2 research outputs found

    Location Choice of Distribution Center for Freshfood E-Commerce by the Approaching of Spatial Center of Gravity Method and Implementation of Halal Logistics Standard MS2400 (Case Study of Fresh Food Delivery to JABODETABEK)

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    The purpose of this research is trying to solve problems by various logistics parties in delivering fresh food (freshfood e-commerce) such as the high of shipping costs and the difficulty of maintaining the quality of fresh products because the value of these products will decrease exponentially after harvest. Implementation for strategy of grouping goods at distribution center in an optimal location as a transit center will result the reduction costs in the shipping process. The Center of Gravity (CoG) method is applied to measure the optimal point of the distribution location but this model does not consider regional spatial effects such as the effects of congestion, natural disasters, topography, economy, and security, therefore a spatial approach was added in the application of the Center of Gravity method (CoG) to reduce the spatial effects. The application of MS2400 as one of the best halal logistics standards is also applied to make standard procedures and layout designs to prevent decreasing in the quality of the products. The results of implementation the CoG method by using spatial approach found several recommendations for latitude and longitude points for distribution locations based on 5 delivery zones, such as Zone DC 1 Tangerang (-6.28010, 106.6684), Zone DC 2 Jakarta (6.16544, 106.7465), Zone DC 3 Jakarta (-6.276778, 106.8042), Zone DC 4 Bogor (-6.503629, 106.8340), and Zone DC 5 Bekasi (-6.27263, 107.19930). However, it was found that the usage of the CoG method with a spatial approach was not so significant in reducing spatial problems when it was compared to the classical CoG model. The implementation of the MS2400 standard requires several additional facilities such as temperature determination, a special medical checkup room, a prayer room, a cleaning facility room, a hygienic toilet room, a vehicle break room, and a room for separating damaged products

    Inovasi Rancangan Kursi Kemudi untuk Mengurangi Tingkat Fatigue pada Pengemudi ketika Proses Pengiriman pada Unit PT Iron Bird Logistics

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    Fatigue is a natural mechanism of the body that shows the body needs rest time to recover stamina that had been used during work, it tends to occur during the transportation process because driving is a job that requires a high level of concentration by requiring fast and precise coordination between the eyes, hands, feet, and brain. Therefore driving is a very high-risk job to get tired. The most common accidents in PT Iron Bird Logistics were caused by high levels of fatigue. Even though the application of UU No. 22 of 2009 about traffic and road transportation which contains the application of rest hours has been implemented properly, it doesn’t change the fatigue as the highest accident factor during the delivery process, therefore the application of the Macro Ergonomic Analysis and Design (MEAD) method was applied to measure body parts that are painful when the driving process and provide ergonomic seat recommendations based on the anthropometric approach of the human body to reduce fatigue levels to reduce accidents and increase performance productivity. The usage of the MEAD method found some parts of the body that were suffering from pain. They are the part of the neck, shoulders, arms including fingers, back, and legs including thighs and knees. The results of the chair design recommendations based on the results of the questionnaire and anthropometric approach are shoulder height (72.18 cm), head height (18.84 cm), popliteal height (40.7 cm), hip width (44.23 cm), thigh thickness (16 cm), and head width (22.61 cm).Kelelahan merupakan suatu mekanisme alamiah tubuh yang menunjukkan bahwa tubuh membutuhkan waktu istirahat untuk pemulihan kembali stamina yang telah terpakai selama bekerja, hal ini cenderung terjadi ketika proses transportasi dikarenakan pekerjaan mengemudi merupakan suatu pekerjaan yang membutuhkan tingkat konsentrasi tinggi dengan memerlukan koordinasi yang cepat dan tepat antara mata, tangan, kaki, dan otak, sehingga mengemudi merupakan suatu pekerjaan yang sangat berisiko tinggi mengalami kelelahan. Penyebab kecelakaan yang paling sering terjadi pada perusahaan PT Iron Bird Logistics adalah disebabkan tingginya tingkat kelelahan. Padahal penerapan UU No.22 Tahun 2009 tentang lalu lintas dan angkutan jalan yang berisi tentang penerapan jam istirahat telah diterapkan dengan baik, akan tetapi penerapan peraturan tersebut tidak mengubah status kelelahan menjadi faktor kecelakaan paling tinggi ketika proses pengiriman, maka dari itu penerapan metode Macro Ergonomic Analysis and Design (MEAD) diaplikasikan untuk mengukur bagian tubuh yang terasa sakit ketika mengemudi kendaraan dan memberikan rekomendasi kursi ergonomis berdasarkan pendekatan antropometri tubuh manusia agar dapat mengurangi tingkat fatigue untuk mengurangi kecelakaan dan meningkatkan produktivitas kinerja. Penggunaan metode MEAD menemukan beberapa bagian tubuh yang sakit yaitu bagian leher, bagian bahu, bagian lengan termasuk jari, bagian punggung, dan bagian kaki termasuk paha dan lutut. Hasil rekomendasi desain kursi yang diterapakan berdasarkan hasil kuesioner dan pendekatan antropometri yaitu: tinggi bahu (72,18 cm), tinggi kepala (18, 84 cm), tinggi popliteal (40,7 cm), lebar pinggul (44.23 cm), tebal paha (16 cm), dan lebar kepala (22.61 cm)