75 research outputs found

    Radionuclides proportion and radiological risk assessment of soil samples collected in Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State Nigeria

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    The activity levels of 238U, 232Th and 40K in soil surrounding major office complexes in Covenant University were analyzed for radiological hazards to determine the safety of the residents in such environment. Sixteen (16) soil samples were collected, prepared and sent to Acme laboratory in Canada for analysis with the use of high purity germanium detector. The mean activity concentrations of 238U, 232Th and 40K were found to be 45?±?10, 135?±?8 and 195?±?20 respectively. The concentrations of 238U and 232Th were found to be higher than the world recommended standard of 35 and 30, while the result for 40K was noted to be lower than the world safe limit. The average values of Raeq, D, AED, Iyr, Hex and ELCR in this study were estimated to be 252.33?Bq/kg, 110.15 nGy/h, 0.13 mSv/y, 1.78, 0.68 and 0.47?×?10-3 respectively. It was noticed that none of the measured parameters was higher than the internationally recommended safe limits. 232Th was found to be the major contributor to the environmental radionuclides in the area of study. Therefore, the inhabitants of the office complexes whose environment was assessed are considered not be exposed to any radiological hazards

    Adsorption and corrosion inhibition accomplishment for thiosemicarbazone derivatives for mild steel in 1.0 M HCl medium: Electrochemical, XPS and DFT studies

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    Four benzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone derivatives namely as 2-benzylidene-N-phenylhydrazinecarbothioamide (L1), 2-(4-hydroxybenzylidene)-N-phenylhydrazinecarbothioamide (L2), 2-(4-chlorobenzylidene)-Nphenylhydrazinecarbothioamide (L3), and 2-(4-methylbenzylidene)-N-phenylhydrazinecarbothioamide (L4) were successfully synthesized and elucidated by physical and spectral techniques, to be specific,melting point, elemental analysis (CHNS), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). These organic corrosion inhibitors behaviour for mild steel (MS) in 1.0 M HCl solution was examined using potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. Fromthe electrochemical measurements, most ligands behave as efficient inhibitors for theMS in 1.0MHCl solution which contribute the maximum inhibition efficiency up to 93.38% for L3. The potentiodynamic polarization measurements unfolds each synthesized compoundweremixed-type inhibitor based on the shifting of corrosion potentials (Ecorr) found to be lesser than±85 mV. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analysis revealed retardation of metal corrosion succeeded by cause of adsorption of the four thiosemicarbazone derivatives inhibitor molecules at the metal/solution interface. The adsorption of thiosemicarbazone molecules on the low carbon steel surface in 1.0 M HCl solution obeys Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) demonstrates in the presence of optimum concentration of L1-L4 inhibitors at 0.04mMindicates greatly reduced surface roughness ofMS in comparisonwith uninhibited solution. The findingswere further reinforced via surface elemental analysis ofmetal/solution interface viaX-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), which unveils L3 exhibit the greatest inhibition efficiency. The most plausible reason is due to benzene rings in the molecular structure increases the adsorption ability in supporting the substituent of chloro as well as conjugated double bond of C=N and C=S that chemisorbed along the surface of metal. The oxide species of FeO, Fe2O3 and FeOOH found to be chemisorbed and physisorbed on MS surface. The impact of molecular properties on the corrosion inhibition and the adsorbed sites of L1-L4 on the metal were investigated using density functional theory calculations (DFT) at the B3LYP/6–311+G (d,p) level of theory. Fromthe Frontier Molecular Orbitals (FMO), the Highest OccupiedMolecular Orbitals (HOMO) discloses adsorption of L2 on theMS surface generally due to 2-(4-hydroxybenzylidene)-N-hydrazinecarbothioamide, whereas for L1, L3 and L4 associated to the inclusion of phenyl carbothioamide. The Lowest Occupied Molecular Orbitals (LUMOs) of L1-L4 are comparatively resembling and delocalized of all molecules. DFT reveals protonated thiosemicarbazones exhibits high correlations coefficients as up to 99–100% in comparison to the corresponding neutral forms of themolecules. The increase in the inhibition efficiency of protonated L1, L2 and L3 is proportional to the ΔN and DM

    The optimization of heating temperature for carbon extraction from peat soil

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    This study aims to find the optimised heating temperature for carbon extraction from peat soil. Ccarbon from peat soil was extracted by the pyrolisation process at temperature, T = 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700°C for 5 hours. The carbon, C and silica, Si content extracted from peat soil at various heating temperatures were measured by using an Energy Dispersive X-Ray analyzer (EDX) at 3 points on the sample surface. High atomic percentage of carbon (95.44 %) was measured at T = 400°C, while the highest atomic percentage of silicon was recorded at T = 700°C (30.79 %). The surface morphology of peat soil was analysed using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) at 800 magnifying power, and it was clearly seen that peat fragments were pyrolised at high heating temperature with pores enhancement. The molecular structure parameter of the extracted carbon were identified using Laser Raman analysis. The peak positions of D-band and G-band for raw peat soil were observed at Raman shift of 1379.62 and 1549.02 cm-1, respectively. Meanwhile, the D-band for peat soil heated at temperature of 400°C was 1391.56 cm-1 whereas the G-band has peak position at 1562.16 cm-1 . From the Raman spectra of the optimum heating temperature at 400°C, it was revealed that the carbon molecular structure from the peat soil is mainly attributed by graphite and diamond structure

    Feasibility Study of River Bank Filtration (RBF) at Sg. Kampar, Perak Using Numerical Modelling Technology (Visual Modflow)

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    Water demand around a world was increased due to growth of population, economy and urbanization [1]. Malaysia as a developing country is not exception to have a problem in order to cater an adequate water demand. According to populations statistic in Malaysia [2], the total population is about 32.0 million peoples in year 2017. In year 2016, the total water supply was increased about 97.7 % compared to year 2015. The facts showed that increased of water demand in line with the increase of population [2]

    Study of ionic liquids (AIL and PIL) viscosity and its functional groups under heat treatment on cutting tool surface using fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)

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    This study was conducted to investigate the efficiency of Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) technique by using Modified Jatropha Oil (MJO) bio-based lubricant with the presence of 10% Ammonium Ionic Liquid (MJO+AIL10%) and 1% Phosphonium Ionic Liquid (MJO+PIL1%) additives respectively at various temperature of 200 ÌŠC, 300 ÌŠC and 400 ÌŠC heat treatment to determine the ability to exhibit corrosion and wear throughout the process. Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis revealed prominent peaks of functional groups in these bio-lubricants; esters (C-O) and (C=O), alkanes (C-H), hydroxide (O-H), and nitrile groups deposited on the cutting tool surface. Initially, nitrile group is detected on cutting tool surface without lubricants at 2200 to 2300 absorption band reduced to lower intensity and most likely concealed by MJO+AIL10% compared to MJO+PIL1% where the nitrile group remains reflected in FTIR spectrum. In this work, it is proved that MJO+AIL10% has higher viscosity as compared to MJO+PIL1%. in the context of functional groups and supported the previous study on MJO+AIL10% as corrosion inhibitor

    Fabrication and characterization of crystalline cupric oxide (CUO) films by simple immersion technique

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    Cupric oxide (CuO) is one of the most promising p-type semiconducting materials used in p-n junction solar cells. Most of the researchers use electrochemical deposition (ECD) to deposit CuO film. However, it always requires a conductive substrate and the resulting film is porous. In this work, we demonstrated a simple method using an immersion technique to deposit nanostructured CuO for p-n solar cell application. Compared to ECD which end up with only pyramid-like structure, an immersion technique offers flexibility on the CuO nanostructures such as spheres, particles, diamond etc. This technique also offers higher deposition rate which allow deposition at thicker thickness. The adherence to the substrate can be manipulated depending on the pH of the solution. The resuling film was tested into a p-n solar cell using configuration of Au/ZnO/Cuo/ITO/glass. Although there is no efficiency obtained under the solar radiation, it shows a solar cell characteristic with open circuit voltage (Voc) of 1.5

    Nanofabrication Process by Reactive Ion Etching of Polystyrene Nanosphere on Silicon Surface

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    Nanospheres made of organic polymer have been applied to generate various patterning mask in fabricating functional nanostructures. The patterning and generation of semiconductor nanostructures through nanospheres mask provides a potential alternative to the conventional top-down fabrication techniques. Polystyrene nanosphere was modified using reactive ion etching (RIE) with O2 plasma at various duration of exposure (0, 20, 40 sec) and further extended to produce nanostructure by employing combination of O2 and mixed CHF3/SF6 gases. These edge PS nanospheres are later reduced as nanostructures and characterized using various characterization techniques such as Field Emission Scan Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (FESEM)/EDS, Atomic Force Microscopy and Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The potential for multi stages etching procedures of O2 and later with SF6/CHF3 plasma etching are found to modify the nanospheres shapes and sizes which are important either as secondary mask for metal evaporation or as direct patterning of carbonaceous materials when exposed to irradiation sources. The nanostructures made using RIE will have applications in low power high performance electronic devices, optoelectronic, photovoltaic, biosensors and lithium ion battery devices

    Determination of baseflow quantity by using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and Google Earth

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    Baseflow is most important in low-flow hydrological features [1]. It is a function of a large number of variables that include factors such as topography, geology, soil, vegetation, and climate. In many catchments, base flow is an important component of streamflow and, therefore, base flow separations have been widely studied and have a long history in science. Baseflow separation methods can be divided into two main groups: non-tracer-based and tracer- based separation methods of hydrology. Besides, the base flow is determined by fitting a unit hydrograph model with information from the recession limbs of the hydrograph and extrapolating it backward

    Nanofabrication Process by Reactive Ion Etching of Polystyrene Nanosphere on Silicon Surface

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    Nanospheres made of organic polymer have been applied to generate various patterning mask in fabricating functional nanostructures. The patterning and generation of semiconductor nanostructures through nanospheres mask provides a potential alternative to the conventional top-down fabrication techniques. Polystyrene nanosphere was modified using reactive ion etching (RIE) with O2 plasma at various duration of exposure (0, 20, 40 sec) and further extended to produce nanostructure by employing combination of O2 and mixed CHF3/SF6 gases. These edge PS nanospheres are later reduced as nanostructures and characterized using various characterization techniques such as Field Emission Scan Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (FESEM)/EDS, Atomic Force Microscopy and Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The potential for multi stages etching procedures of O2 and later with SF6/CHF3 plasma etching are found to modify the nanospheres shapes and sizes which are important either as secondary mask for metal evaporation or as direct patterning of carbonaceous materials when exposed to irradiation sources. The nanostructures made using RIE will have applications in low power high performance electronic devices, optoelectronic, photovoltaic, biosensors and lithium ion battery devices
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