12 research outputs found


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    Extracting minerals by the open method leads to the removal of the rocks to the surface which significantly disturbs natural processes in biogeocoenoses. After remediation activities anthropogenic biogeocoenoses are formed. In this biogeocoenosis on the rocks man-made soils are formed under the influence of environmental factors. Such man-made soils are called technozems

    Екологічний аспект просторової неоднорідності едафотопів техногенного походження

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    The dynamics of spatial heterogeneity of the pedozem site reclamation of the Nikopol manganese ore basin in Ordzhonikidze has been studied in terms of hardness. The ecomorphic analysis of vegetation of the section has been spent. The ordination of data of soil hardness has been realized by non-metric multidimensional scaling. The three-dimensional variant of multidimensional scaling has been applied. The types of distribution of hardness in the profile typical of studied soil have been distinguished. The relationship of varying the hardness of the soil and environmental factors has been set using phytoindicative scales. For receipt most rank correlation has been used matrix based on distance the Chao with indicators pre-standardized to the range 0-1. It was established that factors forming the first coordination axis of environmental space is change the hardness of the soil, depending on the depth of the soil layer. There is interconnected opposite dynamics of soil hardness in layers of 30 cm below the profile with indicators of layers lying above the selected block. The scales of hydromorph, solt regime, such a structure of the soil, when there are there are significant differences in the hardness of the soil above and below the level of 25 cm from the surface with the most significant values of the hardness of the surface layer determine the second dimension. The highest value in the formation of the third dimension by the predictor has scale of light. In the latter case, the hardness of the soil at 10–35 cm depth profile will be different from surrounding. Using the technique of spatial data analysis (PCNM) has been highlighted the spatial structure at different scale levels and defined processes their underlying. It was established the trophic of soil is important for the formation of large-scale components of soil heterogeneity. The inhomogeneities of detailed scale mark by salt soil regime, its acidity, content of digestible nitrogen forms, mode lighting and presence in the group of plant different gigromorfes.Досліджено динаміку просторової неоднорідності педозему ділянки рекультивації Нікопольського марганцеворудного басейну в м Орджонікідзе за показниками твердості. Проведено екоморфічний аналіз рослинності ділянки. Методом неметричного багатовимірного шкалювання здійснено ординацію даних твердості ґрунту. Застосовано тривимірний варіант багатовимірного шкалювання. Виділено характерні для вивченого ґрунту типи розподілу твердості за профілем. Взаємозв’язок варіювання твердості ґрунту й факторів навколишнього середовища встановлено при використанні фітоіндікаційних шкал. За допомогою техніки просторового аналізу даних (PCNM) виділено просторові структури на різних масштабних рівнях і визначено процеси, що лежать у їх основі

    Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Soil Penetration Resistance of Recultivated Soil

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    This article examines changes in the spatial distribution of soil penetration resistance in ordinary chernozem (Calcic Chernozem) and in the recultivated soil in 2012 and 2014. The measurements were carried out in the field using an Eijkelkamp penetrometer on a regular grid. The depth of measurement was 50 cm, the interval was 5 cm. The indices of variation of soil penetration resistance in space and time have been determined. The degree of spatial dependence of soil penetration resistance has been determined layer by layer. The nature of temporal dynamics of soil penetration resistance of chernozem and technical soil has been described. A significant positive relationship of the structure of chernozem in the two years of the research has been shown. Significant correlations between the data of different years in the technical soil were found to be mostly negative

    Diversity, dynamics and ecological analysis of flora of reclaimed soil

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    The flora of vegetation cover of sod-lithogenic soil on loess loams was studied at a reclaimed site in the Nikopol manganese-ore basin. The control site is located on the black soil of the steppe area. The species composition of plants was studied in both sites annually for three years. Ecological analysis of the flora was carried out according to Raunkiaer’s system of life-forms and Belgard’s system of ecomorphs. It has been established that the floristic composition on the reclaimed site is significantly poorer than that of the steppe site. The reclaimed site was found to be have fewer species and a smaller number of families. The comparative inconstancy and dynamism of floristic composition on reclaimed soil is shown. The reclaimed ecosystem is distinguished by a significant share of the participation of annual and biennial plant forms. This indicates the anthropogenic transformation of the vegetation cover of the reclaimed soil. Also, a distinctive feature of the reclaimed soil flora is the smaller number of ecological groups of species. Such groups are united according to the ecological optimum to one of the environmental parameters

    Soil heterogeneity after recultivation: ecological aspect

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    The study subject was the soil heterogeneity at a recultivation site Nikopol manganese-ore basin (Pokrov, Ukraine). The soils at the locality are sod lithogenic soils developed on gray-green clays. The study ran by applying soil penetration resistance indices. The penetration resistance was measured across a regular grid of 7 × 15 points (21 × 45 m). The distance between the measurement points was 3 m. The parameters were recorded at every 5 cm to a depth of 50 cm. The environmental parameters were determined by phytoindication. Geostatistical analysis showed the average level of spatial dependence of soil penetration resistance. According to the features of the profile variation in penetration resistance with the depth, the measurement points have been divided into three clusters. The clusters formed morphologically homogeneous soil areas. These areas significantly differed in their soil acidity and in nitrogen content in soil

    Phylogenetic Diversity of Plant Metacommunity of the Dnieper River Arena Terrace Within the ‘Dnieper-Orilskiy ’ Nature Reserve

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    This article presents the features of the phylogenetic organization of the plant communities of the Dnieper River terrace within the ‘Dnieper-Orilskiy’ Nature Reserve and the patterns of its spatial variation involving remote sensing data of the Earth’s surface. The research materials were collected in the period 2012−2016 from within the nature reserve. The research polygon is within the first terrace (arena) of the Dnieper valley. Sandy steppe, meadow, forest and marsh communities within the Protoch river floodplain and the Orlova ravine, as well as artificial pine plantations were the habitats present within the research polygon. The vegetation description was carried out on 10×10 m (100 m2) plots. A total of 94 geobotanical descriptions were made. Data on plant phylogeny was obtained by the Phylomatic service. Phylogenetic diversity of the communities was assessed by the Faith, Simpson and Shannon indices. Phylogenetic analysis was performed by means of a double principal coordinate analysis (DPCoA). The vegetation cover within the investigated polygon was represented by 189 species. Abundance Phylogenetic Deviation (APD) for the investigated metacommunity was evaluated to −0.53, which is statistically significantly different from random alternatives (p = 0.001). The APD negative value indicates that phylogenetic organization of the investigated metacommunity is overdispersed. The permutation procedure allowed us to establish that the eigenvalues of the DPCoA-axes obtained as a result of the real phylogenetic tree were significantly higher than their own number for the random phylogenetic trees for the first seven axes. This indicates that the first seven axes are useful for additional information on the ordination structure of the metacommunity

    Phenolic complex of red wine materials from grapes growing in the Crimea

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    The research work presents the results of studies of the composition of anthocyanins, monomeric forms of phenolic substances, oligomeric procyanidins, polymer forms of phenolic substances in wine materials Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, Petit Verdot, Sangiovese, Marcelan obtained from grapes growing in the Crimea. It was found that the main coloring material in the wine materials under study was malvidin-3-O-glycoside. The proportion of this compound ranged from 42.9% to 54.3% in the total of all anthocyanins. The highest mass concentrations of oxybenzoic and hydroxycinnamic acids are determined in the wine material Marcelan. In the Sangiovese wine material, the highest concentrations of flavan-3-ols are determined. Mass concentrations of quercetin-3-O-glucoside in the test samples were 4-17 mg/dm3; quercetin - 1-7 mg/dm3. Mass concentrations of oligomeric procyanidins were in the range of 106-240 mg/dm3 and the highest value was determined in the wine material Marcelan, the lowest Cabernet Sauvignon. Mass concentrations of polymer forms of phenolic substances amounted to 1487-2998 mg/dm3

    Improving the range of industrial plantings of grapes due to introduced clones

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    Studies have shown that the clone of the Chardonnay R-10 against the background of the standard variety is characterized by higher agrobiological indicators: fruit bearing coefficient, average cluster weight, the yield from the bush exceeds the control by 1.3 times. The shoot productivity in the wet mass of the bunch in the clone of the Chardonnay R10 variety is characterized as “high”. The clone of the Sauvignon green R-3 variety showed high shoot fertility, the average mass of the bunch in the clone reaches 165.3 ± 2.2 g, exceeding the control 1.15 times, the yield from the bush reaches 4.02 ± 0.1 kg, exceeding the standard grade by 1 kg. The shoot productivity in the wet mass of the bunch is characterized as “high”. The average weight of a bunch in a clone of Muscat white R-3 variety reaches 275.3 ± 2.03 g, which is 95 grams more than the control (180.0 ± 3.2 g). The yield from the bush is 4.49 ± 0.2 kg, exceeding the standard variety by 1.7 times. The productivity of the shoot is characterized as “very high.” The degree of variation of characters in clone populations of the Chardonnay varieties R-10 (V = 2.4-9.8%), Sauvignon green R-3 (V = 1.88.7%), White Muscat R-3 (V = 1.2–9.3%) are characterized as weak, which indicates the genetic homogeneity of the studied clone populations under specific growing conditions. Technological evaluation showed that wine materials produced from introduced Chardonnay R-10 clones, Sauvignon green R-3 and White Muscat R-3 excel in quality indicators wine materials produced from standard varieties

    Introduced clones of red grape varieties perspective for the Crimea

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    The research has shown that clones of the Cabernet Sauvignon variety R-5 and R-8 are distinguished by higher rates of fruiting. The average bunch weight in clones reaches 188.7 ± 0.02 g (R-5) and 177.3 ± 2.6 g (R-8), exceeding the control. The yield per bush is on average 5.34 ± 0.21 kg and 4.25 ± 0.07 kg, exceeding the control by 1.54 - 1.23 times. Shoot productivity in terms of bunch wet weight in the Cabernet-Sauvignon R-5 clone is characterized as “high”. The clone of the Merlot R-3 variety has a high fruiting coefficient and a high fertility coefficient. The bunch weight of the clone reaches an average of 227.6 ± 4.3 g, the yield per bush is 6.3 ± 0.1 kg, exceeding the control. Shoot productivity in terms of bunch wet weight in the Merlot R-3 clone is characterized as “very high", in the control it is “high”. The clone of the variety Bastardo Magarachsky VCR-1 has a higher fruiting coefficient than in the control. The average weight of a bunch of a clone reaches 247.7 ± 1.4 g and exceeds the control (186.3 ± 9.14 g). The yield per bush is within 4.62 ± 0.2 kg, exceeding the standard variety by 0.85 kg. Shoot productivity in terms of bunch wet weight in Bastardo Magarachsky VCR-1 clone is characterized as “very high", in control this indicator is defined as “high”. The degree of variability of most traits in populations of standard varieties is characterized as average, which indicates the heterogeneity of the population and the possibility of further identification of new biotypes. According to the technological assessment, the indicators of wine materials in terms of physicochemical and organoleptic indicators, the introduced clones of the studied varieties were superior to the control varieties. In terms of the volume fraction of ethyl alcohol, mass concentration of volatile and titratable acids, all wine materials met the requirements of regulatory documents. Tasting scores of Cabernet Sauvignon wine materials were 7.7-7.9 points. The highest marks were obtained for the sample generated from clone R-8. Wine materials produced from the Merlot variety were noted as high quality, with pronounced varietal characteristics