17 research outputs found

    Molecular Targeting of John Cunningham Virus ‎‎(JCV) Among Colorectal Tumors Patients in ‎Central Iraq

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    صممت هذه الدراسة كبحث ذو أثر رجعي  (Retrospective study) اذ اشتملت على ثمانية و ستون (68 ) خزعة نسجية من منطقة القولون ( (colorectal  المحفوظة بالفورمالين والمطمورة بشمع البارافين . اذ تضمنت اثنان و اربعون (42) عينة اخذت من مرضى مصابين بسرطان القولون وستة عشرة (16) عينة اخذت من مرضى مصابين بورم القولون الحميد. كما ادخلت عشرة (10) قطع نسيجية من عينات القولون غير المصابة ظاهريا كمجموعة سيطرة لهذه الدراسة . كان عمر الاشخاص في مجموعتي المرضى والسيطرة يتراوح بين 7 - 85 سنة.       جمعت هذه النماذج من أرشيفات الأنسجة المرضية لمختبرات مستشفى الحلة التعليمي/بابل , مستشفى الصدر التعليمي/ النجف الاشرف ,مستشفى الحسين التعليمي/كربلاء المقدسة و مستشفى الديوانية التعليمي/الديوانية , بالإضافة الى العديد من مختبرات الأنسجة المرضية الخاصة الموجودة في بابل, النجف, كربلاء, و أرشيف معهد الطب العدلي في بابل . تم جمع هذه العينات للفترة من آب 2010 الى شباط 2014 . وتمت مطابقة العمر والجنس لكل عينة من هذه العينات.       شكلت مجموعةِ العينات المحفوظة لسرطان القولون والتي أظهرت نتائج موجبة لفايروس الجون كنينكهام (JCV) نسبة18)  % 42.8 من اصل 42 عينة( من مجموع هذه العينات, ووجدت بنسبة 1) % 6.25 من اصل 16 عينة( في مجموعة اورام القولون الحميدة .لا توجد حالات موجبه لفايروس الجون كنينكهام (JCV) في مجموعة انسجة قولون الاصحاء الضابطة. تم تحديد اعلى نسبة للإصابة بفايروس الجون كنينكهام (JCV)-في مجموعة العينات السرطانية اعتمادا على مراحل تمايز الخلايا في مرحلة الخلايا غير المتمايزة حيث بلغت  11 )61.1 % من اصل 18 عينه),يليها 33.3%(6 من اصل 18 عينه) في مرحلة متوسطة التمايز ,واخيرا 6.55%(1 من اصل 18 عينه)  في عينات السرطان للخلايا عالية التمايزIn order to prove the implication of John Cunningham virus in colorectal cancer of Iraqi patients. Sixty eight (68) formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded colorectal tissues were obtained in this study ;42 biopsies from colorectal carcinoma (CRC) and (16) from benign colorectal tumors as well as (10) apparently normal colorectal autopsies control group. The age of these individuals (patients and control groups) were ranged between 7 and 85 years. The patients samples were collected from the archives of histopathology laboratories of AL-Shaheed Gazi Al-Hariery Hospital for Specialized Surgery /Baghdad Teaching Hospital in Baghdad Medical City ;Al-Hilla ;AL-Saddar(Al-Najef); Al-Hussein (Kerblla) as well as many private histopathology laboratories that generously helped as and are kindly thanked in the present dedication. This study found the percent of JCVs -ISH in tissues with CRC observed in42.8% ( 18 out of 42 cases), and in the benign was detected in 6.25%  (1 out of 16 cases) while, in the healthy control group was detected in10% (1 out of 10 cases). The highest rates of JCV detected in relation with tumor grade depending on the differentiated of cells were 61.1 % (11 out of 18 cases) in grade I(well differentiated carcinoma), followed by 33.3% (6 out of 18cases) in grade II(moderately differentiated carcinoma), and 6.55% (1 out of 42 cases) in grade III (poorly differentiated carcinoma). Conclusion of This Study Significant association of John Cunningham virus infection with colorectal cancers indicate for an important possible role for this viral agent in the development of this subset of colorectal tumor

    Detection of sexually transmitted pathogens Trichomonas vaginalis and Herpes simplex virus in women

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    There are more than 340 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) occurred annually throughout the world, the highest incidence is in people of developing countries. Pelvic inflammation, sterility, ectopic pregnancy, morbidity and mortality of newborns, and genital carcinoma have been assumed to be related to STIs. Sexually transmitted diseases have various clinical symptoms while 70% gonococcal or non-gonococcal urethritis in males and genital tract infections in females are asymptomatic, both symptomatic and asymptomatic infections may cause severe complications, previous studies revealed that wide range of pathogens recognized as a causative agents of urethritis in males and genital tract infections in females, such as Trichomonas vaginalis and herpes simplex virus. More epidemiological studies are needed to evaluate the significant role of organisms other than the recognized genital pathogens in vaginal syndromes. In summary we conclude that sexually transmitted diseases may increase reproductive morbidity rate causing difficulties in conception especially the infection with T. vaginalis and herpes simplex viruses, so concentrating on different methods in diagnosis is required. In addition, the cost and time of the test should be taken in consideration.

    Cytotoxic and Antioxidant Activity of Linseeds Against Rhabdomyosarcoma Cell Line

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    Background: Flaxseeds (Linum usitatissimum L.) are rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants that may have anticancer properties.    Methods: The anticancer activity of the hydro-methanolic extract of linseeds (Linum usitatissimum  L.) on the Rhabdomyosarcoma (RD) cell line had been evaluated through determination of phytochemical content, anti-oxidative potential by the free. radical-scavenging capability of 2, 2, diphenyl_1_picrylhydrazyl (D.P.P.H) and cytotoxic effects which were carried out by utilizing M.T.T assay.Results: Phytochemical analysis recorded various phytochemical compounds, with antioxidant activity of hydro-methanolic extract of linseeds. Furthermore, linseeds hydro-methanolic extract has a significant cytotoxic influence on the RD cell line in concentration ranged 0.05-80 mg/ml by MTT assay with an IC50 value of 0.07 mg/ml.Conclusion: From the performed assays, the hydro-methanolic extract of linseeds shows greater activity on the RD cell line which ensured the possibility of applying linseeds as anticancer that due to the anti-oxidative potential of its phytochemical compounds

    Hybrid Dy-NFIS & RLS equalization for ZCC code in optical-CDMA over multi-mode optical fiber

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    For long haul coherent optical fiber communication systems, it is significant to precisely monitor the quality of transmission links and optical signals. The channel capacity beyond Shannon limit of Single-mode optical fiber (SMOF) is achieved with the help of Multi-mode optical fiber (MMOF), where the signal is multiplexed in different spatial modes. To increase single-mode transmission capacity and to avoid a foreseen “capacity crunch”, researchers have been motivated to employ MMOF as an alternative. Furthermore, different multiplexing techniques could be applied in MMOF to improve the communication system. One of these techniques is the Optical Code Division Multiple Access (Optical-CDMA), which simplifies and decentralizes network controls to improve spectral efficiency and information security increasing flexibility in bandwidth granularity. This technique also allows synchronous and simultaneous transmission medium to be shared by many users. However, during the propagation of the data over the MMOF based on Optical-CDMA, an inevitable encountered issue is pulse dispersion, nonlinearity and MAI due to mode coupling. Moreover, pulse dispersion, nonlinearity and MAI are significant aspects for the evaluation of the performance of high-speed MMOF communication systems based on Optical-CDMA. This work suggests a hybrid algorithm based on nonlinear algorithm (Dynamic evolving neural fuzzy inference (Dy-NFIS)) and linear algorithm (Recursive least squares (RLS)) equalization for ZCC code in Optical-CDMA over MMOF. Root mean squared error (RMSE), mean squared error (MSE) and Structural Similarity index (SSIM) are used to measure performance results

    Seroprevalence of Herpes Simplex Virus Type-1 IgG Antibody in Healthy Blood Donor from Baghdad, Iraq

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    Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a common infectious agent worldwide. It can cause earnest illnesses at each stage of life. Data on seroprevalence of HSV-1 antibody (Ab) in Iraqi population is limited. This study aimed on determination the frequency of HSV-1 IgG Ab in apparently healthy blood donor of Baghdad province, capital of Iraq. In this study, serum samples were collected from 454 apparently healthy blood donor (385 male and 69 female), their ages ranged from 18 to 64 year. This study was conducted through the period from October, 2018 to February, 2019. Demographic data were gathered by a well-designed questionnaire. Five (5) ml of blood sample was collected and centrifuged, all obtained sera samples were tested using Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for determine of HSV-1 IgG Ab. Totally, HSV-1 IgG Ab were positive in 427 out of 454 (94.1%) among studied population. The age groups of (21-30) years and (31-40) years had the highest percentage of seropositivity for anti HSV-1 IgG Ab (39.1% and 32.3%, respectively), while the lowest seropositivity was found in age groups (>50) years and (≤20) years (4.4% and 5.4%, respectively). The frequency of HSV-1 IgG Ab was higher among male (84.8%) compared with females (15.2%), however, it was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). Results confirm a high frequency of anti HSV-1 IgG Ab among Iraqi population. The high frequency of HSV-1 infection underlines the need for focusing on preventive efforts and education among the population about HSV-1 and its complications

    Integration of pharmacist independent prescribers into general practice: a mixed-methods study of pharmacists’ and patients’ views

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    Abstract Background Since 2015, the National Health Service (NHS) has funded pharmacists to work in general practice (GP practice) to ease workload pressures. This requires pharmacists to work in new roles and be integrated effectively in GPs. Independent prescribing is a key part of the GP pharmacist role, but little is known about pharmacists’ integration into GP practice as well as patients’ perceptions and experiences of the care provided by GP pharmacists. This study aims to explore the perceptions of pharmacist independent prescribers (PIPs) about their integration into GP practice and gain insight into patients’ perceptions about the care provided to them by pharmacists. Methods A mixed-methods study comprising semi-structured interviews with PIPs (n = 13) followed by questionnaire-based assessment of patients’ (n = 77) evaluation of pharmacists’ care was conducted between December 2019 and March 2020. Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics. Interviews and open comments of the survey were thematically analysed. Results Pharmacist independent prescribers reported undertaking a range of patient-facing and non-clinical roles. Lack of understanding about PIPs’ clinical role and working beyond their clinical area of competence were some of the barriers to their integration into GP practice. Most patients were satisfied with the consultations they received from pharmacists and reported confidence in the pharmacist’s recommendations about their health conditions. However, a few patients (14%) felt they would still need to consult a general practitioner after their appointment and 11% were not sure if a further consultation was needed. Conclusions Pharmacist independent prescribers provide a range of clinical services for the management of long-term conditions which appear to be recognised by patients. However, there is a need to address the barriers to PIPs’ integration into GP practice to optimise their skill-mix and patient-centred care

    A Provably Secure Anonymous Authentication Protocol for Consumer and Service Provider Information Transmissions in Smart Grids

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    Smart grids integrate information technology, decision support systems, communication networks, and sensing technologies. All these components cooperate to facilitate dynamic power adjustments based on received client consumption reports. Although this brings forth energy efficiency, the transmission of sensitive data over the public internet exposes these networks to numerous attacks. To this end, numerous security solutions have been presented recently. Most of these techniques deploy conventional cryptographic systems such as public key infrastructure, blockchains, and physically unclonable functions that have either performance or security issues. In this paper, a fairly efficient authentication scheme is developed and analyzed. Its formal security analysis is carried out using the Burrows–Abadi–Needham (BAN) logic, which shows that the session key negotiated is provably secure. We also execute a semantic security analysis of this protocol to demonstrate that it can resist typical smart grid attacks such as privileged insider, guessing, eavesdropping, and ephemeral secret leakages. Moreover, it has the lowest amount of computation costs and relatively lower communication overheads as well as storage costs

    Examining the potential and effectiveness of water indices using multispectral sentinel-2 data to detect soil moisture as an indicator of mudflow occurrence in arid regions

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    This study aims to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of six spectral water indices - derived from Multispectral sentinel-2 data - to detect soil moisture and inundated area in arid regions to be used as an indicator of mudflow phenomena to predict high-risk areas. Herein, the validation of the performance of spectral indices was conducted using threshold method, spectral curve performance, and soil-line method. These indirect validation techniques play a key role in saving time, effort, and cost, particularly for large-scale and inaccessible areas. It was observed that the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (mNDWI), and RSWIR indices have the potential to detect soil moisture and inundated areas in arid regions. According to the temporal spectral curve performance, the spectral characteristics of water and soil moisture were distinct in the Near infrared (NIR) and Short-wave Infrared (SWIR1,2) bands. However, the rate and degree differed between these bands, depending on the amount of water in the soil. Furthermore, the soil line method supported the appropriate selection of threshold values to detect soil moisture. However, the threshold values varied with location, time, season, and between indices. We concluded that considering the factors influencing the behavior of water and soil reflectivity could support decision-makers in identifying high-risk mudflow locations

    Evaluation the Serum Level of the Carbamylated Protein Antibody Compare with the Anti-Citrullinated Peptide Antibody and Rheumatoid Factor Antibody in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

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    Background: Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that causes irreversible joint destruction due to persistent synovitis. ACPA and RF are gold standard antibodies for diagnosis, many studies shown that Anti-CarP can be utilized with ACPA. Objective: Comparison of Anti-CarP with ACPA and RF serum levels in RA patients based on disease severity. Materials and Methods: Case-control study includes 270 subjects from October 2022 to April 2023 in Al-Mujtaba Hospital/Rheumatology Unit, separated into 180 RA patients and 90 controls, then into 90 seropositive and 90 seronegative RA cases. All patients consented to ACR 2010 rheumatologists' diagnoses; venous blood samples were collected and split into sodium citrate tubes for Westergren ESR and gel tubes for serological assays, C-RP and RF employing Nephelometry, ACPA, and anti-CarP by ELISA. SPSS 26 was used for statistical analysis. Results: RA cases were 180, divided into 90 seropositive and 90 seronegative RA patients, mean of Anti-CarP highly significant in seronegative than seropositive at P.value (0.000), in mild and moderate DAS28-CRP at P.value (0.001), and significant in regulars treatment than irregulars at P.value (0.047), while ACPA and RF highly significant in seropositive than seronegative at P.value (0.000), in severe DAS28-CRP at P.value less than (0.01), and in irregulars treatment than regulars at P.value (0.001). Conclusions: Anti-CarP Ab associated with RA patients especially seronegative RA so may be useful as diagnostic marker complementary with RF and ACPA, associated with mild and moderate DAS28-CRP and regulars treatment compare to the ACPA and RF so could be used as prognostic marker for disease severity