11 research outputs found

    Implementasi Upah Minimum Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2013

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    Pekanbaru City government has set a minimum wage for Rp.1.450.000 Pekanbaru City, - per month for the year 2013, as stated in Riau Governor Regulation No. 67 Year 2012 on Minimum Wage District / City Seprovinsi Riau in 2013. With the enactment of the Governor of Riau expected labor welfare will increase and as an effort to improve the welfare of society. The problem in this research is how the implementation of the minimum wage Pekanbaru City and inhibiting factors in carrying out the implementation of the minimum wage of Pekanbaru. As for the goal in this study to determine the extent of implementation of the minimum wage Pekanbaru City and to determine the factors inhibiting the implementation of the minimum wage in the process of Pekanbaru.Theoretical concept that researchers used is implementation, public policy. This study uses qualitative research methods to study descriptively. In collecting the data, the researcher used interview techniques, observation, and literature study. By using key informants as a source of information.The results showed that the implementation of the minimum wage Pekanbaru City conducted by the Department of Labor has not been effective Pekanbaru City. Limiting factors in implementing the minimum wage implementation of Pekanbaru, namely: lack of complaints that workers can not wage minimum wage, maximum less supervision, the absence of strict sanctions.Keywords: Implementation, Public Policy, minimum wage

    Pengawasan dalam Upaya Penataan dan Pedoman Menara Telekomunikasi di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Planning and supervision in an effort Guidelines Telecommunication Tower in the city of Pekanbaru. This study aims to determine how supervision and guidance in the arrangement of a telecommunications tower in the City Pekanbaru.Penelitian which is descriptive qualitative data collection was done by using snowball. The results show the arrangement and supervision guidelines in Pekanbaru city is still not performing well.This is evidenced by the many telecommunications tower that is not in accordance with the standards that have been set in regulations on guidelines for structuring shared telecom towers in the city of Pekanbaru

    Analisis Pelayanan Jasa Pengiriman Paket pada PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Pekanbaru

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    The Service Analysis of Delivery Package at PT. Post of Indonesia (persero) Pekanbaru. In the case the researcher background by the phenomenon of customer complaints for its services delivery package at PT. Post of Indonesia (persero) Pekanbaru, so as to be able to compete in the business world oriented public servic, both goverment and private must be able to provide maximum satisfaction in terms of servic to its customers by providing a range of offers and ease of servic. This study is intended to know the implementation of services in the provision of postal services package at PT. Post of Indonesia (persero) Pekanbaru and barriers that constrain services in the provision of postal service package. As for the benefits that can be taken of the results this study are, first : in terms of the theoretical benefits is to develop and improve the ability ti think thraough the application of theory learned author. Secondly : in terms of practical benefits to increase the knowleadge of the author on the implementation of the package delivery services at PT. Post of Indonesia (persero) Pekanbaru, as consideration for the interest and input PT. Post of Indonesia (persero) Pekanbaru and parties who wish to pursue research related to the ame problem.Theory used in the this study is the theory of Philip Kotler about four determination that the provision of services reliability, responsiveness, assurance, emphaty and tangible. Methods used in this study is descriptive analysis of qualitative with obervation, interviews, and literature. Key informants were used in this study is service manager packagepost, staff of Pekanbaru post office, delivery post of Pekanbaru post office, and parcel post service user community. Researchers then developed with a snowball sampling method.Besed of the results of the research interviews, observation and literature, it can concluded thet the implementation of the postal parcel delivery services performing well but there are some thet are considered not optimal. There are still obstacles in the implementation. As for the obstacles that become obstacles in the implementation of the postal parcel servies at PT. Post of Indonesia (persero) Pekanbaru others limited human resources, lack of communication, and dependence with other parties. This has a majorJom FISIP Volume 1 No. 2 - Oktober 2014 2influence on the implementation of the package delivery services at PT. Post of Indonesia(persero) Pekanbaru

    Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai pada Kanreg XII Bkn Pekanbaru

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    : Effect Of Motivation On Employees Performance In Office StaffingAgency State Region XII (Bkn)Pekanbaru. The research was conducted at theRegional Office XII of the State Personnel Board (BKN) Pekanbaru . The purpose ofthis study was to determine the effect of work motivation on employee performance atthe Regional Office XII of the State Personnel Board ( BKN ) Pekanbaru . Thehypothesis of this study is alleged there is an influence of employee motivation onemployee performance . This study uses quantitative and qualitative analysis usingmultiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS software version 18.0.Theresearch data was obtained from the data documentation existing in the organization .Population and samples in this study were employees of the Regional Office XII of theState Personnel Board (BKN) Pekanbaru with a total sample of 52 respondents usingcensus method . Based on the scores obtained from the results of the study indicatethat there is significant between work motivation on employee performance , with acorrelation coefficient of 0.897 obtained are included in the category of very strongwith an error level of 5 % . This suggests that Ho is rejected , H1 is accepted andemployee motivation variable has a positive influence on employee performance at theRegional Office XII of the State Personnel Board ( BKN ) Pekanbaru . While themagnitude of the effect between the independent variable (X) to variable (Y) based onthe calculation of the coefficient of determination equal to 11.779 so that it can be seenthat the work motivation variables accounted for 94.7 % of the employee sperformance at the Regional Office XII of the State Personnel Board (BKN)Pekanbaru .Key Word: Motivasi Kerja, Kinerja pegawai, Organisas

    Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (Mbs) pada SMA Kristen Kalam KUDUS Pekanbaru (Studi Kasus Kualitas Pendidik)

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    School-Based Management is a situation where the government gives autonomy to theschools, so that schools have the authority to manage and improve the quality of theresources in a better quality education, as well as aiming to improve the efficiency, quality,and educational equity. Increased efficiency, among others, flexibility is obtained throughresource management community participation. While quality improvement can be obtainedmemalui terhadao parent participation school, school and classroom management flexibility,increased professionalism of teachers and principals, curriculum development andimprovement and systems of evaluation, improvement of educational facilities, developmentand procurement of teaching materials, and training for teachers and education personnelother. While equity is obtained through public participation peningatan that allows thegovernment to concentrate on a particular group. But in fact there are teachers who do nothave qualifications as educators in general. Study of phenomena, the formulation of theproblem of this research is how the implementation of school-based management in theKristen Kalam Kudus High School Word of Pekanbaru and the factors that influence thesuccess of MBS at a Kristen Kalam Kudus high school Pekanbaru.This study used a descriptive analysis method. Data collection technique is theobservation, interviews, and library research. Key informants of this study is the high schoolprincipal Kristen Kalam Kudus Pekanbaru. In the School Based Management (MBS) KristenKalam Kudus High School In Pekanbaru.The results showed that not maximal application of school-based management isapplied by the Kristen Kalam Kudus High School Pekanbaru. In connection with positionsand professions can be seen that there are still teachers who do not have fully qualified as aeducator.Serta not optimal implementation factors that influence school-based management,which is still low government support for private schools in the development and welfare ofteachers.Key words: School-Based Management, Administration, Managemen

    Pelayanan Medis Pasien Rawat Inap Pada Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Arifin Ahmad Pekanbaru

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    This study intends to find out how the medical services provided in the inpatient General Hospital Arifin Ahmad Pekanbaru. The research is motivated by the availability of human resources and medical facilities that have not been able to provide health services to the user with the maximum health of the public service and there are still complaints from the public. It can be see from some other indication of the presence unfair officers in providing services and still no service ethic is not polite and friendly .The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative . Researchers are trying to reveal the facts in accordance with the fact that there is no intervention for the condition occurs . The theory used in this study is that Supranto theory regarding the quality of service that is characteristic of Reliability ( reliability), responsiveness (responsiveness), Assurance (collateral), Empathy (attention), Tangibles (real evidence) .The conclusion of this study is good enough This suggests that the implementation of medical services in inpatient General Hospital Arifin Ahmad Pekanbaru has various drawbacks .Key Words : Inpatient Medical Services, General Hospital Arifin Ahmad,Pekanbar

    Efektivitas Peraturan Bupati Nomor 18 Tahun 2011 Tentang Ketentuan Wajib Shalat Berjamaah Bagi Pegawai di Lingkungan Pemkab Rokan Hulu

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    Of the obligation to pray, Rokan Hulu Regent Regent pour in Regulation No. 18 of 2011 on Liability For Employee Muslim prayer to pray at Noon and Asr prayer at the Grand Mosque Sand Pengaraian. Obligations noon prayer and Asr prayer only reserved for employees with offices around the neighborhood Islamic Center Mosque. Liabilities pray together that began since 25 april 2011 was conducted simultaneously in the district government Rokan Hulu. This event led by the regent and his deputy. Regent issued a transport allowance cuts for employees three consecutive times - also for one month is not praying in congregation.To analyze these problems the author uses the theory Shaun Tyson and Tony Jackson which is consistent with the theory that problem. This research is a descriptive qualitative approach, where data collection technique is the technique of observation and interviews with key informants as key informants.To can be concluded that in order to achieve the effectiveness of the decree No. 18 of 2011 on Mandatory Provisions prayer congregation Environment For Employees in Rokan Hulu regency responsible employees are required to perform the duties of prayer in congregation, the responsibility is accompanied by a full awareness of civil servants prayers in congregation in the absence coercion and fear of sanction given by the leadershipKeywords: Effectiveness, the decree No. 18 of 2011, Obligatory Prayer congregatio

    Produktivitas Kerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil pada Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (Bkd) Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    Labor Productivity in the Civil Service Staffing Agency Indragiri Upstream Region.Productivity can basically be viewed from two dimensions , namely the dimension of individual and organizationaldimensions . Assessment of the productivity problem is not other people see the dimensions of productivity , especiallyin relation to the individual 's personality characteristics . In this context, understanding the essence of productivity is amental attitude that always has the view that quality of life should be better today than yesterday , and tomorrow shouldbe better than today ( Kusnendi , 2003:8 ) . The research was conducted at the Regional Employment Board Indragiri .The purpose of this study was to determine the Civil Servants Work Productivity in Regional Employment BoardIndragiri Hulu . This research uses descriptive qualitative method . Data were obtained from the interview data ,documentary studies , and field observations . Informants in this study were the parties relating to the Employee WorkProductivity using the snowball method . The results showed that Pproduktivitas Civil Servants working in the RegionalEmployment Board Indragiri Hulu is good enough . But employees should be able to increase the productivity of laborin order to what could be done better

    Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Nomor 15 Tahun 2011 Tentang Kawasan tanpa Rokok di Kota Payakumbuh

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    No smoking area establishment was an act as protection for the people to the risk of health problems causing by the smoking act. No smoking area has to be implemented at health facility, school, playground, worship places, office, and other public places. In fact,the offenders of no smoking area was not yet gave strict punishment. This could be seen on many citizen and civil servant smoking in health facility, public places, transportation and office. The purpose of this research was to analyze implementation Non Smoking Area In Payakumbuh city and to know the influenced factors. This research using qualitative descriptive method, data collected by observation and interview where people that involved in policy implementation as informan. This research using Van Meter Van Hom theory. The results of this research shows that implementation Non Smoking Area In Payakumbuh city not totally implemented yet eventhough it already has clear standards, goals, and objectives. Human resource the monitoring of non smoking area team is inadequate because transfer and retirement of member . Coordination and communication between goverment agency running well and the execution of task fit in with the regulation. Giving warning is not carried out continuously and the enforcement of sanctions which have not been implemented ,resulting in a response as well as public participation in the regulatory environment remains low even still their public indifference towards local regulations in the region. Keyword : Implementation, cigarette ,No Smoking Are