685 research outputs found

    Marine Fish Calendar. 11. Bombay

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    There are three major fish landing centres in Bombay, namely Sassoon Dock, Versova and New Ferry Wharf. Catch data from Sassoon Dock are made use of in the preparation of this marine fish calendar. Data used for this calendar are the annual and monthly averages of the catches of the three year period from 1983 to '85 for the three major gears

    Knowledge and beliefs among health care workers regarding hepatitis B infection and needle stick injuries at a tertiary care hospital, karachi

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a recognized occupational risk for health care workers (HCWs). This study aimed to assess the knowledge and beliefs of HCWs regarding HBV transmission and needle stick injuries (NSIs). A cross-sectional questionnaire based KAP study was conducted at Civil Hospital, Karachi, during the period of January to September 2006. HCWs were inquired about possible modes of HBV transmission and association with NSIs. Data were entered using EpiInfo 6.04d software. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 12.5 software. A total of 343 HCWs participated, and those answered at least 5 correct modes of HBV transmission were considered knowledgeable. Knowledgeable group was more likely to report NSIs (p \u3c 0.006), more vaccinated (p \u3c 0.001) and were also more likely to attend awareness session (p \u3c 0.009). Overall knowledge were inadequate and behaviour and attitude towards clinical practices were found compromised. To reduce the occupational risk, effort should be focused to establish effective infection control program and training of staff

    Estimates of growth, mortality, recruitment pattern and MSY of important resources from the Maharashtra coast

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    Based on the data collected from the year 1987 - 1991 the growth, mortality and recruitment pattern of eighteen species of fish, two species of cephalopods and four species of penaeid prawns have been presented in the present communication_ The total mortality coefficient, (Z) varied from lowest of 1.20 for O.cuvieri to a highest of 10.78 for P.stylifera. The natural mortality coefficient, (M) varied from 0.52 for T. thalassinus to 3.44 for S.crassicornis. The average annual yield of eighteen species of fish, four species of prawns and two species of cephalopods are 65,083, 38,404 and 11,373 tons as against the MSYof 83,023, 72,460 and 10,475 tons respectively. The MSY estimated for the total fish stock is 1,77,753t where as the present yield is 1,14,859t. This indicates that higher yield can be obtained by increasing the effort

    Comparison of different phenotypic methods of detection of methicillin resistance in staphylococcus aureus with the molecular detection of mec-a gene

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate accuracy, cost-effectiveness and ease to perform different phenotypic methods i.e. Cefoxitin 30 microg disc, Oxacillin 1microg disc and Oxacillin agar screening plate (6microg/ml ) for early and accurate identification of MRSA by comparing with the detection of mec-A gene in our clinical isolates. DESIGN: A comparative study. PLACE AND DURATION OF STUDY: Clinical samples submitted in the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory at Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, from 1st August to 31st October 2006. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Out of 200 clinical samples, conventional Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was done on 62 pure biochemically identified S. aureus isolates for mec-A gene detection. Phenotypic methods for detecting methicillin sensitivity (Cefoxitin 30 microg disc, Oxacillin 1 microg disc and Oxacillin agar screening plate) were also used according to the recommended incubation time, duration and temperature on the same isolates. RESULTS: Out of 62 isolates of S. aureus, mec-A gene were detected (MRSA) in 32, whereas 30 were mec-A gene negative (MSSA). Cefoxitin disc and agar screening plate correctly identify all MRSA isolates with the sensitivity and specificity of 100%. Single isolate was false, positively detected as sensitive with Oxacillin 1microg disc, due to which, the sensitivity and negative predictive value of this method were reduced to 96.9% and 96.8% respectively, while positive predictive value and specificity remained 100%. CONCLUSION: Comparing different phenotypic methods for MRSA screening in routine microbiology laboratory, Cefoxitin disc and Oxacillin agar screening has better sensitivity and specificity comparative to Oxacillin disc. However, Cefoxitin disc can be preferred especially for small laboratories because it is easy to perform, do not require special technique and media preparation is consequently more cost-effective

    Status of Bombay duck Harpodon nehereus (Ham.) resource off Saurashtra coast

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    The Bombay duck Harpodon nehereus (Ham.)landings along the Saurashtra coast showed a declining trend with an average catch of 32 645 tomestyear during 1984-89. Basic food consisted of its own young ones, Acetes spp., Nematopalaemon tenuipes. The species breed throughout the year with peaks during December- January and June. The size at firstmtudtywas 232.5 mm.Individual fish spawned once a year and fecundity varied between 17 075 and 79 631. Average fecundity was 340 ovalg body weight. The growth parameters L_and K wereestimated.The fishing mofity coefficient (F)for the period was 1.009 while natural morWty was 1.535. The MSY was estimated as 34 668 at F, 1.1 19