3 research outputs found

    Hubungan Disiplin Anggota Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) di Kawasan Lembah Klang dengan Faktor Agama

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    This study had been conducted to identify the relationship between religious factors which declined the discipline of the Malaysian Army (TDM) members in the Klang Valley. This study was conducted in a number of military camps located in the Klang Valley which includes the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. Respondents consisted of 240 members who were identified in TDM particularly in Klang Valley who was involved in various offenses during the term of their services. The Research instrument used in the study was an adaptation of the questionnaire used by K. Shoba (2007) Saidi (2006), and Sayed Mahussain (2007 in their study of student discipline problems and discipline in military which involved military personnel. The questionnaire used was modified according to the needs of this study. The degree of reliability (Cronbach alpha) for the whole of the instruments used in the study was .932. The data gathered was analyzed using the Statistical Software Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 1 7. Descriptive analysis is used to analyze the frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The survey, conducted using Pearson correlation showed significant relationship between education parents and families, religious knowledge, religious activities and attitudes of team members of the religious practices of TDM with the decline of discipline in the Klang Valley. Through multiple regression test found a signiJicant influence of religious factors and the decline of discipline in the TDM in the Klang Valley. In the test found that three variables: parental education and family, Islamic knowledge and attitudes towards religion has a negative influence on the decline in discipline and one variable which is religious activities in the unit have a positive influence on the decline in discipline of the Malaysian Army (TDM) members in the Klang Valley

    Teaching Al-Quran among the Army Personels to increase the Level of Discipline

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    Discipline has been characterised by several scholars as mental and moral activities that ensure conformity to rules and regulations for the development of society. In any organisation, the core problem that needs to be tackled is the disciplinary problem. Islam has promoted discipline as the interjecting factor which leads to success in this world and hereafter. This descriptive study will be discussing on the disciplinary problems among the army personnel, the contributing factors to the problem as well as coming up with Islamic approach solutions to the problem. Discipline and the military are synonymous and the ability to adhere to the rules that have been determined is the decisive factor which can lead to one's career excellence in the military. Zina, gambling, alcoholism is some of the criminal cases that have been committed by these personnel. It is believed that the occurrences of these cases are due to their lack of religious knowledge and practices (not performing prayers and being ignorant towards the Al-Quran), lack of parental guidance and family problems. This paper will investigate how the principles of Al-Quran can assist in the instillation of discipline as outlined in Islamic teachings among the military personnel. This study will use a qualitative method by reviewing related documents, interviews and carrying out observations. In order to establish high discipline levels within the Malaysian Armed Forces, a more in-depth assessment of the existing disciplinary problems, their contributing elements, and resolving actions based on the principles of the Al-Quran will be conducted

    Numerical Assessment on Training Motivation, Syllabus and Instructor’s Roles in Military Training Program Using PLS

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    Training management literature emphasized the designing of training program consist of three important elements: (1) training syllabus; (2) instructors’ roles; and (3) superiors’ support, which may lead to a high impact of training transfer in organizations. However, the role of training motivation as a mediator is given less explanation in the training program. Therefore, the aim of this research is to investigate and quantify the effect of training motivation in the military training. The measurements were using 329 usable questionnaires gathered from Royal Malay Regiment personnel of Malaysian Army. The outcomes of hypotheses testing showed these interesting findings: training motivation does act as an important mediating variable between training syllabus and instructors’ roles in the relationship with training transfer, whilst there are no mediation effect in relationship between superiors’ support and training transfer. Further, discussion, implications and conclusion are elaborated