2,791 research outputs found

    Influence of gallic and tannic acids on enzymatic activity and growth of Pectobacterium chrysanthemi (Dickeya chrysanthemi bv. chrysanthemi)

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    The effect of phenolic acids (gallic and tannic acids) on growth of Pectobacterium chrysanhemi, and its protease and pectate lyase activities was tested. The results obtained showed a significant inhibitingeffect of the tannic and gallic acids on the growth of this strain. The growth rate decreases in the presence of 400 g/ml for gallic acid and 100 ìg/ml fortannic acid. The enzymatic activity retardationwas observed with the two phenolic compounds as well but the rate of inhibition varied from one compound to another. The highest antimicrobial potentials and the highest effect on enzymatic activities were observed with the tannic acid at 200 g/ml, which inhibited 91% of the tested microorganisms, and 88% of pectate lyase activity

    Revisiting νμ(νˉμ)\nu_\mu(\bar\nu_\mu) and νe(νˉe)\nu_e(\bar\nu_e) Induced Quasielastic Scattering from Nuclei in Sub-GeV Energy Region

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    We present the results of charged current quasielastic(CCQE) scattering cross sections from free as well as bound nucleons like in 12C^{12}C, 16O^{16}O, 40Ar^{40}Ar and 208Pb^{208}Pb nuclear targets in Eν(νˉ) ≤ E_\nu(_{\bar\nu})~\le~ 1 GeV energy region. The results are obtained using local Fermi gas model with and without RPA effect. The differences those may arise in the electron and muon production cross sections due to the different lepton mass, uncertainties in the axial dipole mass MAM_A and pseudoscalar form factor, and due to the inclusion of second class currents have been highlighted for neutrino/antineutrino induced processes.Comment: Published in Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (NuInt-2015

    Nucleon and nuclear structure functions with non-perturbative and higher order perturbative QCD effects

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    We have studied the nucleon structure functions FiNEM(x,Q2); i=1,2F_{iN}^{EM} (x,Q^2);~i=1,2, by including contributions due to the higher order perturbative QCD effect up to NNLO and the non-perturbative effects due to the kinematical and dynamical higher twist (HT) effects. The numerical results for FiNEM(x,Q2)F_{iN}^{EM}(x,Q^2) are obtained using Martin, Motylinski, Harland-Lang, Thorne (MMHT) 2014 NLO and NNLO nucleon parton distribution functions (PDFs). The dynamical HT correction has been included following the renormalon approach as well as the phenomenological approach and the kinematical HT effect is incorporated using the works of Schienbein et al. These nucleon structure functions have been used as an input to calculate the nuclear structure functions FiAEM(x,Q2)F_{iA}^{EM} (x,Q^2). In a nucleus, the nuclear corrections arise because of the Fermi motion, binding energy, nucleon correlations, mesonic contribution, shadowing and antishadowing effects. These nuclear corrections are taken into account in the numerical calculations to obtain the nuclear structure functions FiAEM(x,Q2)F_{iA}^{EM} (x,Q^2), for the various nuclear targets like 12C^{12}C, 27Al^{27}Al, 56Fe^{56}Fe, 64Cu^{64}Cu, 118Sn^{118}Sn, 197Au^{197}Au and 208Pb^{208}Pb which are of experimental interest. The effect of isoscalarity correction for nonisoscalar nuclear targets has also been studied. The results for the FiAEM(x,Q2)F_{iA}^{EM} (x,Q^2) are compared with nCTEQ nuclear PDFs parameterization as well as with the experimental results from JLab, SLAC and NMC in the kinematic region of 0.1≤x≤0.80.1 \le x \le 0.8 for several nuclei.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1705.0990

    Electromagnetic and Weak Nuclear Structure Functions F1,2(x,Q2)F_{1,2}(x,Q^2) in the Intermediate Region of Q2Q^2

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    We have studied nuclear structure functions F1A(x,Q2)F_{1A}(x,Q^2) and F2A(x,Q2)F_{2A}(x,Q^2) for electromagnetic and weak processes in the region of 1GeV2<Q2<8GeV21 GeV^2 < Q^2 <8 GeV^2. The nuclear medium effects arising due to Fermi motion, binding energy, nucleon correlations, mesonic contributions and shadowing effects are taken into account using a many body field theoretical approach. The calculations are performed in a local density approximation using a relativistic nucleon spectral function. The results are compared with the available experimental data. Implications of nuclear medium effects on the validity of Callan-Gross relation are also discussed.Comment: Published in Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (NuInt-2015

    Bank ownership type and banking relationships

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    The authors formulate and test hypotheses about the role of bank ownership types-foreign, state-owned, and private domestic banks-in banking relationships, using data from India. The empirical results are consistent with all of their hypotheses with regard to foreign banks. These banks tend to serve as the main bank for transparent firms, and firms with foreign main banks are most likely to have multiple banking relationships, have the most relationships, and diversify relationships across bank ownership types. The data are also consistent with the hypothesis that firms with state-owned main banks are relatively unlikely to diversify across bank ownership types. However, state-owned banks often do not provide the main relationship for firms they are mandated to serve (for example, small, opaque firms), and the predictions of negative effects on multiple banking and number of relationships hold for only one type of state-owned bank.Banks&Banking Reform,Financial Intermediation,Financial Crisis Management&Restructuring,Banking Law,Economic Theory&Research

    Ultracompact Generation of Continuous-Variable Cluster States

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    We propose an experimental scheme that has the potential for large-scale realization of continuous-variable (CV) cluster states for universal quantum computation. We do this by mapping CV cluster-state graphs onto two-mode squeezing graphs, which can be engineered into a single optical parametric oscillator (OPO). The desired CV cluster state is produced directly from a joint squeezing operation on the vacuum using a multi-frequency pump beam. This method has potential for ultracompact experimental implementation. As an illustration, we detail an experimental proposal for creating a four-mode square CV cluster state with a single OPO.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; v2 improved discussion of the implications of our result; added discussion of finite squeezing effect

    Upper extremity kinematics: Development of a quantitative measure of impairment severity and dissimilarity after stroke

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    Strokes are a leading cause of disability, with many experiencing difficulty in recovering arm movement, particularly hand function and grasping ability. There is currently no objective measure of movement quality, and without it, rehabilitative interventions remain at best estimations of the underlying neural structures response to produce movement. In this paper, we utilize a novel modification to Procrustean distance to quantify curve dissimilarity and propose the Reach Severity and Dissimilarity Index (RSDI) as an objective measure of motor deficits. All experiments took place at the Medstar National Rehabilitation Hospital; persons with stroke were recruited from the hospital patient population. Using Fugl-Meyer (FM) scores and reach capacities, stroke survivors were placed in mild or severe impairment groups. Individuals completed sets of reach-to-target tasks to extrapolate kinematic metrics describing motor performance. The Procrustes method of statistical shape analysis was modified to identify reaching sub-movements that were congruous to able-bodied sub-movements. Movement initiation proceeds comparably to the reference curve in two- and three-dimensional representations of mild impairment movement. There were significant effects of the location of congruent segments between subject and reference curves, mean velocities, peak roll angle, and target error. These metrics were used to calculate a preliminary RSDI score with severity and dissimilarity sub-scores, and subjects were reclassified in terms of rehabilitation goals as Speed Emphasis, Strength Emphasis, and Combined Emphasis. The Modified Procrustes method shows promise in identifying disruptions in movement and monitoring recovery without adding to patient burden. The proposed RSDI score, while limited in scope, can be adapted and expanded to other functional movements and used as an objective clinical tool

    Complexes of Some Group(IV) Metal Halides with 5-Aminoindazole

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    The synthesis and characterisation of Sn(IV) halides, Ge(IV), Ti(IV) and Zr(IV) chloride complexes of the type MX4 : Li_ 2 with 5-aminoindazole has been made. The possible structure of these complexes has been proposed on the basis of elemental analysis and infrared spectroscopy. The IR spectra suggest unidentate behaviour of the ligand involving pyrrole nitrogen in all the cases except the tin(IV) bromide complex, where the ligand exhibits its bidentate nature, involving the pyridyl nitrogen. An octahedral geometry has been proposed for all the complexes. In the case of MX4 :\u27L type complexes, except for SnBr4 : L, an octahedral halogen bridged structure has been proposed
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