9 research outputs found

    Methodology for knowledge portals development: background, foundations, experience of application, problems and prospects

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    The paper discusses an experience of using the methodology for the development of knowledge portals which provide systematization and integration of scientific and engineering knowledge and information resources as well as the content-based access to them. To provide a sufficiently complete and consistent representation of knowledge and information resources, their systematization and integration are performed on the basis of ontology. The suggested methodology has been successfully applied to the development of knowledge Internet portals on archaeology, computational linguistics, strength of materials and Antarctic data

    Discogenic lumbosacral radiculopathy. Recommendations of the Russian Association for the Study of Pain (RSSP).

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    Discogenic lumbosacral radiculopathy. Recommendations of the Russian Association for the Study of Pain (RSSP)

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    Features of development of internet resource for supporting developers of intelligent decision support systems

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    The paper describes the approach to development of Internet resource providing support of building of Intelligent Decision Support Systems in weakly formalized areas. In this resource the ontology is used for the formalization and system- atization of knowledge, data, facilities for processing and analysis of information integrated in the resource, as well as the organi- zation of convenient content-based access to them. Therefore, the creation of the resource is mainly reduced to the development and population of its ontology. The paper discusses the methodology for developing such an ontology, which includes methods for constructing a target ontology based on a representative set of basic ontologies and ontology design patterns. It is shown that the use of ontology design patterns allows not only to save resources spent on the ontology development, but also to provide a consistent representation of all entities of the ontology, which in turn allows to increase the clarity of the ontology and minimize the number of errors of ontological modeling

    An approach to organization of integrated support of the development of intelligent dss in weakly formalized domains

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    Рассматривается подход к организации комплексной поддержки процесса разработки интеллектуальных СППР в слабоформализованных предметных областях. Такая поддержка осуществляется на трех уровнях: концептуальном, информационном и компонентном. Концептуальный уровень обеспечиваются онтологией поддержки принятия решений, информационный уровень – специализированным интернет-ресурсом, содержащим систематизированную в соответствии с указанной онтологией информацию об области знаний «Поддержка принятия решений». Компонентный уровень составляет репозитарий реализованных методов поддержки принятия решений, систематизированных и описанных в соответствии с онтологией

    Development of multilingual thesaurus by means of semantic technology

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    В докладе представлен подход к разработке многоязычного электронного тезауруса для произвольной предметной области, особенностью которого является использование в качестве инструмента разработки формальных и программных средств, предоставляемых семантической технологией, разработанной для построения порталов научных знаний. Благодаря тому, что эта технология базируется на онтологии, обеспечивается не только возможность расширения, целостность и непротиворечивость терминологической системы тезауруса, но и удобный доступ к его контенту. The paper presents an approach to the development of multilingual electronic thesaurus for an arbitrary domain. A feature of the approach is the use of the formal and software tools provided by the semantic technology that was developed for the construction of scientific knowledge portals

    Discogenic lumbosacral radiculopathy. Recommendations of the Russian Association for the Study of Pain (RSSP)

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    When examining a patient with lumbosacral pain, it is necessary to rule out the specific cause of the disease. The diagnosis of discogenic lumbosacral radiculopathy (DLSR) is based on clinical examination; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is of informative value in excluding other causes of radiculopathy and in evaluating disk herniation. If the signs of cauda equina and spinal cord compression are absent, and no epidural glucocorticoid injection or urgent surgical treatment is scheduled, there is no reason for early (within the first 4 weeks) MRI.It is recommended to inform the patient with DLSR about the possibility of disk herniation regression and natural recovery and about the advisability of maintaining physical activity. Epidural administration of local anesthetics and glucocorticoids and use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are advisable to relieve acute pain. Anticonvulsants (pregabalin and gabapentin), muscle relaxants, and B vitamins can be used as additional methods for acute DLSR; psychological therapies (cognitive behavioral therapy), antidepressants, therapeutic exercises (kinesiotherapy), manual therapy, and acupuncture are effective in chronic DLSR. Consultation with a neurosurgeon for possible microdiscectomy is indicated in the presence of cauda equina syndrome (urgently) and in the absence of medical therapy effects within 4–8 weeks.Therapeutic exercises (kinesitherapy) with an educational program for prevention of strenuous physical activity and static and uncomfortable positions for a long time, as well as for teaching how to lift weights properly, etc. are recommended for preventive purposes

    Processing of Fruits and Fruit Juices by Novel Electrotechnologies

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