32 research outputs found

    Performance characteristic of A cyclone gasifier for power generation.

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    A new technique of gasifying pulverized biomass fuel based on cyclonic motion concept is being developed for power generation.Sawdust has been used as a fuel for cyclone gasifier reactor to produced producer gases of typically 3 - 5 MJ/m3 . The work of this project involved both theoretical and experimental work to understand the operation as well as the performance and characteristics of a cyclone gasifier. Satu teknik baru untuk mengaskan bahanapi biojisim terhancur berasaskan kepada konsep pergerakan siklon telah dibangunkan untuk tujuam penjanaan kuasa. Habuk kayu telah digunakan sebagai bahanapi untuk reaktor pengas siklon bagi menghasilkan gas-gas terhasil secara tipikalnya 3-5 MJ/m3

    Perancangan Sistem Kendali Solar Tracker Berdasarkan Intensitas Cahaya Matahari

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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh diperlukannya upaya dalam pemanfaatan energi matahari yang melimpah, salah satunya dengan menggunakan solar cell yang dapat mengubah energi sinar matahari menjadi energi listrik. Penyerapan sinar matahari pada solar cell tidak maksimal jika hanya terpasang statis, oleh karena itu solar cell harus bisa bergerak mengikuti arah sinar matahari agar dapat bekerja optimal. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang sistem pada panel surya agar dapat bergerak mengikuti arah matahari (solar tracker) berdasarkan besar instensitas cahaya yang diperoleh, agar penyerapan sinar matahari lebih optimal. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimental yakni perancangan sistem dan pembuatan alat sebagai media penelitian maka penulis membuat sistem kendali Solar tracker berdasarkan intensitas cahaya matahari. Data diperoleh dengan cara studi literatur, data proses perancangan dan pengujian atau pengukuran luaran pada alat yang dibuat. Parameter yang menjadi analisis berupa nilai pembacaan sensor LDR yang akan menentukan pergerakan arah panel surya, besar derajat pergerakan panel surya dan tegangan yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dari pengamatan selama 7 hari dari pukul 08:30 sampai 17:30, intensitas cahaya yang diterima oleh sensor LDR diperoleh rata-rata sensor satu bernilai 558,37, sensor dua bernilai 614,68, sensor tiga bernilai 614,16, dan sensor keempat bernilai 335,84. Kemudian pada hasil pengukuran sudut mempunyai rata-rata sudut kemiringan 94,370°.  Adapun tegangan yang dihasilkan sanggat berpengaruh pada kondisi cuaca dan pergerakan solar tracker di setiap jamnya. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa, sistem kontrol pada solar tracker berfungsi dengan baik dapat bergerak berdasarkan intensitas cahaya matahar

    Characterization of Catalytic Porous Medium Using Platinum for Micro-combustion Application

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    In this study, catalytic alumina porous medium has been fabricated by using platinum as an active material for micro-combustion application. Platinum has been deposited onto porous medium surface via wet impregnation method. The porous medium undergoes surface modification process via wash coating method using gamma alumina (γ-Al2O3) solution, before being impregnated with platinum in order to increase the surface area. The surface morphology of porous medium entirely changes from smooth “solid-rock” into rough “sand-like” after the wash coating process. The amount of platinum deposited onto the treated porous medium is 1.66 wt.%. LPG combustion analysis shows that the combustion is successfully occur inside the catalytic porous media with overall efficiency of 71%

    Human Detection Framework for Automated Surveillance Systems

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    Vision-based systems for surveillance applications have been used widely and gained more research attention. Detecting people in an image stream is challenging because of their intra-class variability, the diversity of the backgrounds, and the conditions under which the images were acquired. Existing human detection solutions suffer in their effectiveness and efficiency. In particular, the accuracy of the existing detectors is characterized by their high false positive and negative. In addition, existing detectors are slow for online surveillance systems which lead to large delay that is not suitable for surveillance systems for real-time monitoring. In this paper, a holistic framework is proposed for enhancing the performance of human detection in surveillance system. In general, the framework includes the following stages: environment modeling, motion object detection, and human object recognition. In environment modeling, modal algorithm has been suggested for background initialization and extraction. Then for effectively classifying the motion object, edge detecting and B-spline algorithm have been used for shadow detection and removal. Then, enhanced Lucas–Kanade optical flow has been used to get the area of interest for object segmentation. Finally, to enhance the segmentation, some morphological processes were performed. In the motion object recognition stage, segmentation for each blob is performed and processed to the human detector which is a complete learning-based system for detecting and localizing objects/humans in images using mixtures of deformable part models (PFF detector). Results show enhancement in each phase of the proposed framework. These enhancements are shown in the overall performance of human detection in surveillance system

    Legal Aspects Of Prima Ternate Hospital Waste Management For Environmental Pollution Prevention

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    Introduction: Hospitals have an important role in providing health services to the community and recovery for patients. Besides positive hospital activities, there are also hospital activities that have negative consequences such as producing medical waste and non-medical waste. Methods: The research method used is empirical legal research by conducting observations and interviews in the field Garbage or hospital waste is considered to be a link in the spread of infectious diseases. Result: Waste can cause health problems, injury and environmental pollution because it contains toxic chemicals and sharp objects. Discussion: This study aims to analyze and evaluate waste management at Prima Ternate Hospital in the context of preventing environmental pollution. showed that the greater the waste generated by Prima Ternate Hospital, the greater the potential to pollute the environment. Consclussion: Therefore, the implementation of good hospital waste management is very necessary to get a hospital condition that meets environmental health requirements

    Performance of a biomass fuelled micro gas turbine power unit.

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    Alternative fuels have been considered as a priority in the research field, especially for the renewable energy, due to the issue of fossil fuel depletion. Pengkajian ini merupakan pembangunan dan pencirian sistem penjanaan udara panas skala kecil dengan biojisim, menggunakan turbin gas pembakaran luar berdasarkan sebuah "turbocharger" dan penghembus udara

    An Experimental Study of Briquetting Process of Torrefied Rubber Seed Kernel and Palm Oil Shell

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    Torrefaction process of biomass material is essential in converting them into biofuel with improved calorific value and physical strength.However, the production of torrefied biomass is loose, powdery, and nonuniform. Onemethod of upgrading thismaterial to improve their handling and combustion properties is by densification into briquettes of higher density than the original bulk density of the material. The effects of critical parameters of briquetting process that includes the type of biomass material used for torrefaction and briquetting, densification temperature, and composition of binder for torrefied biomass are studied and characterized. Starch is used as a binder in the study. The results showed that the briquette of torrefied rubber seed kernel (RSK) is better than torrefied palm oil shell (POS) in both calorific value and compressive strength. The best quality of briquettes is yielded from torrefied RSK at the ambient temperature of briquetting process with the composition of 60% water and 5% binder. The maximum compressive load for the briquettes of torrefied RSK is 141N and the calorific value is 16MJ/kg. Based on the economic evaluation analysis, the return of investment (ROI) for the mass production of both RSKand POS briquettes is estimated in 2-year period and the annual profit after payback was approximately 107,428.6 USD

    Gasification of lignocellulosic biomass in fluidized beds for renewable energy development: A review

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    A literature review on gasification of lignocellulosic biomass in various types of fluidized bed gasifiers is presented. The effect of several process parameters such as catalytic bed material, bed temperature and gasifying agent on the performance of the gasifier and quality of the producer gas is discussed. Based on the priorities of researchers, the optimum values of various desired outputs in the gasification process including improved producer gas composition, enhanced LHV, less tar and char content, high gas yield and enhanced carbon conversion and cold gas efficiency have been reported. The characteristics and performance of different fluidized bed gasifiers were assessed and the obtained results from the literature have been extensively reviewed. Survey of literature revealed that several industrial biomass gasification plants using fluidized beds are currently conducting in various countries. However, more research and development of technology should be devoted to this field to enhance the economical feasibility of this process for future exploitations.Fluidized beds Gasification Industrial plants Lignocellulosic biomass Producer gas

    Effects of pressure on thermal contact resistance for rough mating surfaces

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    Thermal contact resistance has been studied experimentally to  investigate the effect of pressure between two aluminium or two brass rough surfaces at three different heat flux levels. Three different rough surfaces are considered in the range of 2.63 to 40.69μm. It is demonstrated that the thermal contact resistance reduces significantly with pressure for both materials, the harder material gives higher thermal contact resistance as expecte