2,650 research outputs found

    The New Transiting Planet OGLE-TR-56b: Orbit and Atmosphere

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    Motivated by the identification of the very close-in extrasolar giant planet OGLE-TR-56b, we explore the implications of its existence on problems of tidal dissipation, planet migration, and atmospheric stability. The small orbit of OGLE-TR-56b makes the planet an interesting test particle case for tidal dissipation in stellar convection zones. We show that it favors prescriptions of suppressed convective eddy viscosity. Precise timing of the transits of OGLE-TR-56b might place interesting constraints on stellar convection theory, if orbital period change is detected in the near future.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, submitted to ApJ

    Infrared cutoffs and the adiabatic limit in noncommutative spacetime

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    We discuss appropriate infrared cutoffs and their adiabatic limit for field theories on the noncommutative Minkowski space in the Yang-Feldman formalism. In order to do this, we consider a mass term as interaction term. We show that an infrared cutoff can be defined quite analogously to the commutative case and that the adiabatic limit of the two-point function exists and coincides with the expectation, to all orders.Comment: 19 page

    JabĂŞm-English dictionary

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    A Robust Measure of Tidal Circularization in Coeval Binary Populations: The solar-type spectroscopic Binary Population in The Open Cluster M35

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    We present a new homogeneous sample of 32 spectroscopic binary orbits in the young (~ 150 Myr) main-sequence open cluster M35. The distribution of orbital eccentricity vs. orbital period (e-log(P)) displays a distinct transition from eccentric to circular orbits at an orbital period of ~ 10 days. The transition is due to tidal circularization of the closest binaries. The population of binary orbits in M35 provide a significantly improved constraint on the rate of tidal circularization at an age of 150 Myr. We propose a new and more robust diagnostic of the degree of tidal circularization in a binary population based on a functional fit to the e-log(P) distribution. We call this new measure the tidal circularization period. The tidal circularization period of a binary population represents the orbital period at which a binary orbit with the most frequent initial orbital eccentricity circularizes (defined as e = 0.01) at the age of the population. We determine the tidal circularizationperiod for M35 as well as for 7 additional binary populations spanning ages from the pre main-sequence (~ 3 Myr) to late main-sequence (~ 10 Gyr), and use Monte Carlo error analysis to determine the uncertainties on the derived circularization periods. We conclude that current theories of tidal circularization cannot account for the distribution of tidal circularization periods with population age.Comment: 37 pages, 9 figures, to be published in The Astrophysical Journal, February 200

    Ultrafast lattice dynamics and electron-phonon coupling in platinum extracted with a global fitting approach for time-resolved polycrystalline diffraction data

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    Quantitative knowledge of electron-phonon coupling is important for many applications as well as for the fundamental understanding of nonequilibrium relaxation processes. Time-resolved diffraction provides direct access to this knowledge through its sensitivity to laser-induced lattice dynamics. Here, we present an approach for analyzing time-resolved polycrystalline diffraction data. A two-step routine is used to minimize the number of time-dependent fit parameters. The lattice dynamics are extracted reliably by finding the best fit to the full transient diffraction pattern rather than by analyzing transient changes of individual Debye-Scherrer rings. We apply this approach to platinum, an important component of novel photocatalytic and spintronic applications, for which a large variation of literature values exists for the electron-phonon coupling parameter Gep. Based on the extracted evolution of the atomic mean squared displacement (MSD) and using a two-temperature model (TTM), we obtain Gep=(3.9±0.2) ⋅ 1017W/m3K. We find that at least up to an absorbed energy density of 124 J/cm3, Gep is not fluence-dependent. Our results for the lattice dynamics of platinum provide insights into electron-phonon coupling and phonon thermalization and constitute a basis for quantitative descriptions of platinum-based heterostructures in nonequilibrium conditions

    Elastic Behavior of a Two-dimensional Crystal near Melting

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    Using positional data from video-microscopy we determine the elastic moduli of two-dimensional colloidal crystals as a function of temperature. The moduli are extracted from the wave-vector-dependent normal mode spring constants in the limit q→0q\to 0 and are compared to the renormalized Young's modulus of the KTHNY theory. An essential element of this theory is the universal prediction that Young's modulus must approach 16π16 \pi at the melting temperature. This is indeed observed in our experiment.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Equipotential Surfaces and Lagrangian points in Non-synchronous, Eccentric Binary and Planetary Systems

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    We investigate the existence and properties of equipotential surfaces and Lagrangian points in non-synchronous, eccentric binary star and planetary systems under the assumption of quasi-static equilibrium. We adopt a binary potential that accounts for non-synchronous rotation and eccentric orbits, and calculate the positions of the Lagrangian points as functions of the mass ratio, the degree of asynchronism, the orbital eccentricity, and the position of the stars or planets in their relative orbit. We find that the geometry of the equipotential surfaces may facilitate non-conservative mass transfer in non-synchronous, eccentric binary star and planetary systems, especially if the component stars or planets are rotating super-synchronously at the periastron of their relative orbit. We also calculate the volume-equivalent radius of the Roche lobe as a function of the four parameters mentioned above. Contrary to common practice, we find that replacing the radius of a circular orbit in the fitting formula of Eggleton (1983) with the instantaneous distance between the components of eccentric binary or planetary systems does not always lead to a good approximation to the volume-equivalent radius of the Roche-lobe. We therefore provide generalized analytic fitting formulae for the volume-equivalent Roche lobe radius appropriate for non-synchronous, eccentric binary star and planetary systems. These formulae are accurate to better than 1% throughout the relevant 2-dimensional parameter space that covers a dynamic range of 16 and 6 orders of magnitude in the two dimensions.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, 2 Tables, Accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    Tidal dissipation in rotating giant planets

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    [Abridged] Tides may play an important role in determining the observed distributions of mass, orbital period, and eccentricity of the extrasolar planets. In addition, tidal interactions between giant planets in the solar system and their moons are thought to be responsible for the orbital migration of the satellites, leading to their capture into resonant configurations. We treat the underlying fluid dynamical problem with the aim of determining the efficiency of tidal dissipation in gaseous giant planets. In cases of interest, the tidal forcing frequencies are comparable to the spin frequency of the planet but small compared to its dynamical frequency. We therefore study the linearized response of a slowly and possibly differentially rotating planet to low-frequency tidal forcing. Convective regions of the planet support inertial waves, while any radiative regions support generalized Hough waves. We present illustrative numerical calculations of the tidal dissipation rate and argue that inertial waves provide a natural avenue for efficient tidal dissipation in most cases of interest. The resulting value of Q depends in a highly erratic way on the forcing frequency, but we provide evidence that the relevant frequency-averaged dissipation rate may be asymptotically independent of the viscosity in the limit of small Ekman number. In short-period extrasolar planets, if the stellar irradiation of the planet leads to the formation of a radiative outer layer that supports generalized Hough modes, the tidal dissipation rate can be enhanced through the excitation and damping of these waves. These dissipative mechanisms offer a promising explanation of the historical evolution and current state of the Galilean satellites as well as the observed circularization of the orbits of short-period extrasolar planets.Comment: 74 pages, 12 figures, submitted to The Astrophysical Journa

    The BetaCage, an ultra-sensitive screener for surface contamination

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    Material screening for identifying low-energy electron emitters and alpha-decaying isotopes is now a prerequisite for rare-event searches (e.g., dark-matter direct detection and neutrinoless double-beta decay) for which surface radiocontamination has become an increasingly important background. The BetaCage, a gaseous neon time-projection chamber, is a proposed ultra-sensitive (and nondestructive) screener for alpha- and beta-emitting surface contaminants to which existing screening facilities are insufficiently sensitive. Sensitivity goals are 0.1 betas per keV-m2^2-day and 0.1 alphas per m2^2-day, with the former limited by Compton scattering of photons in the screening samples and (thanks to tracking) the latter expected to be signal-limited; radioassays and simulations indicate backgrounds from detector materials and radon daughters should be subdominant. We report on details of the background simulations and detector design that provide the discrimination, shielding, and radiopurity necessary to reach our sensitivity goals for a chamber with a 95Ă—\times95 cm2^2 sample area positioned below a 40 cm drift region and monitored by crisscrossed anode and cathode planes consisting of 151 wires each.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of Low Radioactivity Techniques (LRT) 2013, Gran Sasso, Italy, April 10-12, 201

    Anisotropic Nonequilibrium Lattice Dynamics of Black Phosphorus

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    Black phosphorus has recently attracted significant attention for its highly anisotropic properties. A variety of ultrafast optical spectroscopies has been applied to probe the carrier response to photoexcitation, but the complementary lattice response has remained unaddressed. Here we employ femtosecond electron diffraction to explore how the structural anisotropy impacts the lattice dynamics after photoexcitation. We observe two timescales in the lattice response, which we attribute to electron-phonon and phonon-phonon thermalization. Pronounced differences between armchair and zigzag directions are observed, indicating a non-thermal state of the lattice lasting up to ~60 picoseconds. This non-thermal state is characterized by a modified anisotropy of the atomic vibrations compared to equilibrium. Our findings provide insights in both electron-phonon as well as phonon-phonon coupling and bear direct relevance for any application of black phosphorus in non-equilibrium conditions
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