8 research outputs found
Tatalaksana Vasospasme Serebral Pasca Perdarahan Subarahnoid
Vasospasme cerebral merupakan penyebab morbiditas dan mortalitas utama pada pasien dengan perdarahan subarahonid. Delayed ischemic neurologic deficit yang berhubungan dengan vasospasme serebral menyebabkan kematian pada 50% pasien yang bertahan pada periode awal setelah aneurisma ruptur yang ditangani. Onset vasospasme serebral yang bervariasi, mulai dari 24 jam pasca perdarahan subarahnoid atau subarahcnoid hemorrhage (SAH) sampai dengan 14 hari, patofisiologi vasospasme serebral yang kompleks dan cara diagnosis yang masih kontroversial, turut berkontribusi terhadap morbiditas dan mortalitas yang tinggi pada pasien dengan SAH. Evaluasi ketat selama perawatan di ICU untuk mendeteksi kejadian vasospasme serebral awal sangat penting, setiap gejala neurologis baru yang muncul harus diperiksa dan ditangani secepatnya. Banyak obat-obatan yang diteliti untuk mengatasi vasospasme serebral namun efektifitasnya masih dipertanyakan. Tatalaksana utama yang dulu diketahui adalah dengan melakukan terapi triple H, namun hal ini sudah ditinggalkan. Induced hypertension menjadi satu-satunya bagian dari terapi triple H yang masih digunakan, namun belum banyak dipergunakan secara luas. Oleh karena itu perlu dikaji lebih lanjut bagaimana tatalaksana SAH untuk mencegah luaran yang buruk.
Management of Cerebral Vasospasm after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Cerebral vasospasm is the main etiology of morbidity and mortality in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) patients. Delayed ischemic neurologic deficits associated with vasospasm may account for as high as 50% of the deaths in patients who survive the initial period after aneurysm rupture and its treatment. The variant onset of cerebral vasospasm, start from 24 hours after SAH up to 14 days after, complex pathophysiology, and the diagnosis of vasospasm has still been met with some controversy, contribute to the high morbidity and mortality in these patients. Vigilance evaluation during ICU care to detect cerebral vasospasm as early as posssible is essential, any new onset of neurological symptoms need to be investigated and treated immediately. Many studies reported some agents for the treatment of cerebral vasospasm, however their roles remain uncertain. Triple H therapy  was known as a main treatment for vasospasm, however it is no longer applied nowadays. Induced hypertension become the only part of Triple H therapy used yet it is not well recognized. Therefor, there is a need for thorough evaluation regarding treatment of SAH to prevent poor outcomes
Diagnosis dan Manajemen Anestesi pada Pituitary Apopleksia Tidak Fatal dengan Manifestasi Schizofrenia
Tumor hipofisis dapat disertai gejala neuropsikiatri. Apopleksia pituitari (AP) merupakan kejadian jarang akibat infark dan perdarahan tumor hipofisis. Pemulihan total masih mungkin terjadi walaupun pada kasus berat dengan terapi pembedahan maupun konservatif. Terapi pembedahan dipilih bila adanya tanda peningkatan intrakranial dengan kondisi klinis dan neurologis yang tidak stabil. Seorang laki laki, umur 36 tahun dengan keluhan gangguan bicara mendadak sehari sebelum masuk RS, dengan riwayat terapi skizofrenia selama 8 bulan. Pasien mengalami penurunan kesadaran dalam perawatan dan didiagnosis tumor hipofisis anterior dengan komponen apopleksia dari CT-scan kepala. Pasca operasi transphenoid urgensi diterapi vasopresin intramuskular akibat poliuria. Penatalaksanaan anestesi pada pembedahan AP tidak berbeda dengan tumor hipofisis lainnya, hanya saja kondisi AP dapat bersifat urgensi. Satu bulan pasca pembedahan, pasien sudah lebih mudah berbicara, mulai beraktifitas fisik, dan halusinasi suara sudah tidak ada. Tatalaksana AP memberikan tantangan dalam manajemennya. Keluhan yang ditemukan dapat berupa halusinasi. Hingga kasus ini dilaporkan, ada satu publikasi kasus AP dengan psikosis akut dan keterlambatan diagnosis masih mungkin terjadi. Kecurigaan gangguan organik tetap perlu dipikirkan pada gangguan neuropsikiatri. Gangguan produksi urin bisa terjadi pasca operasi yang disebabkan beberapa hal sehingga memerlukan pemantauan ketat status hidrasi untuk menghindari morbiditas dan mortalitas yang mungkin terjadi.
Anesthesia Management in Urgency Transsphenoidal Tumor Resection with Pituitary Apoplexy Presenting and Schizophrenia
Pituitary tumors may be accompanied by neuropsychiatric symptoms. Pituitary Apoplexy (PA) is a rare condition due to infarct or bleeding in pituitary tumors. Complete recovery is still possible even in severe cases with either surgical or conservative therapy. Surgery is a choice if there is evidence of increased intracranial pressure with unstable clinical and neurological conditions. Adult man, 36 yo, with sudden difficulty to speak a day before, with history of schizophrenia since 8 months ago. The patient suffered a decrease in consciousness in hospitalization and was diagnosed with anterior hypophysis tumor with apoplexy by CT-scan results. Post transsphenoidal urgency surgery, the patient was treated with vasopressin IM due to polyuria. Anesthesia management in PA surgery is the same as other pituitary tumor surgery, however, PA can be urgent. One month after surgery, the patient is more easier to talk, start physical activities, and auditory hallucination is not heard again. Management PA had its own challenge. Symptoms can be hallucinations. Until this case was reported, there was one published case of AP with acute psychosis and delay in diagnosis is still possible. Suspicion of organic disorders still needs to be considered in neuropsychiatric disorders. Impaired urine production might occur postoperatively due to several reasons so it requires close monitoring of hydration status to prevent possible morbidity and mortality
Comorbidities and COVID-19 status influence the survival rate of geriatric patients in intensive care units: a prospective cohort study from the Indonesian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy
Background: With the more advanced science in the field of medicine and disease management, the population of geriatric intensive care patients is increasing. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted healthcare management around the globe, especially on critically-ill elderly patients. We aim to analyse the relationship between underlying illnesses, including COVID-19, and the survival rate of elderly patients who are treated in the intensive care setting. Methods: We conducted a prospective cohort study at 14 teaching hospitals for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Education in Indonesia. We selected all subjects with 60 years of age or older in the period between February to May 2021. Variables recorded included subject characteristics, comorbidities, and COVID-19 status. Subjects were followed for 30-day mortality as an outcome. We analysed the data using Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. Results: We recruited 982 elderly patients, and 728 subjects were in the final analysis (60.7% male; 68.0 ± 6.6 years old). The 30-day mortality was 38.6%. The top five comorbidities are hypertension (21.1%), diabetes (16.2%), moderate or severe renal disease (10.6%), congestive heart failure (9.2%), and cerebrovascular disease (9.1%). Subjects with Charlson’s Comorbidity Index Score > 5 experienced 66% death. Subjects with COVID-19 who died were 57.4%. Subjects with comorbidities and COVID-19 had lower survival time than subjects without those conditions (p < 0.005). Based on linear correlation analysis, the more comorbidities the geriatric patients in the ICU had, the higher chance of mortality in 30 days (p < 0.005, R coefficient 0.22). Conclusion: Approximately one in four elderly intensive care patients die, and the number is increasing with comorbidities and COVID-19 status
Perioperative Factors Impact on Mortality and Survival Rate of Geriatric Patients Undergoing Surgery in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Prospective Cohort Study in Indonesia
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have an impact on geriatric patients worldwide since geriatrics itself is an age group with a high risk due to declined physiological function and many comorbidities, especially for those who undergo surgery. In this study, we determine the association between perioperative factors with 30-day mortality and a survival rate of geriatric patients undergoing surgery during COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted at 14 central hospitals in Indonesia. The recorded variables were perioperative factors, 30-day mortality, and survival rate. Analyses of associations between variables and 30-day mortality were performed using univariate/multivariable logistic regression, and survival rates were determined with Kaplan–Meier survival analysis. Results: We analyzed 1621 elderly patients. The total number of patients who survived within 30 days of observation was 4.3%. Several perioperative factors were associated with 30-day mortality (p p = 0.04), CCI > 3 ( odds ratio [OR], 2.33; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.03–5.26; p = 0.04), emergency surgery (OR, 3.70; 95% CI, 1.96–7.00; p ≤ 0.01), postoperative ICU care (OR, 2.70; 95% CI, 1.32–5.53; p = 0.01), and adverse events (AEs) in the ICU (OR, 3.43; 95% CI, 1.32–8.96; p = 0.01). Aligned with these findings, COVID-19, CCI > 3, and comorbidities have a log-rank p p p ≤ 0.01), cerebrovascular disease (log-rank p ≤ 0.01), diabetes with chronic complications (log-rank p = 0.03), metastatic solid tumor (log-rank p = 0.02), dementia (log-rank p ≤ 0.01), and rheumatology disease (log-rank p = 0.03). Conclusions: Having at least one of these conditions, such as COVID-19, comorbidities, emergency surgery, postoperative ICU care, or an AE in the ICU were associated with increased mortality in geriatric patients undergoing surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic