6 research outputs found

    Neuro-Protection and Neuro-Therapy Effects of Acalypha Indica Linn. Water Extract Ex Vivo on Musculus Gastrocnemius Frog

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    The studies of neuro-protection and neuro-therapy effects of Acalypha indica Linn. water extract ex vivo on Musculus gastrocnemius frog have already done at three Departments in Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia. The experimental studies were done on 2 groups of frog for neuro-protection and neuro-therapy effects. Each group of frog was divided into 7 subgroups of application, 4 samples each. There were 5 subgroups of doses: 5; 10; 15; 20; 25 mg and 2 subgroups as control. Pancuronium bromide 0.2%, 4 mg, was used for a positive control as muscle relaxant. Neuro-protection study was done as follow: ringer – extract – pancuronium bromide, and neuro-therapy study was ringer – pancuronium bromide – extract, respectively. The parameters measured in these studies were the electrical activities such as amount and duration (second) of re-polarization; depolarization, resting potential, and the height of spike after electrical stimulation at 5 mV. Neuro-protection effect of extract was determined by the ability of muscle to show the electrical response after incubating with pancuronium bromide for 10 minutes, and after incubating with extract for 10 minutes for neuro-therapy effect. In the dose of 15 mg and 20 mg/mL of A. indica Linn. extract showed better activities than the dose of 25 mg of extract, both as neuro-protection and neuro-therapy effects, but statistically its have not a significant difference. This study should be followed by an in vivo experiment on frog and it would be done in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies on other animal models

    Sensor Serat Optik Dengan Cladding Polianilin Nanostruktur Untuk Mendeteksi Uap Hcl

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    Telah dikembangkan sistem sensor serat optik untuk mendeteksi uap HCl, dengan polianilin nanostruktur (nanofiber) sebagai cladding sensitif pengganti cladding asli serat optik. Mekanisme transduksinya didasarkan pada Perubahan sifat optik cladding polianilin nanostruktur ketikaberinteraksi dengan uap HCl, sehingga absorpsi gelombang evanescent berubah. Polianilin nanostruktur berbentuk nanoserat disintesis dengan metode polimerisasi interfasial. Sifat optik polianilin memperlihatkan Perubahan spektrum absorpsi spesifik terhadap perlakuan uap HCl. Pasta polianilin dilapiskan pada bagian inti serat optik plastik sepanjang 2 cm yang telah dilepas cladding aslinya, sebagai elemen pengindera. Uji respon sensor serat optik terhadap uap HCl dilakukan dengan mengukur intensitas cahaya yang melewati elemen sensor (probe), data intensitas diambil terhadapwaktu secara real-time berbasis komputer. Kurva siklus respon sensor diperoleh dengan cara memasukkan dan mengeluarkan bagian sensing ke dalam wadah uap HCl secara berulang. Hasil uji respon berupa kurva siklus nilai intensitas terhadap waktu menampilkan karakteristik bagian respon dan pemulihan (recovery). Dari kurva siklus respon tersebut diperoleh waktu respon dan waktu pemulihan yang sangat singkat yaitu sekitar 18 detik. Sensor serat optik ini memiliki kemampuanpembalikan (reversibility) dan pengulangan (repeatebility) yang baik pula.Fiber-optic sensor for detection of HCl vapor has been developed, where the origin cladding of fiberoptic was replaced with nanosructure polyaniline as sensitive cladding. Transduction mechanism was based on changes of optical properties of nanostructure polyaniline cladding when interacts with HCl vapor, so the absorption of evanescent wave was changes. Nanostructure polyaniline in nanofiber form was synthesized by interfacial polymerization. Optical properties of polyaniline show a change of specific optical absorption when exposed with HCl vapor. Polyaniline paste was coated onto coresurface of uncladded fiber optic as long 2 cm, as a sensing element. Sensor response to HCl vapor was tested by measuring intensity of light transmitted trough sensing element, intensity versus time was real-time acquired using computer. Cyclic response curve of the sensor was obtained by inserting and withdrawing the sensing element into and out from HCl vapor container repeatedly. The test result of response be a cyclic curve of intensity versus time shows a set of response and recovery region. Regarding the curve of the response cycle was determined a response and recovery time very short time, it about of 18 second. The sensor has a good reversibility and repeatability

    Pengembangan Probe Sensor Kelembaban Serat Optik Dengan Cladding Gelatin

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    Development of Fiber-Optic Humidity Sensor Probe with Gelatin Cladding. Humidity sensor based on optical fiberwith gelatin cladding has been developed. In this humidity sensor probe, the origin cladding of optical fiber is replacedby gelatin coating as humidity sensitive cladding. Testing of the optical fiber sensor probe was conducted by measuringof light intensity transmitted on the optical fiber probe for each variation of different humidity treatments. Response ofthe optical fiber sensor probe measured from 42%RH to 99%RH, the results show an optical transmission curve variedwith relative humidity (RH). Optical transmission in the optical fiber probe increase with RH value at a specificwavelength range, that is from green to red spectrum bands (500 nm - 700 nm), where a significant variation from 600nm to 650 nm in yellow to red spectrum bands. Wavelength where is a maximum intensity of optical transmissionoccurs at 610 nm. Therefore, the optical fiber humidity sensor probe could response humidity form 42%RH to 99%RHwith the best response in humidity range of 60%RH to 72%RH that is have a good linearity and sensitivity

    The nerve protection and in vivo therapeutic effect of <em>Acalypha indica</em> extract in frogs

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    Aim To demonstrate nerve protection and/or treatment effect of Acalypha indica Linn. extract on nerve paralysis induced by subcutaneus injection of pancuronium bromide on frog’s back.Methods The study was performed on sixty frogs (Bufo melanostictus Schneider) that divided into two groups, i.e. the neuro-protection and neuro-therapy group. Each group was divided further into 6 sub-treatment groups: negative control group treated by water and positive control group treated by piracetam, treatment groups received the extracts 200, 300, 400, 500 mg/kgBW. Pancuronium bromide 0.2% (1 : 20 dilutions) were injected subcutaneously as muscle relaxant. The protective effect was studied by giving the extract orally, 1 hour prior to injection; while the therapeutic effect of the extract was studied by 10 minute treatment after injecting pancuronium bromide solution. The parameters measured were the onset and duration of paralysis (in minutes) and the recovery time (time needed to recover into normal condition).Results The study showed significantly different protective effect of Acalypha indica Linn. root water extract at 400 and 500 mg/KgBW compared to negative control group and positive control group (piracetam (p &lt; 0.05); while the therapeutic effect was obvious at the dose 200-500 mg/KgBW compared to negative control group (p = 0.000). There was no significant difference compared to positive control group (piracetam), except at 300 mg/KgBW (p = 0.012).Conclusion These results have proven that the water extract of Acalypha indica Linn. root has comparable protective and treatment effect on nerves system, as piracetam, but further studies should be performed to provide more evidences particularly pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies on two animal models that commonly used. (Med J Indones 2010; 19:96-102)Keywords: Acalypha indica Linn, Bufo melanostictus Schneider, nerve-protection</p

    Penggunaan Polianilin Sebagai Cladding Pengganti Pada Serat Optik Untuk Mendeteksi Gas Amonia

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    PENGGUNAAN POLIANILIN SEBAGAI CLADDING PENGGANTI PADA SERAT OPTIK UNTUK MENDETEKSI GAS AMONIA. Telah dilakukan studi penggunaan polianilin sebagai cladding pada serat optik untuk mendeteksi gas amonia. Film polianilin pada substrat kaca diuji respon optiknya terhadap gas amonia, selanjutnya diterapkan sebagai cladding pada serat optik untuk mendeteksi gas amonia. Respon optik lapisan polianilin memperlihatkan absorpsi optik spesifik polianilin berada pada pita spektrum merah dengan puncak sekitar 640 nm. Penerapan polianilin sebagai cladding sensitif amonia dilakukan dengan metode deposisi kimia pada inti (core) serat optik multimoda. Uji respon sensor serat optik menggunakan laser Helium-Neon 635 nm sebagai sumber cahaya yang dicoupling dengan lensa pada salah satu ujung serat optik. Intensitas laser yang sampai diujung lainnya diukur dengan power meter, pada kondisi tanpa amonia maupun dengan perlakuan gas amonia dengan konsentrasi berbeda. Hasil yang diperoleh memperlihatkan penurunan intensitas laser yang ditransmisikan melalui probe serat optik terhadap kenaikan konsentrasi gas amonia. Koefisian absorpsi cladding polianilin meningkat linier terhadap kenaikan konsentrasi gas amonia, seiring kenaikan indeks bias dan Perubahan warnanya