185 research outputs found


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    Feeding sub-therapeutic levels of antibiotics to livestock has been associated withdevelopment and spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria. The present experiment was conductedto investigate the effect of antibiotic alternatives (caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, and carbadox)on the microbial ecology of swine feces in vitro.Minimum inhibitory concentrations of caffeic and chlorogenic acids were determined forseveral pathogens using macrobroth and agar dilution techniques. Gram-negative bacteria werenot inhibited. Caffeic acid inhibited four Staphylococcus aureus strains at 200 ppm or less, andtwo Clostridium perfringens strains at 300 ppm. Chlorogenic acid inhibited all S. aureus strainsat 500 ppm, and one C. perfringens strain at 400 ppm.Effects of antibiotic alternatives on fecal microbial ecology were determined using an invitro incubation. Caffeic acid lowered total anaerobes, Bifidobacteria, Escherichia coli, andpercent E. coli (pandlt;0.01). Chlorogenic acid lowered total anaerobes, Bifidobacteria, andlactobacilli (pandlt;0.01), and increased acetate concentration (pandlt;0.0001). Carbadox lowered totalanaerobes, Bifidobacteria, E. coli, and coliforms (pandlt;0.01), and lowered acetate, propionate,butyrate, valerate, and total volatile fatty acid concentrations (pandlt;0.01). It can be concluded thataddition of caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, or carbadox effected bacterial and chemicalcomponents of the microbial ecology of swine feces

    Myringotomy as a Diagnostic and Therapeutic Tool in a Case of Otitis Media in a Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus)

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    A 1.5 year old male adult guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) presented with acute vestibular disease, consisting of a right head tilt, circling, and ataxia. The head tilt was non-responsive to initial empirical antimicrobial therapy for presumptive otitis media. Video otoscopy and a myringotomy were performed under general anesthesia. A large amount of purulent debris was flushed from the middle ear and submitted for culture. Treatment with appropriate systemic and topical antibiotics was pursued for 4 weeks. Near complete resolution of clinical signs was achieved by the end of treatment with only a minor residual head tilt. This is the first described use of a diagnostic and therapeutic myringotomy for the treatment and resolution of otitis media in a guinea pig. Based on the clinical success seen in this case and the relative ease of the procedure, myringotomies should be considered for diagnosis and treatment of otitis media in guinea pigs

    Paradoxical Vestibular Syndrome Secondary to Temporal Bone Osteomyelitis and Chronic Otitis Interna in a Guinea Pig (Cavia Porcellus)

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    A 3-year-old female intact guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) was presented for torticollis and ocular discharge. On examination, the guinea pig had a left head tilt with corneal ulceration and absent palpebral response of the right eye. Computed tomography showed a soft tissue attenuating mass with multifocal mineralization compressing the caudal cerebellum with moderate lysis of the calvarium. On recheck, the disease had progressed to include ataxia and proprioceptive deficits. Systemic antibiotic therapy was initiated but the guinea pig only exhibited a marginal treatment response. Due to poor quality of life, the guinea pig was euthanized. A necropsy was performed and a bony lesion was found within the skull compressing the right cerebellum and temporal lobe. Histopathology revealed suppurative osteomyelitis consistent with severe chronic bacterial otitis interna. Vestibular signs in small exotic companion mammals are a common sequela to otitis interna, often noted ipsilateral to an affected inner ear, however, in this case rare paradoxical vestibular signs were observed. Severe chronic otitis interna may result in bony lysis and proliferation capable of expanding from the inner ear resulting in neurological deficits

    The half-lives of some short lived low Z nuclei formed by photonuclear reactions

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    The half-lives of several members of the mirror nuclei series have been measured, using improved scintillation counter detectors and a cycling apparatus which progams the synchrotron beam and several subsequent gated detectors in sequence repetitively. By the use of beta-ray energy discrimination, least squares fitting of decay curves, and by careful correction for background activities, the improved values listed in Table A were found

    Arte e scienza. Dal futurismo all’arte moltiplicata

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    Il futurismo italiano è oggetto di una costante e crescente attenzione critica. Attraverso un breve excursus di alcune delle correnti artistiche più sperimentali che hanno accompagnato la trasformazione economica e culturale dell’Italia del XX secolo, si mette in evidenza come il vero big-bang dei grandi cambiamenti avvenuti nei linguaggi dell’arte sia rintracciabile nelle posizioni teoriche del movimento futurist

    Device for detection and identification of charged particles from photonuclear reactions

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    A device is described which makes possible the determination of the energy spectrum of protons, alpha particles, or deuterons in the presence of other charged particles. Energy loss per unit path length (dE/dx) and total energy (E) are displayed in the form of voltage pulses of varying amplitudes in quadrature on an oscilloscope screen. The peaks of the pulses are intensitifed, resulting in hyperbolic loci for different types of particles. By masking the oscilloscope screen and using the moving film pulse height analysis technique developed in this laboratory, independent energy spectra may be obtained for each type of particle

    Radioactive disintegration spectra of some short-lived nuclides

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    The beta endpoint energies of several short=lived, low Z radioactive nuclides have been measured with an improved scintillation spectrometer. These values have been combined with recent half-life determinations to give the ft values

    Naturally Acquired Sarcoptes scabiei Infestation in a Captive Southern Tamandua (Tamandua tetradactyla) and a Capybara (Hydrochoeris hydrochaeris)

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    A privately-owned southern tamandua (Tamandua tetradactyla) and a capybara (Hydrochoeris hydrochaeris) were presented for severe pruritus. Superficial skin scrapings revealed numerous Sarcoptes scabiei mites. Morphological examination and mitochondrial DNA sequencing revealed that both patients were infested with Sarcoptes scabiei. The animals were treated with selamectin (9 mg/kg) topically once, and the owner was instructed to repeat treatment in two weeks. The tamandua died of unknown causes three weeks after initial examination before reevaluation could occur. Clinical signs and skin lesions in the capybara resolved after two treatments with selamectin. This is the first documented report of sarcoptic mange in a southern tamandua. In addition, this is the first documented case of natural transmission of Sarcoptes mites between a tamandua and capybara in captivity. Finally, this is the first described use of topical selamectin for the treatment and resolution of sarcoptic mange in a capybara

    A proportional counter spectrometer study of the beta-decay of radioactive S-35, Pm-147, Ni-63, and C-14

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    A proportional counter spectrometer, hereinafter denoted as a p.c.s., of unique design has been constructed for the purpose of measuring beta-spectra whose energies lie below a few hundred Kev. The p.c.s. is well suited for the problem in that thin and uniform radioactive sources which are essential for accurate low energy spectral measurements can be employed. The utilization of radioactive sources of low surface densities is made possible by an allowable source area of a few square centimeters and an ~100 per cent geometrical efficiency for particle detection by the p.c.s. In addition, the p.c.s. obviates a Geiger-Huller counter window of finite thickness which is often associated with the magnetic spectrometers. The penetration of beta-particles through the Geiger-Muller counter window can lead to distortion of the beta-spectrum at low energies

    Determination of the angular spread of the x-ray beam from the I. S. C. (70-Mev) synchrotron

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    The radioactivity produced in copper and carbon strips by irradiation with 66 Mev bremmstrahlung is used to determine the angular spread of the X-ray beam. The beam breadth at half maximum intensity indicated an angular spread of 2.03 +/- 0.03 degrees with copper, and a spread of 2.08 +/- 0.04 degrees with carbon detectors. These results are approximately eight per cent smaller than predicted by Schiff\u27s theory for a target of tungsten, 5 mils thick
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