60 research outputs found


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    We present the status of the Gigaton Volume Detector in Lake Baikal (Baikal-GVD) designed for the detection of high energy neutrinos of astrophysical origin. The telescope consists of functionally independent clusters, sub-arrays of optical modules (OMs), which are connected to shore by individual electro-optical cables. During 2015 the GVD demonstration cluster, comprising 192 OMs, has been successfully operated in Lake Baikal. In 2016 this array was upgraded to baseline configuration of GVD cluster with 288 OMs arranged on eight vertical strings. Thus the instrumented water volume has been increased up to about 5.9 Mtons. The array was commissioned in early April 2016 and takes data since then. We describe the configuration and design of the 2016 array. Preliminary results obtained with data recorded in 2015 are also discussed

    Comissioning of the linear accelerator-injector at the TNK facility

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    The industrial storage facility has been developed and manufactured at the Budker INP SB RAS. It contains an 80 MeV electron linear accelerator-injector and two electron storage rings: the lesser 450 MeV booster ring and the main 2.5 GeV storage ring. In 2002, the work on the accelerator assembling was begun. On December, 25 this year the accelerator was started up, and the current at the linear accelerator output was obtained. The linear accelerator schematic together with a description of the 6 meter long accelerating DAW structure which operates at 2.8 GHz, are presented in the paper. The first results of the accelerator start-up are as follows: the accelerated electron current of ~50 mA with the energy of ~55...60 MeV.Технологічний накопичувальний комплекс був спроектований і виготовлений у ІЯФ ім. Г.І. Будкера СВ РАН. Він містить у собі інжектор–лінійний прискорювач електронів з енергією до 80 МеВ і два накопичувачі електронів: малий накопичувач–бустер на енергію 450 МеВ і основний накопичувач на енергію 2.5 ГеВ. Приводяться функціональна схема лінійного прискорювача й опис конструкції прискорюючої структури із шайбами і діафрагмами довжиною 6 м, що працює на частоті 2.8 ГГц.Представлено перші результати запуску прискорювача: отриманий прискорений струм електронів ~50 мА з енергією ~(55...60) МеВ.Технологический накопительный комплекс был спроектирован и изготовлен в ИЯФ им. Г.И. Будкера СО РАН. Он включает в себя инжектор–линейный ускоритель электронов с энергией до 80 МэВ и два накопителя электронов: малый накопитель–бустер на энергию 450 МэВ и основной накопитель на энергию 2.5 ГэВ. Приводятся функциональная схема линейного ускорителя и описание конструкции ускоряющей структуры с шайбами и диафрагмами длиной 6 метров, работающей на частоте 2.8 ГГц. Представлены первые результаты запуска ускорителя: получен ускоренный ток электронов ~50 мA с энергией ~(55...60) МэВ

    First experimental results obtained using the highpower free electron laser at the siberian center for photochemical research

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    The first lasing near the wavelength of 140 µm was achieved in April 2003 using a high-power free electron laser (FEL) constructed at the Siberian Center for Photochemical Research. In this paper we briefly describe the design of the FEL driven by an accelerator–recuperator. Characteristics of the electron beam and terahertz laser radiation, obtained in the first experiments, are also presented in the paper.У Сибірському центрі фотохімічних досліджень навесні 2003 року отримана генерація випромінювання з довжиною хвилі 140 мкм на потужному лазері на вільних електронах (ЛВЕ). У роботі коротко описана конструкція ЛВЕ на базі прискорювача рекуператора і представлені результати вимірювання деяких параметрів електронного пучка і терагерцового випромінювання.В Сибирском центре фотохимических исследований весной 2003 года получена генерация излучения с длиной волны 140 мкм на мощном лазере на свободных электронах (ЛСЭ). В работе кратко описана конструкция ЛСЭ на базе ускорителя рекуператора и представлены результаты измерения некоторых параметров электронного пучка и терагерцового излучения

    Primary CR energy spectrum and mass composition by the data of Tunka-133 array

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    The Cherenkov light array for the registration of extensive air showers (EAS) Tunka-133 collected data during 5 winter seasons from 2009 to 2014. The differential energy spectrum of all particles and the dependence of the average maximum depth on the energy in the range of 6 ⋅ 1015–1018 eV measured for 1540 hours of observation are presented

    Primary CR energy spectrum and mass composition by the data of Tunka-133 array

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    The Cherenkov light array for the registration of extensive air showers (EAS) Tunka-133 collected data during 5 winter seasons from 2009 to 2014. The differential energy spectrum of all particles and the dependence of the average maximum depth on the energy in the range of 6 ⋅ 1015–1018 eV measured for 1540 hours of observation are presented

    Results from Tunka-133 (5 years observation) and from the Tunka-HiSCORE prototype

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    Data obtained with two detectors located at the Tunka Cosmic Ray facility are presented. The Cherenkov light array for registration of extensive air showers (EAS) Tunka-133 collected data during 5 winter seasons since 2009 to 2014. The differential energy spectrum of all particles and the dependence of the average maximum depth on the energy in the range of 6 · 1015−1018 eV measured for 1540 hours of observation are presented. The preliminary all particle energy spectrum by the data of Tunka-HiSCORE prototype array, installed in 2013, is presented. Some additional experiments in the Tunka Valley are briefly described

    Results from Tunka-133 (5 years observation) and from the Tunka-HiSCORE prototype

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    Data obtained with two detectors located at the Tunka Cosmic Ray facility are presented. The Cherenkov light array for registration of extensive air showers (EAS) Tunka-133 collected data during 5 winter seasons since 2009 to 2014. The differential energy spectrum of all particles and the dependence of the average maximum depth on the energy in the range of 6 · 1015−1018 eV measured for 1540 hours of observation are presented. The preliminary all particle energy spectrum by the data of Tunka-HiSCORE prototype array, installed in 2013, is presented. Some additional experiments in the Tunka Valley are briefly described

    Status and perspectives of the BAIKAL-GVD project

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    The neutrino telescope Baikal-GVD in Lake Baikal will be a research infrastructure aimed mainly at studying astrophysical neutrino fluxes. The telescope will consist of clusters of strings – functionally independent sub-arrays. The deployment of the first demonstration cluster has been started in April 2013. In 2014 the deployment of the second stage of the demonstration cluster has been performed. We describe the configuration and design of the first GVD cluster and review the current status of cluster deployment in Lake Baikal

    The optical detection unit for Baikal-GVD neutrino telescope

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    The first stage of the GVD-cluster composed of five strings was deployed in April 2014. Each string consists of two sections with 12 optical modules per section. A section is the basic detection unit of the Baikal neutrino telescope. We will describe the section design, review its basic elements – optical modules, FADC readout units, slow control and calibration systems, and present selected results for section in-situ tests in Lake Baikal