29 research outputs found

    Hubungan antara budaya keselamatan dan prestasi keselamatan dalam sektor perkilangan : sikap keselamatan sebagai faktor pengantara

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    Prestasi keselamatan merupakan isu penting yang diperkatakan dalam kalangan penyelidik keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan serta organisasi perkilangan. Apatah lagi dalam era Industri 4.0 yang turut mencetuskan perubahan besar operasi sektor perkilangan ke arah teknologi pengkomputeran dan automasi. Kebanyakan organisasi berusaha mengekalkan prestasi keselamatan melalui strategi mencegah atau meminimumkan kadar kemalangan dan kecederaan di tempat kerja. Justeru, organisasi sentiasa menilai semula sistem pengurusan keselamatan yang terdiri daripada objektif keselamatan, dasar, proses, amalan pengurusan keselamatan dan budaya keselamatan mereka. Objektif utama kajian ini adalah mengkaji hubungan langsung dan tidak langsung antara budaya keselamatan, sikap keselamatan dan prestasi keselamatan dalam kalangan pekerja sektor perkilangan. Secara khususnya dua dimensi prestasi keselamatan adalah pematuhan keselamatan dan penyertaan keselamatan. Di samping itu, kajian ini turut mengutarakan peranan pemboleh ubah pengantara iaitu sikap keselamatan dalam memperihalkan hubungan antara budaya keselamatan dengan pematuhan keselamatan dan penyertaan keselamatan. Kesemua ini merupakan jurang yang dikenalpasti melalui tinjauan literatur yang berkait dengan budaya keselamatan, sikap keselamatan dan prestasi keselamatan. Kaedah analisis kandungan yang digunapakai oleh penyelidik telah menghasilkan konsep yang dapat menzahirkan hubungan antara budaya keselamatan dan prestasi keselamatan yang terdiri daripada pematuhan keselamatan dan penyertaan keselamatan. Dapatan kajian ini dijangka mampu membawa perspektif yang lebih luas tentang peranan budaya keselamatan dalam menghasilkan prestasi keselamatan organisasi secara menyeluruh

    The effect of personality traits on collaborative consumption participation

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    The advancement of digital technology has refined the way traditional business operates. The new business model of collaborative consumption is not only novel, but potential customers are reluctant to participate. Who, then, is actually interested in embracing this new approach? To provide empirical evidence, this study attempts to examine the effects of the Big Five personality traits: agreeableness, neuroticism, extraversion, openness, and conscientiousness, on the propensity to participate in collaborative consumption. Drawing on the Student Behavior Survey 2019/2020 of 386 university students in Malaysia, we find that personality is not a strong predictor of collaborative consumption. In short, agreeableness increases the likelihood of participating in collaborative consumption and openness exhibits a negative effect; other traits have no effect

    Mengurus modal insan dalam industri 4.0 ke arah kecemerlangan negara

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    Perkembangan era globalisasi serta teknologi pengkomputeran dan automasi pada hari ini menunjukkan organisasi harus lebih bersedia menghadapi cabaran dalam mempertahankan kelebihan daya saing. Pelbagai inovasi dan idea baru cuba diperkenalkan ke dalam organisasi dan ia memerlukan komitmen semua pihak termasuklah modal insan. Dalam keghairahan menjayakan strategi organisasi di dunia perniagaan yang semakin mencabar, ada ketikanya organisasi meminggirkan sumber yang paling bernilai iaitu modal insan. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk membahaskan komponen-komponen modal insan serta membincangkan strategi yang perlu dilaksanakan oleh organisasi untuk memperkasakan modal insan. Dengan menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan, artikel ini ditulis berlandaskan kepada beberapa sumber seperti jurnal dan media elektronik untuk menjelaskan konsep modal insan dengan lebih terperinci. Modal insan merupakan tunjang utama bagi kejayaan sesebuah organisasi berdepan cabaran Industri 4.0. Artikel ini membawa perspektif baru tentang bagaimana modal insan disuburkan (nurture) seiring dengan cabaran Industri 4.0. Artikel ini turut membincangkan komponen-komponen modal insan bagi sesebuah organisasi. Secara amnya, terdapat empat komponen utama modal insan yang telah dibincangkan dan dikaji secara meluas oleh penyelidik terdahulu iaitu pengetahuan, kemahiran, pengalaman dan pendidikan. Perbincangan lanjut komponen-komponen modal insan turut diberi penekanan dalam artikel ini termasuk penambahan komponen kesihatan sebagai komponen modal insan kelima yang boleh mempengaruhi prestasi dan daya saing sesebuah organisasi. Selain itu, artikel ini juga membincangkan beberapa strategi yang boleh diambil oleh organisasi dari perspektif pengurusan sumber manusia bagi mengekalkan modal insan berkualiti dan berdaya saing. Dapatan daripada kajian ini akan memberikan gambaran yang jelas kepada masyarakat, penyelidik dan pengurus organisasi untuk melihat modal insan dan kepentingannya dalam menangani cabaran Industri 4.0

    The factors why people exert less: The relationship between workplace envy and social loafing moderated by self-esteem

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    The aim of this paper is to link envy at the workplace to social loafing and to examine the role of self-esteem in moderating this relationship. Data was collected via a survey questionnaire from 393 employees working in public and private organizations in Malaysia. Partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to test the hypotheses. The results show that the higher the degree of workplace envy encountered, the higher the inclination for members to exert less effort while working in a team (social loafing), and this relationship is moderated by self-esteem. In addition, it is found that the relationship is better for low self-esteem workers relative to those high in self-esteem. In terms of workplace envy and avoidance of social loafing, the research provides important implications. Organizations should establish a supportive workplace that encourages employees to be more involved and practice openness and give continued support. In a team culture especially, managers must play an active role by paying attention and being more sensitive towards circumstances that induce feelings of envy at work. By implementing a proper system and control, tendency towards workplace envy and social loafing can be minimized

    Systematic literature review: Affective state as a predictor of counterproductive work behaviour

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    Human emotions are within-person factors that function as a stimulus of an individual’s attitude and behaviour, either positively or negatively. From the organisational behaviour spectrum, concern over negative behaviour like Counterproductive Work Behaviour (CWB) is more prevalent due to tremendous negative effects on both employees and organisations. Although the impact of the affective states on CWB was empirically evident, there was an insufficient study that systematically reviewed the literature on such association. Hence, the present article adopts the PRISMA guidelines (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) by integrating multiple research designs to investigate the emotional experiences-CWB phenomenon. The relevant literature review was selected from two established databases, Scopus and Web of Science. Based on the thematic analysis, two main themes (i.e., negative and positive affect) emerged as predictors of CWB at work. Subsequently, the sub-themes of discrete emotions were discussed as part of the study findings. In addition, this study comprehensively explained the significance of affective states on CWB. As a result, the study offers valuable insight into the body of knowledge and practical implementation for future strategies. The key takeaway is that creating more positive events and eliminating negative events are expected to be beneficial in elevating employees’ emotional well-being, hence reducing CWB occurrence

    Systematic Literature Review: Affective Experiences as a Predictor of Counterproductive Work Behaviour

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    Purpose:  This study aims to systematically review the literature on counterproductive work behaviour (CWB) to understand better the role of affective experiences in predicting such behaviour.   Theoretical framework:  Since CWB can have devastating effects on both individuals and organisations, there has been rising concern about the issue. Meanwhile, recent studies have demonstrated the substantial influence of affective experiences on CWB. Therefore, it’s common to view such experiences as immediate causes of CWB in the workplace. However, a lack of research has systematically examined this relationship.   Design/methodology/approach: This study follows PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines by integrating multiple research designs from 2017 to 2022 to investigate the phenomenon of affective experiences-CWB. The relevant literature review was selected from two (2) established databases, Scopus and Web of Science.   Findings: Thematic analysis yielded three (3) overarching themes as predictors of affective states at work: unpleasant treatment/attitudes of others, job stressors, and dispositional distribution. Affective states that predict CWB were also identified, with two (2) primary themes (broad negative and positive affect) and seven (7) sub-themes (discrete negative and positive emotions). Furthermore, two (2) major themes, internal and external mechanisms, appear to be underlying mechanisms in the relationship between affective experiences and CWB.   Research, Practical & Social implications: This study offers valuable insight into the state of knowledge and practical implementation for future strategies.   Originality/value: This work may be the first study to systematically review the literature on the topic of CWB from an affective experience perspective. The work contributes to the existing literature on affective experience-CWB in two (2) major ways. First, the study provides a more in-depth explanation of the predictors, implications, and underlying mechanisms, of the relationship between affective experiences and CWB by thoroughly reviewing the relevant empirical studies. Second, it identifies important research gaps and recommends a path forward for future studies in this field.Propósito: Utilizando una revisión sistemática de la literatura, este estudio busca comprender cómo las experiencias afectivas pueden afectar los comportamientos laborales negativos, un fenómeno conocido como comportamiento laboral contraproducente (CWB).   Metodología: Este estudio sigue las pautas PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) al integrar múltiples diseños de investigación de 2017 a 2022 para investigar el fenómeno de las experiencias afectivas-CWB. La revisión de la literatura relevante se seleccionó de dos (2) bases de datos establecidas, Scopus y Web of Science.   Conclusiones: El análisis temático arrojó tres (3) temas generales como predictores de estados afectivos en el trabajo: trato/actitudes desagradables de los demás, factores estresantes en el trabajo y distribución disposicional. También se identificaron estados afectivos que predicen CWB, con dos (2) temas primarios (afecto negativo y positivo amplio) y siete (7) subtemas (emociones negativas y positivas discretas). Además, dos (2) temas principales, mecanismos internos y externos, parecen ser mecanismos subyacentes en la relación entre experiencias afectivas y CWB.   Implicaciones de la Investigación: Este estudio ofrece información valiosa sobre el estado del conocimiento y la implementación práctica para futuras estrategias.   Palabras clave: Revisión sistemática de la literatura, Comportamiento laboral contraproducente, Experiencia afectiva, Estados afectivos, Emociones discretas.Objetivo: Utilizando uma revisão sistemática da literatura, este estudo busca compreender como as experiências afetivas podem impactar comportamentos negativos no trabalho, fenômeno conhecido como comportamento contraproducente no trabalho (CWB).   Referencial teórico: Como a CWB pode ter efeitos devastadores em indivíduos e organizações, tem vivido uma preocupação crescente com o assunto. Enquanto isso, os estudos recentes registraram a influência substancial da af.   Desenho/metodologia/abordagem: Este estudo segue as diretrizes do PRISMA (Itens de relatório preferidos para revisões sistemáticas e meta-análises), integrando vários projetos de pesquisa de 2017 a 2022 para investigar o fenômeno das experiências afetivas-CWB. A revisão da literatura relevante foi selecionada de dois (2) bancos de dados estabelecidos, Scopus e Web of Science.   Resultados: A análise temática rendeu três (3) temas abrangentes como preditores de estados afetivos no trabalho: tratamento/atitudes desagradáveis ​​dos outros, estressores no trabalho e distribuição disposicional. Os estados afetivos que predizem o CWB também foram identificados, com dois (2) temas primários (afeto negativo e positivo amplo) e sete (7) subtemas (emoções negativas e positivas discretas). Além disso, dois (2) temas principais, mecanismos internos e externos, parecem ser mecanismos subjacentes na relação entre experiências afetivas e CWB.   Pesquisa, implicações práticas e sociais: Este estudo oferece informações valiosas sobre o estado de conhecimento e implementação prática para estratégias futuras.   Originalidade/valor: Este trabalho pode ser o primeiro estudo a revisar sistematicamente a literatura sobre o tema CWB a partir de uma perspectiva de experiência afetiva. O trabalho contribui para a literatura existente sobre experiência afetiva-CWB de duas maneiras principais. Primeiro, o estudo fornece uma explicação mais aprofundada dos preditores, implicações, mecanismos subjacentes, etc., da relação entre a experiência afetiva e o CWB, revisando minuciosamente a literatura empírica relevante. Em segundo lugar, identifica importantes lacunas de pesquisa e recomenda um caminho a seguir para estudos futuros neste campo.   Palavras-chave: Revisão sistemática da literatura, Comportamento laboral contraproducente, Experiência afetiva, Estados afetivos, Emoções discretas

    The Relationship of Occupational Safety Management Practices with Employee Performance: The Mediating Role of Organisational Justice

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    Purpose: The high accident rate in the oil and gas business makes it risky. Workplace safety practices reduce accidents and boost employee performance (EP). Previous studies examined workplaces in developed countries' industrial, educational, and small and medium enterprises. Organizational justice (OJ) should also have been addressed in identifying its direct and mediating role in workplace safety management practices and EP. This study examines how OJ and occupational safety management practices (OSMP) related EP.   Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework is based on social exchange theory and OJ theory, this study proposes that OJ (OJ) mediates the relationship between OSMP and EP in the Iraqi oil and gas sector.   Design/Methodology/Approach: The methodology of this study is quantitative. A purposive sampling was deployed to collect 409 responses from employees working in Oil and Gas industry in Iraq. Smart Partial Least Square (Smart PLS) version 4 was used for data analysis.   Findings: The findings showed that OSMP and OJ positively related EP. Safety investment, management commitment, and safety rewards positively related EP. OJ partially mediated the relationship between OSMP and EP.   Research, practical and social Implication: The practical implications for Iraqi oil and gas companies, findings of this study can improve EP by increasing OSMP. Management should encourage and reward safety behavior and increase the level of OJ.   Originality/Value: This study is original because it address the issue of occupational safety in a highly risk industry such as oil and gas in developing countries

    Conceptualising Kansei in Affective Work Events Counterproductive Work Behaviour Model

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    Studies on Counterproductive Work Behaviour (CWB) have attracted wide interest among scholars. CWB is a subset of unethical behaviour that seems unbearable since it intentionally harms both organisations and people in the organisations. In general, literature holds that CWB is determined by work events and affective state. However, most studies are restricted to examining a single work event which prevents us from understanding the simultaneous effect of multiple work events. In addition, prior research widely utilised a self-reporting mechanism in capturing the affective experiences at work resulting in common method bias and other issues like time constraints, low response rate, etc. Drawing on Affective Events Theory (AET), affective work events, and CWB literature, this article provides an important extension to the CWB literature by proposing multiple work events that predict affective experiences and CWB at work. Additionally, the Kansei Engineering-Kawakita Jiro method is introduced as a substitute for the existing self-reporting mechanism in capturing affective work events. This article offers theoretical insights that may facilitate empirical research to explore the role of affective experiences within the CWB spectrum. The introduced conceptual ideas are targeted to be a useful guide for practitioners to craft appropriate strategies to combat employees’ CWB


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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to assist the Malaysian electronics companies in reducing the non-value added practices and in return, will minimize the cost and improves productivity with the use of the fingerprint system. Methodology: This study uses a quantitative research approach and data were sampled from 137 front-line employees using simple random sampling technique. Result: The empirical findings of the study confirm that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use significantly affect the intention to use the fingerprint system. However, there was not enough evidence that relative advantage has any effect on the intention to use the system.  Implications: The study results affirmed that business organizations, especially electronic companies should transform their use of conventional attendance system to fingerprint system in improving efficiencies and effectiveness within the human resource practices

    Perceived socially responsible-HRM on talent retention: The mediating effect of trust and motivation and the moderating effect of other-regarding value orientation

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    IntroductionStudies have shown that there is a growing interest in corporate social responsibility (CSR) and talent management, and the identified links between their aspects. Thus, the current study examined the relationship between socially responsible human resource management (SRHRM)–identified as CSR strategies and practices directed at employees to underpin the effectiveness of CSR implementation–and talent retention. In addition, this study employed a mediation-moderation framework with employee attitude (motivation and trust) as a mediating variable and other-regarding value orientation (ORVO) as a moderating variable. Thus, the current study contributes to talent management and CSR current knowledge by analyzing the depth of the relationship by way of exploring the moderating and mediating process. It answers the “how” and “when” questions and explains the mechanism through which an organization can use its socially responsible HRM practices for retaining talented employees.MethodsA total of 418 people from the Klang Valley area in Malaysia participated in the study. The hypotheses in the study were tested using PLS structural equation modeling.ResultsThe results of the study showed that (a) perceived SRHRM was positively related to talent retention, (b) this relationship was partially mediated by the employee’s attitude (motivation and trust), and (c) ORVO did not moderate the relationship between perceived SRHRM and talent retention.DiscussionFurthermore, the study findings provide concrete and actionable recommendations on how to formulate and implement appropriate SRHRM policies and practices as they are not only essential for the successful implementation of external CSR programs but also essential for retaining talented employees and for improving their motivation and organizational trust