study vacuum and non vacuum packaging on the quality of fish balls malong (Muarenesox talabon) during cold storage temperature (±50C), has been carried out in June-July 2016. This research aim to understand the different of vacuum and non vacuum packaging on the quality of fish balls malong (Muarenesox talabon) during cold storage temperature (±50). The method used is an experimental method that perform method processing comperative malong fish balls are packed in a vacuum and non vacuum during cold storage temperature (±50C). The treatment in this study is a vacuum and non vacuum packaging. Meanwhile, as replication is the shelf life of 0,7,14,21 and 28 days, with the number of experimental units is 7 units. Parameter test in the organoleptic (appearance, aroma, flavour, and texture), chemical analysis (water and fat), and analysis of total plate count test (TPC). Furthermore, the data were analyzed using t-test. Treatment of the best views of the organoleptic test are on treatment with a value of such a vacuum packaging appearance value (5,55), aroma (5,11), flavour (4,66), texture (5,68), with a water content (59,13%), fat content (2,31%), ( TPC 5,20 cfu/gram).Keywors: Meatball, Muarenesox talabon, vacum package and non vacum package, qualit

    Pengaruh Level Protein Pakan Terhadap Laju Metabolisme Juwana Ikan Bandeng (Chanos Chanos, Forsskal 1775) [Effect of Dietary Protein Level on the Metabolism Rate of Milkfish (Chanos Chanos, Forsskal 1775) Juvenile]

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan level protein pakan yang terbaik terhadap laju metabolisme (konsumsi oksi-gen) juwana ikan bandeng Chanos chanos,Forsskal. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) de-ngan empat perlakuan dan tiga kali ulangan. Perlakuan yang dicobakan adalah level protein pakan yang berbeda, yaitu 30, 35, 40, dan 45%. juwana ikan yang digunakan mempunyai bobot individu berkisar antara 0,4-0,5 g per ekor dengan panjang tubuh berkisar 2,0-3,5 cm dan dipelihara selama empat minggu. Dosis pemberian pakan sebesar 10% dari bobot tubuh dengan frekuensi pemberian sebanyak tiga kali dalam sehari. Parameter konsumsi oksigen diukur dengan menggunakan metode botol tertutup. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi oksigen juwana ikan bandeng cen-derung meningkat hingga level protein pakan 40% dan menurun kembali pada level protein pakan 50%. Level protein pakan terbaik dalam penelitian ini adalah 40%

    Profile of MIBI Liquid Phase Radiopharmaceutical for Myocardial Imaging

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    The 99mTc-MIBI radiopharmaceutical has been used innuclear medicine in Indonesia for myocardial imaging. BATAN researchers have mastered the technology to manufacture MIBI as a liophylized kit. A reformulation of MIBI radiopharmaceutical has been conducted to improve the stability of the kit especially in the liquid-phase kit. Basically, radiopharmaceuticals in liquid form are not different from the dry kit. However in the manufacturing of liquid-phase kit, lyophilization process was not done. To improve the stability of liquid kit, a reformulation of the components was conducted by using two separate vials (Formulation 2) and the characteristics were compared with the one-vial formulation (Formulation 1). The MIBI Formulation 2 consists of two vials, vial A containing 0.06 mg of SnCl2 2H2O and 2.6 mg Sodium Citrate 2H2O and vial B containing 0.5 mg of [Cu(MIBI)4]BF4, 1 mg of cysteine hydrochloride, and 20 mg of mannitol.The purposes of this study wereto determine the stability of two different formulations of MIBI as a liquid-phase kit, to compare their stability in different storage condition such as in refrigerator and freezer, and to compare the ratio of activities attained between target and nontarget organs after injection to animal model. As a diagnostic agent, MIBI was reconstituted with Technetium-99m as radionuclide tracer to 99mTc-MIBI labeled compound. The radiochemical purity of 99mTc-MIBI was determined by chromatography method using alumina thin-layer chromatography paper as the stationary phase and ethanol 95% as the mobile phase. The results showed MIBI Formulation 2 has a higher stability than Formulation 1. Formulation 2 also maintained a 96.68% radiochemical purity under 52-day storage and attained a target-to-nontarget activity ratio of 8.22.Received: 04 October 2014; Revised: 10 November 2015; Accepted: 25 November 201

    A Parametric Study on Dual-Band Meander Line Monopole Antenna For RF Energy Harvesting

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    This paper studies the dual-band monopole antenna based on meander line structure for Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) band applications, which is also has the potential to be used for RF energy harvesting. A meander line antenna with a conductor line is investigated during the design using the Computer Simulation Tool (CST) software. The antenna is fabricated on a double-sided FR-4 printed circuit board using an etching technique. The comparison between simulation and measurement results for the return loss and radiation patterns are observed and are in good agreement. A bandwidth of 97 MHz and return loss of -19.29 dB is obtained at the first frequency band, i,e. 915 MHz, while a bandwidth of 46.2 MHz with a return loss of -16.27 dB are obtained at the second frequency band, i.e. 1800 MHz. This study is an early investigation in designing the RF energy harvesting to support green technology and sustainable development particularly for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) as well as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) applications
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