9 research outputs found

    Frequency distribution of markers on the sunflower consensus map.

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    <p>A x-axis indicates genetic distance in each linkage group in 1-cM intervals and the y-axis indicates number of markers in each 1-cM bin.</p

    Genetic relationship of mapping parents.

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    <p>Dendogram of the 5 sunflower parents of the three mapping populations based on unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages clustering analysis (UPGMA).</p

    A subset of rust phenotypes and SNP profiles of NSA_003426 and NSA_004155.

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    <p>*HA 89 and RHA 464 were susceptible and resistant parents of Pop1 used in the present study.</p><p>**rust phenotypic data were taken from Qi et al. (58) using NA rust races 336 and 777.</p

    Schematic representation of the consensus map.

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    <p>Ruler on left indicates the cM distance and the horizontal lines across the chromosomes indicate locus positions on each chromosome.</p

    A High-Density SNP Map of Sunflower Derived from RAD-Sequencing Facilitating Fine-Mapping of the Rust Resistance Gene <i>R<sub>12</sub></i>

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    <div><p>A high-resolution genetic map of sunflower was constructed by integrating SNP data from three F<sub>2</sub> mapping populations (HA 89/RHA 464, B-line/RHA 464, and CR 29/RHA 468). The consensus map spanned a total length of 1443.84 cM, and consisted of 5,019 SNP markers derived from RAD tag sequencing and 118 publicly available SSR markers distributed in 17 linkage groups, corresponding to the haploid chromosome number of sunflower. The maximum interval between markers in the consensus map is 12.37 cM and the average distance is 0.28 cM between adjacent markers. Despite a few short-distance inversions in marker order, the consensus map showed high levels of collinearity among individual maps with an average Spearman's rank correlation coefficient of 0.972 across the genome. The order of the SSR markers on the consensus map was also in agreement with the order of the individual map and with previously published sunflower maps. Three individual and one consensus maps revealed the uneven distribution of markers across the genome. Additionally, we performed fine mapping and marker validation of the rust resistance gene <i>R<sub>12</sub></i>, providing closely linked SNP markers for marker-assisted selection of this gene in sunflower breeding programs. This high resolution consensus map will serve as a valuable tool to the sunflower community for studying marker-trait association of important agronomic traits, marker assisted breeding, map-based gene cloning, and comparative mapping.</p></div